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    Maria922@comcast.net reacted to acuri08 in Gastric Bypass Surgery Ruined My Life   
    I just want to thank every one here for there support. As of Thursday evening my story has completely changed. I will post a copy on this topic.
    I'm almost afraid to say it, but at the same time I feel like I need to go outside and shout it from the roof tops! I feel amazing! I am an entirely new person. These first two months from surgery have been the most trying time in my entire life. Most days I couldn't get out of bed, and I wanted nothing more than to lay there and die. I struggled for the first month with muscle pain so severe I couldn't move. After that I struggled debilitating nausea. It got so bad that I hadn't eaten in over a month. On the rare occasion I would try the food would come right back up. Early last week it got so bad that I could no longer keep down Water. At this point I had been in the hospital 5 times for dehydration and different tests. I was taking protonix, Zofran, scopolamine Patches, Reglan, and I was wearing sea bands for motion sickness. None of these things could even take the edge off my nausea. My CT and my Upper GI were clear. My surgeons team kept telling me jit was all in my head. I was so severely depressed and felt like I had no where to go. I was beginning my surgeon for an EDG and she was refusing to give me one. After being unable to keep Water down for two days I went back to the ER and finally demanded I get the care I deserved. I was not going to leave there without answers. I was immediately admitted upon arrival where they found that my potassium levels were dangerously low. Lower than they have ever seen. I was given 6 bags of potassium and countless bags of Fluid to clear the dehydration. I also demanded the do the scope. The scope found slight narrowing that was able to be fixed on the spot. I don't know if it's the scope or the fluids, or potassium that cured me, but whatever it was I finally have my life back. I wake up ready to live every single day! I'm taking half the anti depressants I was before. I hated hated hated hated hated hearing people say it gets better. I was so convinced there was no way out for me. I would lay in bed waiting to die. But it got better. It got so much better. I am living breathing proof that it can all change. I encourage anyone struggling the way I did to advocate for themselves, the doctors and surgeons won't do it for you. I still can't say I would do this all over again, currently I am still too traumatized, but I have learned so much from this surgery. I had this surgery for myself and it was like I had forgotten that after surgery. I needed to still be fighting for myself. I know this is long but I just hope my story can help.
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    Maria922@comcast.net reacted to Diana_in_Philly in Doctor vs nutritionist   
    Is it a nutritionist or a registered dietician -- there is a big difference. Does the NUT only see bariatric patients in conjunction with the doc? With my team, the RDs are part of the team along with my surgeon and nurse practitioner. At about 8 weeks out, my team recommended to me that I be at 1,000 calories. I'm almost 9 months out and I still use Protein Shakes for breakfast most mornings because its portable and works with my schedule. I can drink them in the car on the way to work.
    But it is important to get yourself on mostly "normal" foods. Consider adding in an Oikos Triple Zero yogurt (15 grams Protein 120 cal.) as either a morning or afternoon snack. Or some almonds or a cheese stick or two. That might help.
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    Maria922@comcast.net reacted to James Marusek in Doctor vs nutritionist   
    I am not sure what type of surgery you had.
    The three most important elements after RNY gastric bypass surgery are to meet your daily Protein, Fluid and Vitamin requirements. food is secondary because your body is converting your stored fat into the energy that drives your body. Thus you lose weight.
    Weight loss is achieved after surgery through meal volume control. You begin at 2 ounces (1/4 cup) per meal and gradually over the next year and a half increase the volume to 1 cup per meal. With this minuscule amount of food, it is next to impossible to meet your protein daily requirements by food alone, so therefore you need to rely on supplements such as Protein Shakes.
    After surgery, I found that softer foods, such as chili and Soups, went down much easier than harder foods, such as steak and chicken. So therefore, I relied on these. I have included some recipes at the end of the following article. http://www.breadandbutterscience.com/Surgery.pdf
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    Maria922@comcast.net reacted to Cindy757 in Hair question   
    I’ve know we were bound to lose hair because we’re not getting enough nutrients and I’ve been losing a lot of hair when I brush after I shower I don’t have any bald spots yet from what I noticed but my question here is I always get my hair dyed due to grays will dye force more to fall out should I just skip this treatment?
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    Maria922@comcast.net reacted to mrdr in Going on year 6   
    It is a constant, daily task and adjustment to make. There is no simple guideline or answer. Things change and you have to be able to flow with it. One thing that I have learned is that a good support system is needed so that you aren't on an island completely alone. You will feel that you are on a island alone though!
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    Maria922@comcast.net reacted to Tgrindle in First nights at home   
    Sleeved on 2/14 and tonight is my first night home. Nurse and doctor said it was ok to sleep on side and i tried but could not, sleep on back and woke up in terrible pain , like I stretched out my tummy to much, now in chair waiting for meds to kick in. Any one else have issues sleeping at home the first few nights.

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    Maria922@comcast.net reacted to soready17 in Depression and feelings of giving up   
    I'm not sure why this thread was posted twice but I'd just like to say THANK YOU. I honestly had tears in my eyes reading through all of your kind words of encouragement. This community is so special and understanding. Thank you so much. Your words meant the world to me during that awful emotional time. It take me a lot of time to process my emotions which is why I just now responded....well that and life/home/children/spouse/work etc etc. I truly appreciate all the advice and will definetly read up on the brain over binge website. I'm still stalled nothing has changed. I've also given up on the no weigh February because It obviously sent me into an emotional tailspin after seeing no progress. Seeing my weight everyday will give me a realistic view on weight loss. Siiiigh

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