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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Keywestgirl

  1. Keywestgirl

    Feel Like a Sell Out!

    Melting mama's You Tube video about the bypass is AWESOME. I am so glad I chose the band. I have met a few women that had bypass and they are still miserable. Good Luck with your decision.
  2. Keywestgirl

    Come out of the band failure closet!

    Asking if I eat sweets was the first question my doctor even asked me on my first visit. The psych eval or nutritionist didn't cover this either? That's awful. But as Jachut has stated- exercise is vital to any diet at no matter what age. You just got to move at least an hour a day. My father was in his 70's and bought a stationary bike and put it in front of a TV and he knocked out 10 miles a day while watching his favorite show. He had a ton of health problems along with rheumathoid arthritis. an exercise bike just isn't so jarring to the joints. And if you have ever been to a YMCA, I did aqua aerobics. Nobody cares what anyone looks like. We are all there for a reason. I am 3 weeks post op and am going to return to the Jenny Craig program. I lost 2-4 pounds weekly over a year ago. I quit when my father became ill a year ago. When he died last year, I had regained about 40 pounds. Dieting and exercise is not the problem for me, it is maintaining the loss. The minute I stop doing what I am doing, it creeps on so much faster than it comes off. That diet actually had really good food and you could have one of their sweets (desserts) each night. It was a small portion but nonetheless, you didn't really feel as if you were missing out. W/W is okay but too much having to figure out the points in everything I ate. I would exercise to work off 3 points just so I could use the points to eat something. Crazy..... I know. Set your goals small. One pound a week is over 50 pounds a year. You are stronger than you think you are.:tt1:
  3. Keywestgirl

    Nationals Bound

    That sounds sooo fun. Have a safe wonderful trip. Good Luck Piper!! Oh FYI, some really awesome but pricy I think, shoes for running/walking is made by saucony. I bought a pair and never had a blister issue. They are just a wonderfully made shoe catered specifically toward running/walking. Look them up online to check it out. Have a good week too.
  4. Keywestgirl

    More than you ever wanted to know about BLISTERS

    Glad you found it. Keep in mind I put athletic tape over the blister bandage. The white clothlike tape athletes wrap their hands and feet in.
  5. Keywestgirl

    I cheated myself!!!

    I lost 12 in the 1st week. I went out and bought a new scale thinkin my old one was broke. It did stall between 2-3 post op. I introduced mushies and reg food , But didn't gain. But what a great incentive right off the bat to get movin. That is awesome water, air whatever. Just so it goes down. Congrats!!!
  6. It is awesome. Half a cup of soup and your stuffed????? Wish it could last. I am three weeks banded yesterday (Friday). I am eating soft to regular foods. My appetite is back with a vengence. The swelling is down and I don't have hardly any restriction like week one and two. Now I am just practicing to chew chew chew and eat small portions. I do get a fill at 6 weeks but it is all about diet and exercise now. It can take a couple fills to get to what they call your sweet spot in restriction. Good Luck.
  7. Keywestgirl

    Am I Alone?????

    I feel your frustration. Like Molly said, its like a skinny girl saying she is fat and weighs like 120. I barely made the BMI allowed to get the surgery. I gained a lot of weight the last year taking care of my dad until he died. I have dieted in the past, WW ,Jen.Craig, phentermine, exercise etc. Weight will drop if you follow those to a T. But it was how quickly I gained it back. I was under so much stress as an only child being a caregiver, single mother of one with no child support and still worked when I could. So to even get a chance to exercise would have been a luxury. So when he passed, I used some money to pay for the band. A life-changing gift that will keep on giving in honor of my father. When I get to goal or anywhere near a healthy weight, I will never get back over 200. I started my surgery with a weight of 222. Always tired, heartburn, weak bladder and a bit of sleep apnea I am sure. So even at 200 for my 5'5 frame, I am miserable. I also work in the medical field and encounter people who can't even afford diabetic supplies and insulin. If I can do everything in my power to prevent diabetes which in my case is preventable, by gosh I am going to do it. My band date is the beginning of my new healthy life. A new energetic happy mom that my son deserves. Good Luck!! Live your best life, we only have one (that I know of). Eternal life with God is a different chapter.
  8. Keywestgirl

    March update

    Its all about you now, Not him. You have been given a great gift and possibility for a fantastic healthy future. Think of each mile you walk or run as one more mile closer to your freedom and happiness. Even if you don't make it to the gym just keep active for at least an hour a day. Hang in there.
  9. Keywestgirl

    Completely Unfilled

    Wow Susan. The slippage went back to position without surgical intervention. You are so lucky. I have read about some unlucky band slippages. That is awesome!!!!
  10. Keywestgirl

    April Running-Weight Totals!

    Thanks MamaK and Neato. I got the ticker workin!! Lost 10 pounds. 12 really but gained 2 back when I started mushies. Keep it up.
  11. Keywestgirl

    April Running-Weight Totals!

