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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mrycrltn

  1. mrycrltn

    Question about "Telling People"

    In the beginning, I told my husband and some close friends. It doesn't matter if you tell somebody not to say anything, you know they are. But now, I don't care who knows. I am happy with the results.
  2. mrycrltn

    New here...An intro

    Welcome aboard. I agree with Jack. Look at your last couple of months.
  3. mrycrltn

    newly banded

    Wow you have a low BMI. Welcome aboard. Let us know how you are doing. Everything you talked about sounds normal in the beginning. Just hang in there.
  4. mrycrltn

    PS Pictures

    Those are amazing pictures. HOT HOT HOT
  5. mrycrltn

    Gone for Good Club - April 2006

    Tricia. Wrong name.:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  6. mrycrltn

    Gone for Good Club - April 2006

    Awesome job Trisha!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  7. mrycrltn

    I'm hurting myself

    Vinesqueen, Once agian the most smartest person I have ever met. I love you and what you have to say.
  8. mrycrltn

    Official Spring/Easter Thank You Thread!

    penni this is cute
  9. mrycrltn

    MeganA..Happy Birthday

    Happy B-Day Girl
  10. mrycrltn

    I Made it One Year!!!!

    Congrats.....Awesome job! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  11. mrycrltn

    I have been botoxed....

    Kel, Thanks. I have 25-30 more to go. As much as I have lost, none of it has come out of my boobs. Now believe me when I say my husband is excited about that, but not me. They droop very low, and I am still a 36DD. It is hard to find bra's and shirts that fit. Or swimsuits. You would think losing 31lbs. I would of lost something up top. Anyway, you have got me thinking about that tattooing done in the upper and lower eyelids. Very Interesting. I think I am going to call around and see what it cost. Good luck on your up coming wedding. I'm with you, get as much as you can now, your going to look awesome on that special day. People you haven't seen in awhile are going to be shocked.
  12. mrycrltn

    I have been botoxed....

    You can tell the difference. Awesome. OMG it is getting hot here. I guess we are on two different sides of the earth. Let me ask you one thing......Are you getting tired of all the pain, or are you just trying to knock it out all at once? I would want it all done at once if I could. Think about it. Show up for surgery first hing in the morning, get the band done first, then the tt and boob lift, Lipo next on my thighs and arms, and then work on my face. Next thing you know, I wake up, and a couple of weeks later I look like a million dollars. OK OK I'm done dreaming now. Back to work.
  13. mrycrltn

    I have been botoxed....

    Kel, You should be so proud of yourself. You are going to look HOT this summer. I wouldn't mind getting a tt and boob lift. Oh well, it's in the future.
  14. mrycrltn

    What size do you want to be?

    I'm with Carlene. I'm a size 8 now. I can't wait to get into a size 6. But, my goal is a size 4. That seems a long way away.
  15. mrycrltn

    Happy Birthday ~ ~ ZOE ~ ~

    Happy B-Day!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. mrycrltn


    Do it... Your never to old for this. Best wishes!!!!!
  17. mrycrltn

    Tomorrow is the Day!

    Welcome to bandland. Best wishes to you. Let us know how it goes. Sweet Dreams!!!!!!!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  18. mrycrltn

    Is this tax deductible

    Do it. I got back a load in 2005. Yes you can!!!!!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  19. mrycrltn


    First off, Congrats on your band. Welcome to bandland. I felt the same way in the beginning. Just eat when your stomach starts to growl. Ignore the head hunger. You will get use to it.
  20. mrycrltn

    newbie here

    Welcome aboard. You have found a great site.
  21. mrycrltn

    Met DH birth mom this week

    Great thread Shanna. I am happy for your husband, it is neat. I am also adopted. I have known my whole life. It really didn't make a difference till I got pregant with my first son. Then all these feeling just came rushing through my head like how can you just give away your baby. Well, I got curious and went searching. I found my birth mother first, which worked out great because she was just diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. She did remember me, and told me the whole story. I was so excited to have met her. She died a few years after that meeting. Then I met my birth father and I didn't like him. Everything she said about him was so true. I am blessed to be adopted. I have a wonderful mother and father. And you just couldn't ask for a better set of parents. They have always been open with me and supportive of anything I wanted to do in looking for my birth parents. My older brother is adopted and never wants to search for his side of the family. Which is fine. He is happy also with his life. When I met my birth mother and her husband it was awesome to find out she had four more boys, and no girls. So she was excited about me. I met her whole family, and loved them. When she passed away, I kept in contact with her husband, but after last year with the hurricane in Louisanna, I have lost that contact. I guess they have moved on. But, to make a long story short, it has all been worth it. So good luck to the both of you. It will all be worth it to the both of you also. Let us know how it continues to work out.
  22. mrycrltn

    Gone for Good Club - April 2006

    Everybody is doing great. Keep up the good job. 158 (-2) this week
  23. mrycrltn

    What is your summer plans

    What is everybody doing for fun this summer besides Lisa's party? I am looking for idea's. I am taking a cruise in June for a week. But, I want some other small, cheaper idea's.
  24. Just bumping this. Come on people. It's not Vegas, but I'm sure we will have fun. Is anybody up for the clothing exchange? I just gave a ton away, but it was just to ny neighbor across the street, so I know she can't where them all. Hey, do we also need a theme?

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