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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    rs reacted to Browngirls21 in Can we talk about staying hydrated?   
    I am almost 4 weeks out from surgery and never hit my Protein or Water intake goals. I try hard but just can not do it. Have had it get fluids once but hoping to not do that again.
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    rs reacted to Orchids&Dragons in For all who need a kick up the butt!   
    Great article! This especially:
    I might have to needlepoint a sampler!
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    rs reacted to sassysleever76 in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    I month check in today and .... was taken off THREE medications and cut in HALF THREE more ‼️‼️‼️‼️🏆🏅🙌
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    rs got a reaction from Toca19 in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    I've been using plain Greek yogurt in place of sour cream. I'd always heard about doing that but couldn't bear to try it. Well, now post surgery I'm doing it and it's really not bad. It has a similar sour-ish taste but of course more health benefits.
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    rs reacted to karyn2018 in Post op day 2...so glad I took people’s advice on this forum!!!   
    I am so glad I found this forum and took people’s advice. I was scared, anxious, sad, confused before and after surgery but I already knew I was going to feel that way. Lol 😂

    Best advice...
    1)stay on top of pain med routines. DO NOT WAIT!!!
    2) I made sure to ask for anti nausea meds prior to surgery and after. Has saved my life!!!
    3) walking is going to alleviate all the built up gas...so get that ass up and walk lol 😂
    4)forcing myself to stay on schedule with hydration. Whether it’s Water, popsicle, juice, Protein water, Soup. Honestly, it has helped me a whole lot.
    5) my support system. It’s been an emotional rollercoaster but having family and friends that are supportive has really helped. Forget about the judge mental ones. Leave them out of this!

    Just wanted to say thank you to all the people that have shared their stories and reached out to me. I am so grateful that this forum exist. It has really given me a place to feel safe!

  6. Like
    rs got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in Pureed food is awesome!   
    I'm definitely learning that when I eat too fast or too much I have major issues. I really have to pay attention. Interestingly I've found that I start burping when my stomach is done eating. It's nice to have that signal since costly my eyes and brain haven't figured it out yet.
  7. Like
    rs reacted to FluffyChix in Pervy   
    Why does this emoji make me feel like I'm being perved on?

    (It's like hey, whydoncha come up and see me sometime? )
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    rs got a reaction from libbyleeb in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    Congratulations! Big milestone! Good for you!
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    rs reacted to GreenTealael in Non Scale Victories   
    Just tried on a dress that was sized as a med (8/10) and it fit... IDK how but I'll take this win
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    rs reacted to sillykitty in Non Scale Victories   
    I wore heels for 5 hrs today, and had no pain whatsoever. I forgot that was even possible!
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    rs reacted to Frustr8 in Non Scale Victories   
    I have a tiny,one,on the eve of Wonder Wednesday. I no longer have a double chin or chins--
    maybe that is where the 15 pounds I lost in August hung out?
    perhaps a lower case nsv but I will flaunt,it÷👅
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    rs reacted to Frustr8 in New struggles   
    Think I Shall practice a variety.When I finish I shall remove my dentures, put them,to soak with a denture tablet. Rather run around toothless than to binge and snack.< br /> ,