    Thaks for asking that Neato. Feelin kinda challenged here myself. Lost 10 pounds. Banded 2 1/2 weeks ago.
  12. I lost 12 pounds in a week and a half post op. I am now almost 3 weeks banded. I started mushy and totally chewed regular foods. I have not lost anything, but gained 2 back. That time of the month may have something to do with that gain, especially since I am not eating soup and broth daily like I was the first 2 weeks. I am going to start walking more now that the weather is getting nicer. I was hoping the weight would keep falling like that but I didn't have that high of a BMI when I started. I also need to up my protein, which I have been reading a lot about. Also I am a bad water drinker, need to increase that. I do notice now that even though I have nothing in my band til my first fill, I can only eat a quarter of what I used to. Now that is amazing in itself. Be patient. It can take many fills, especially in the newer bands to find that perfect but not unhealthy restriction. Good Luck.
  13. Keywestgirl

    Anyone Else Fight This Feeling ?

    Most of my friends and co-workers know about my surgery. I should have waited, I think, to say anything because I think they were expecting me to look drastically different right away or maybe that is what I think they are thinking. Oh well. But in a way it is a nice pressure or motivator for me to keep on a diet and exercise regimen. I am tired of being a failure at every diet plan that I have taken on. I am so thrilled to have the band and restriction to help with maintenance when I achieve a healthy or goal weight. Instead of telling people u had surgery and u are out eating, just tell people your stomach is hurting a bit. That is a perfect excuse to you not eating or drinking very much. Maybe change some of your social gatherings with friends to something active like the gym or walking a park, or go somewhere that you can do other things- not just eating....like a comedy club, casino/nightclub or horse races. I live in Saint Louis temporarily for business so we have tons of casinos and clubs. It keeps the mind off eating. Good Luck, the band is a great decision.
  14. Keywestgirl

    Made it on TV!

    holy cow!!! there is 3 posts. LOL If u can delete 2 of them go ahead.
  15. Keywestgirl

    Made it on TV!

    oooopppppsss sorry about the double post. How did that happen?
  16. Keywestgirl

    Made it on TV!

    he he No kidding zap away. I wanna say they are gel like bandaids to cushion the blister, by bandaid brand, I got them at walgreens if walmart doesn't have them. Then just look for athletic tape to cover it. My ex- husband fell off the treadmill watching TV one time at the YMCA. Was the funniest damn thing. I couldn't help but to laugh. He was so goofy. I know I am lost on Tuesday nights now. It was inspirational for sure. Can you believe the winner? She is like my new idol. She looks awesome. A little too thin but healthy and happy none the less. I can lose weight with plans like W/W and Jenny Craig but the minute I go off I gain back and then some. This time I am excited to have restriction on my side; especially to help with maintenance.
  17. Keywestgirl

    Made it on TV!

    he he No kidding zap away. I wanna say they are gel like bandaids to cushion the blister, by bandaid brand, I got them at walgreens if walmart doesn't have them. Then just look for athletic tape to cover it. My ex- husband fell off the treadmill watching TV one time at the YMCA. Was the funniest damn thing. I couldn't help but to laugh. He was so goofy. I know I am lost on Tuesday nights now. It was inspirational for sure. Can you believe the winner? She is like my new idol. She looks awesome. A little too thin but healthy and happy none the less. I can lose weight with plans like W/W and Jenny Craig but the minute I go off I gain back and then some. This time I am excited to have restriction on my side; especially to help with maintenance.
  18. Keywestgirl

    Bands for BMI < 40

    I was 222 lbs and 5'5 when banded 2 weeks ago last Friday. I lost 10 pounds instantly. However I know I have to diet and exercise as before. I just know this time when I do reach goal or close to it the band and restriction will help with maintenance. Before when I go off a diet such as W/W or Jenny Craig I gain it back so easy.
  19. Keywestgirl

    If I couldn't lose before???

    Unfortunately you do have to make changes. I am 2 weeks banded. I started out at 222 pounds, 5'5. The first 10 pounds fell off fast. But in the last few days my weight loss stalled, probably because of starting regular foods and chewing things up like crazy to get it down. Yes I eat sooooooo much less than I used too but I think from now on I have to watch the calorie intake and definitely start exercising. It is not a quick fix. You do have to work at this one. I thought I would lose quite a bit more than I have. It is disheartening because I hear of people losing 20+ pounds in the first 2 weeks....Not me. My BMI was barely able to get the band. I notice people with higher BMIs lose more instantly. The band will be a good tool in restricting you and for maintaining when you WORK to your goal weight. But the key is that you do have to Work at it. The bad foods can sometimes be the easiest to go down. Chocolate melts, and sweets can go right through that band which will hinder your weight loss. So really think whether you are willing to make some lifestyle changes to optimize the benefits of the band. It is not as easy as you may think. But just think how sad you will feel years later when you look back and see all the things you didn't do because of your weight now holding you back. Age 30(ish) is awesome. Now is the best time to start living your best life. That band is a good constant reminder. Good Luck.
  20. Keywestgirl

    Anyone Else Fight This Feeling ?

