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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Haha
    rs got a reaction from FluffyChix in It's LOSE, not LOOSE!   
    Hahaha. Thanks.
  2. Like
    rs reacted to GreenTealael in It's LOSE, not LOOSE!   
    Damn. It's not looze or louge or louve?
  3. Like
    rs reacted to Bryn910 in It's LOSE, not LOOSE!   
    Same thing with people saying their, there & they’re.
    it drives me insane as well but. OT much you can do about it. Some people may have learning disabilities
  4. Like
    rs got a reaction from PaulaB72 in It's LOSE, not LOOSE!   
    Drives me crazy when I see the word LOOSE when it should be LOSE, as in... We "lose" weight. C'mon people, you're smarter than that.
  5. Thanks
    rs got a reaction from sillykitty in Non Scale Victories   
    Wow!! So brave to wear white pants! And they look fantastic on you!! And that top, color and style is beautiful! Excited for you!!
  6. Like
    rs got a reaction from PaulaB72 in It's LOSE, not LOOSE!   
    Drives me crazy when I see the word LOOSE when it should be LOSE, as in... We "lose" weight. C'mon people, you're smarter than that.
  7. Like
    rs reacted to Frustr8 in It's LOSE, not LOOSE!   
    My late husband kept mixing up Moot and Mute. After hearing this for the eleventeeth time, I snapped. I said if " it were really mute, you would have shut about it before now!"
  8. Like
    rs reacted to elcee in It's LOSE, not LOOSE!   
    Correct but in the big scheme of things spelling and grammatical errors are the least of our worries.
    Dont forget that after you lose weight you may be left with loose skin. I have also heard that for some their stools may be loose. Let’s just keep sight of the big picture and stay on track to lose weight and not lose our marbles and try not to end up with loose morals!

  9. Like
    rs reacted to Oct517 in It's LOSE, not LOOSE!   
    Lol. The spelling on this site is horrendous. That's the least of all our worries. Hard to care about spelling when I'm hopped up on pain meds and struggling to drink a bottle of Water.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Like
    rs got a reaction from PaulaB72 in It's LOSE, not LOOSE!   
    Drives me crazy when I see the word LOOSE when it should be LOSE, as in... We "lose" weight. C'mon people, you're smarter than that.
  11. Like
    rs got a reaction from PaulaB72 in It's LOSE, not LOOSE!   
    Drives me crazy when I see the word LOOSE when it should be LOSE, as in... We "lose" weight. C'mon people, you're smarter than that.
  12. Like
    rs reacted to ShimmyShade in How are you doing?   
    Look them in the eye and just start screaming. Don't stop screaming. As they back away don't break eye contact. The questions will stop then.
  13. Like
    rs reacted to Megan Sadler in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    So I finally got off my butt and did my first workout since the surgery. I’ve been avoiding it idk why— probably because I’m afraid to work out in front of people. So my husband cleared an area for me in my bedroom and got me 5 lb weights. I found a free beginner hiit class on YouTube and I made it though 2/3rds of it. It was hard. But I’m proud of me.
  14. Like
    rs reacted to T in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    Can’t seem to find anything that I want to eat. Since surgery, food just doesn’t taste the same or make me feel the way I use to. I’m not excited about eating anymore. Everything I eat taste uneventful except mthe broiled salmon I make w New Orleans seafood seasoning n olive oil n cream spinach. That’s all that comes close. I use to go out a lot to brunch n dinner w friends for cocktails but not anymore. I have no desire. I have to find some new hobbies. I feel like I’m missing out but am still reminding myself why I had the surgery.
  15. Like
    rs got a reaction from LauriW in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    Congratulations! Big milestone! Good for you!
  16. Like
    rs got a reaction from Kay07 in Onederland Is Amazeballs   
    C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!
  17. Like
    rs reacted to FluffyChix in At what point do you stop counting the months?   
    Wait, whahhhhhhhh?
    I'm 56 and 1/3 years old...just sayin'...hahaha!

  18. Like
    rs reacted to Matt Z in At what point do you stop counting the months?   
    I feel the same way about the babies too and I make sure NOT to do that crap. When my kid was 2... he was 2, not 24 months.
  19. Like
    rs got a reaction from sillykitty in Non Scale Victories   
    Wow! Amazing!!
  20. Thanks
    rs got a reaction from sillykitty in Non Scale Victories   
    Wow!! So brave to wear white pants! And they look fantastic on you!! And that top, color and style is beautiful! Excited for you!!
  21. Like
    rs got a reaction from sillykitty in Non Scale Victories   
    I like it!
  22. Like
    rs got a reaction from sillykitty in Non Scale Victories   
  23. Like
    rs reacted to Ed_NW in Common Courtesy PLEASE   
    Call it karma or whatever you want but this world would be a lot better place if people treated each other the way they want or expect to be treated. Good topic
  24. Like
    rs reacted to Matt Z in Common Courtesy PLEASE   
    Sadly this is the age of the internet... where courtesy doesn't exist (much). I agree with you 100%.
  25. Like
    rs reacted to Wanda247 in Common Courtesy PLEASE   
    Ok...I just need to say this because it bothers me. I've been on Bariatricpal for almost 5 months, I read a lot of posts and I've received a wealth of information here and truly appreciate members taking out time to answer questions, attaching research articles to back up their statements, comforting, encouraging and the list goes on. Some of the people that are asking for help DO NOT EVEN have the decency to respond back to the people that are taking their time out to answer questions, some just post a question and seem to dissapear?? Really. I really don't give advice here because I'm still a work in progress and I am one of those that do ask questions from time to time and I really appreciate each and everyone of you for taking the time out to respond back when you are just as busy as the rest of us are. PLEASE PEOPLE do not just be takers....show your appreciation to the ones responding by at least acknowledging that you did read their response...These are people that have been through the process and understand it!! we are tying to get to where they are.
    I APPRECIATE YOU!! You know who you are

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