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    rs reacted to NCGIRL88 in Is too fast good or bad?   
    This is a great case of how we all are different in our weight loss journey. So impressed with you. You should be proud. I Celebrate EVERY pound. This is why we simply can't compare our journey with each other. You are doing amazing!!!!
  14. Like
    rs reacted to TakingABreak in Serious Post - Looking for Help   
    You have the capabilities and the knowledge to do better and do right by yourself. Its a hard thing to overcome an addiction or disorder. I see people in your shoes who haven't had surgery, who don't know that they can do this. But you do know you can. You have the tools and the resources.
    No matter what steps we make to become physically healthy, it doesn't matter if we aren't mentally healthy. I urge... urge you to seek professional help. At this point, if you are 80% suicidal, who cares if they admit you? Especially if this is what you need to get better?
    I truly hope you get the help you need. Please reach out to anyone, a friend, a support line, family... literally anyone if those thoughts become too overwhelming.
    You are worth the effort. You deserve a chance to be happy again.
  15. Like
    rs reacted to YeahOkay31 in Serious Post - Looking for Help   
    The world has lied to you. They told you that being fat is the worst thing in the world. Not being mean, or a bully, an elitist, a miser, materialist---none of these are as bad as being fat. Think about that. Think about that complete and utter BS the world has fed you. They shoved it down your throat, and now the thread of thought is in you and it is poisoning you.
    Right now, craziikid, this is your real problem, not your weight. If you don't learn to value yourself for more than what you look like you are never going to get out of the fog. Listen to your man, look at your successes. Despite the world telling you that you will never achieve anything or have people who want to be by your side, you do and you have. Yay, you are fat, but you are worthy as any other f*ck out there. That is the real truth--but they don't want you to know that, because how else are they going to sell you their diet pills, how else are they going to make themselves feel superior? Being thin is all a lot of being got. You got a whole lot more. You know you do.
    I hate to go all body positive on you, but that is what you need right now, to give a big old middle finger to society and be fricking happy, girl. I don't mean to simplified it, but being happy is sometimes a choice--take it from one sick mind to another (read my profile if you want details). Then, when you are at that good place, if you want to get back on the dieting horse, do it, but do it for your health. Not for some made up, manufactured ideal of what a person should be.
  16. Like
    rs reacted to FluffyChix in Serious Post - Looking for Help   
    Ok, so I hear you and acknowledge where you are and your fears. I just want to say right now, you may not know it or feel it, but YOU are in control and CAN command your inner voice(s) that send sucky messages to you and lie to you. You CAN tell that little persistent voice of fear inside of you to STFU and take a back seat.
    I just want to encourage you, that sometimes it seems darkest before the dawn of a major break through. Sometimes, getting help is actually the most courageous thing you can do. Please, PLEASE reach out to a licensed professional who is trained in helping people. You are NOT doomed to live your life obese. You aren't. That's a lie the self-hatred inside is telling you.
    It is possible to turn this around and get to the bottom of your eating issues with help and a support system. It's OK, if you are admitted to a hospital. It won't be forever, just a short time so you can get intensive help and they can help you arrange for a long-term support system and counseling back in your everyday life. There is ZERO shame in this or in asking/needing help. There just isn't hon.
    Please call those numbers. Please?!
  17. Like
    rs got a reaction from FluffyChix in Serious Post - Looking for Help   
    Take a moment to re-read the words of@pisces2j7. I echo every sentiment written.
  18. Like
    rs got a reaction from FluffyChix in Serious Post - Looking for Help   
    Your are strong and smart to reach out for help. Please call 1-800-273-8255, available 24 hours everyday. I see they have chat available 24/7. http://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat
    Please contact them for some guidance. We're also here for you. Please continue to check in here. You are not alone.
  19. Like
    rs reacted to GreenTealael in Serious Post - Looking for Help   
    I'd rather die than be fat sounds like a bigger problem than can be addressed here, please take care of yourself. Seek the assistance you need from the appropriate place.
    Stay safe
    Call 1-800-273-8255
    Available 24 hours everyday

  20. Like
    rs reacted to Pisces2j7 in Serious Post - Looking for Help   
    You did it before and can do it again. Just start over and look at what you were eating when you lost weight. Also, you matter and are important. It sounds like you have a great support system. Have you talked to your doctor or NUT? Maybe they can help you get back on track. Maybe talk to a counselor about everything. You’ve got this!
  21. Like
    rs reacted to sassysleever76 in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    Girl, I think I’m becoming a cheese’oholic 🧀🧀🧀🧀
  22. Like
    rs reacted to sharonintx in 5 things I've learned 5 yrs out   
    Hello fellow sleevers. I have been on this site very little in the past couple of years but have logged in today to respond to a question. Since I'm here, I feel obligated to tell you all the things I've learned after 5 years.
    1. The people that told me my approach to living life with the sleeve was all wrong and that I would fail, gain weight in a few years, stretch my sleeve, and regret my actions are mostly gone now. I have seen a couple of them around but the most are long gone. Do not pay much attention to the know-it-alls. They know no more than anyone else and are just as likely to fail.
    2. Obviously you want to follow your Dr's instructions but don't get too hung up on strict rules and diets. If you make reasonable decisions and balance your good and bad food choices, your sleeve will do most of the work for you. I have eaten anything I wanted since day one. I try to pay attention to Protein etc., but I do not deny myself anything. You have the sleeve for a reason. Let it do it's job. Don't force it to hold more than it can and do not deny yourself the things that make you happy. Balance - just do it.
    3. WLS is much more than losing weight. It is getting to the bottom of the issues that cause us to compensate with food in the first place. Pay more attention to your mental well being than the numbers on the scale. Your long term success depends on it.
    4. Know that even after you reach your goal weight you will still be the same person with the same insecurities. Being thin changes nothing. If you did it for health reasons then hopefully those will no longer be an issue, but the person you are and how you feel inside doesn't change from losing weight. That has to change on the inside. No way around it.
    5. Know that once you have made the necessary changes inside and out there will be some people that don't relate to you the same or just plain don't like you anymore. Also know that what they think is completely irrelevant . Physical and mental changes for the better intimidate those with small minds. Don't give them a second thought.
    Thanks for reading.

  23. Like
    rs got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in Recommended Videos to Keep Your Mind Off Food   
    Baywatch - on Amazon Prime. Zac Efron is a nice distraction from food. And surprisingly I actually thought it was a pretty good movie overall.
  24. Like
    rs got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in Recommended Videos to Keep Your Mind Off Food   
    Baywatch - on Amazon Prime. Zac Efron is a nice distraction from food. And surprisingly I actually thought it was a pretty good movie overall.
  25. Like
    rs reacted to magpie26 in Weight loss with mood stabilizers... post op   
    And if you aren't already, I'd suggest using Baritastic app. Keep track of your food and Water intake so you can see what works and what may make you gain etc. I like it better than my fitness pal

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