    I am in week 3 post-op. I lost between 10-12 pounds in the first week in a half. I am kinda disheartenedit has hit a standstill the past 3 days. I have already introduced regular foods just chew chew chewing away. Had a few uncomfortable lump in the chest moments but as you said, your body just wants to keep eating. We are so used to it. I am Linus without a blanket. It is amazing to go somewhere you used to eat and eat maybe just a quarter to half of what we use to. Not even including having an appetizer. I was sitting across from my boyfriend watching him eat one day while I had my soup last week. I was kinda in mourning while he was as happy as a clam. As sad as it is tough, I don't want to be 5-10 years from now thinking how sad it is that I didn't do something I really wanted to because of my weigh holding me back. I work in the medical field and I encounter diabetic people all the time. And by golly if I can do something to prevent that ever being an issue in my life, this is the time to do it. I see people spend hundreds a month on insulin, and testing supplies that insurance doesn't cover. I would much rather spend that money on a cruise or sweet vacation every year. I guess the easy pounds fell off and from now on I have to work hard at it. Hang in there. Have a good week!!! Alice
  21. Keywestgirl

    Made it on TV!

    You are so cute. I do like McCain though. Right now I think I would vote for Elmo if he could lower the price of gas. good grief, everytime I buy a new car which tends to guzzle gas, it totally goes up over 50 cents and never comes back down. Those Vespa scooters are kinda looking tempting. Just gotta lose some weight so I look good riding on one.:rolleyes2: I am seriously giving thought to a bodybugg thanks to you. I remember seeing them on the biggest loser- this past couples show and never gave it much thought. I just thought they would be outlandishly high so never investigated it. Hey just FYI, when I get blisters, I bought those blister bandaids which kinda cushion it and then cover that with a clothlike sports tape. I would run or walk for over an hour and couldn't feel any pain. I just leave it open to air and wear sandals when not working out. Have a good week!!!
  22. Keywestgirl

    Made it on TV!

    Those are two awesome women. Did you see Jenna on Oprah. She was a teacher over in Africa I think it was. I have to bite my tongue when it comes to her father though. I know I know, I will be nice, you did say you are Republican. You sound so motivated. You are kind of inspiring me you know. I am 2 weeks post op today and have lost 10 pounds. Well teetering between 9-10. I have fallen off the soup wagon and went straight to mushy and solid foods. I am 5'5 and the day of surgery was 222 pounds. But that was like 3-4 days ago. I think PMS and my body is retaliating and holding onto every pound I have, kinda thinking I am in starvation mode. So I think this weekend I am going to do at least an hour of walking or physical activity to get moving. It is kinda disheartening though reading how some people are like down 20+ pounds a week or so later after surgery. I am like WHAT???? But being that I barely made the BMI to get surgery tells me putting up huge numbers isn't going to happen. The people who lost a lot was at BMIs of 40+. who knows. Looks like I am gonna have to work hard until my fills.
  23. Hello I read one of your comments to a post. You said Smoothie King Gladiator Low carb meal replacement. What is Smoothie King, where do u get it? Can it be bought online? That is an awesome amount of protein. Thanks

  24. :blushing: I had Lap Band surgery Fri Apr 18th. It will be 2 weeks on Friday. Holy cow. I am already starting to eat regular foods. I chew chew chew really good and the good news is that I get full sooo QUICK, I am just afraid. I know I am still healing and scar tissue is forming. I haven't gotten sick or thrown up which I know is a huge deal not to do at least in the first 2 months. Has anyone else indulged too soon post-op? Was your doctor totally upset? Is anyone out there that had band slippage or had the top part of their pouch stretched out. I feel so disappointed with myself. I was doing well. I was down 10 pounds just one week after surgery. I guess this is the kind of selfishness is what got me to be overweight in the first place. Is there anyone else out there like me?
  25. :crying: I had lapband surgery Fri Apr 18th. It will be 2 weeks on Friday. Holy cow. I am already starting to eat regular foods. I chew chew chew really good and the good news is that I get full sooo QUICK, I am just afraid. I know I am still healing and scar tissue is forming. I haven't gotten sick or thrown up which I know is a huge deal not to do at least in the first 2 months. Has anyone else indulged too soon post-op? Was your doctor totally upset? Is anyone out there that had band slippage or had the top part of their pouch stretched out. I feel so disappointed with myself. I was doing well. I was down 10 pounds just one week after surgery. I guess this is the kind of selfishness is what got me to be overweight in the first place. Is there anyone else out there like me?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
