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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    rs reacted to ellie123 in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    @frustr8 how are you feeling?? I’m still in England. OMG temptation on everyhand, my will power is being stretched beyond that if Elastigirls! I needed this surgery. Fear of dumping keeps me at bay from the sweets! But without the surgery Sleeve to Bypass, I suddenly realize that with my sleeve not giving me dumping symptoms I would have been eating everything here!!! While here my traveling scales show a 2lb loss... I wonder if I can trust them...I have been eating more and am off the vegan an while here :/. I have discovered these wonderful things called old crackers which are low in sugar but they still have carb ofcourse, however they are whole grains so i use them for comfort with cheese while I’m here as I cannot participate in any of the delicacies that I love so much. Here are some of my meals I’ve fixed at hotel. I do t eat all on the plates...

  2. Like
    rs reacted to Megan Sadler in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    I haven’t tried fish yet. I’m kind of scared. I did figure out I can eat chili cheese dogs and omg it’s so good!! I’m not eating it on a hotdog bun. It’s my homemade chili recipe which has no Beans in it so it’s low carb—1 ballpark brand beef frank with 1/2 cup of my chili and 2 tbsp of cheddar is 6 grams of carbs and 25 grams of protein!! It just takes forever to eat it— and it’s all of 196 calories for the whole thing!!
  3. Like
    rs reacted to iattcom in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    I am at a strange place. I can eat salmon, and tuna as long as they are really moist. However, it seams every time I eat it never fails that I throw up 🤢 within a few hours. I it only happens when I eat fish. I guess I need to stop eating fish. I love it. I can eat it, I just can not keep it down. It took about an hour and a half for it to come up this time, however, it came up.
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    rs reacted to GermanShepherdMama in I Hate Food Sometimes!   
    Ugh. It’s been a several months since I had the local Chinese food and gotten sick, so my brain must’ve forgotten how sick I got last time because I got some tonight for supper.
    ugh. It made me so sick. Why am I such an idiot? Ugh! Dummy!

    Dear future me,
    Should you think Chinese food sounds good...you’re wrong. You’ll end up puking, taking your Zofran, and laying in the tub while hot Water rains down on you until your stomach feels calm enough to lay in bed without wanting to dry heave. This feels terrible, you do not want to feel like this again. Don’t do it, rather don’t EAT it.
    With Love,

  5. Like
    rs reacted to johnsons13 in Still uncomfortable   
    I completely understand struggling more mentally than physically with eating. I eat crap I'm not supposed to because it's easy, it's what my head thinks I want (not need) and I swear at times I'm hungry. It's mostly head hunger. It's just getting my addicted head wrapped around using food for the right purpose. Instead of living to eat, I need to eat to live.

    Matt Z can you explain what you meant about eating, burning, etc. I guess I'm having another blonde moment and it sounds good, but I can't grasp it for whatever reason today.
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    rs reacted to johnsons13 in Post surgery downfall....   
    I am 6 months post op and I slid off for a bit and then I got angry at food for taking over me and being in control over me. I have to put my recovery over drugs/alcohol/food first or I can't be the wife/mom/friend etc. It's crazy living life on life's terms and doing what's right, but I have to be selfish or I can't be there for others.
  7. Like
    rs reacted to Frustr8 in 8 weeks post surgery still nautious   
    well just woke up and taking inventory. Nausea, nope don't think so yet. Went and got some 15 calorie lemonaid, took Azo and Ditropan for cranky spasing bladder, Zofran to calm tummy down so I don't ge5 chest pain from vomiting, Wellbutrin so I don't start swinging from the curtain rods , maybe I'll watch Flea Market Flip, I l8ke Lara Spencer and I like how they turn junk into "junque" and sell it for a big profit! Does make you think NYC people are lushes, they sell a disproportinate amount of wine carts! Maybe they're bought for other uses.
    Lips are cracked, when I was a little Frustr8 I was told that meant insufficent fluids. Yeah once upon a time I wasn't 290 pounds, in fact unti puberty reared its ugly hormone-riddled head on was merely,on the high side of the growth plateau, just looked tall for my age but approximated "normal" But a,lot,of Water under the bridge, 3 tornados, floods and a dorecho, notwithstanding.
    When I was a Girl Scout, back before we all had to be political-correct, offend no one we had a musical pre-food Grace
    God has created a new day-
    Silver and green and gold-
    Live that the sunset may find us -
    Worthy His Gift,to hold.
    And have a shiny new Sunday, get enough Fluid, adequate Protein and just enough calories you don't topple over from light-headed. And keep your weight loss so smooth, you never stall!

  8. Like
    rs reacted to justgrace152 in 8 weeks post surgery still nautious   
    I was having the same issue with being nauseous a few weeks back. Nothing seemed to help, not meds, not cutting dairy, not drinking more Water.
    Turns out, after a meeting with my nutritionist, it’s my new signal that I’m hungry...great.
  9. Like
    rs reacted to Letsgetgoing2018 in 8 weeks post surgery still nautious   
    Same here. Before sleeve I guzzled plain Water. Loved it. After surgery it makes me nauseous. Have to add crystal light.
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    rs reacted to lzucks in 8 weeks post surgery still nautious   
    Water makes me feel nauseous and I loved it before surgery. Gatorade Zero has been a godsend for me. Just thought I’d share that for what it’s worth....
  11. Like
    rs reacted to Frustr8 in Air   
    Yep you're in my neighborhood.🏠🏫🏡 Things have turned sour with my RnY, I can make it to Columbus🏣 NEXT FRIDAY for my EHJ Endoscopy to stretch my pouch opening, but the person who was supposed to take me Tuesday for my surgeon appointment ditched on me, I no longer drive 🚘and Columbus , where everything is, is 50 miles SW 🚧of me. ⚠Even if I had a bicycle🚲 I'd never make it in time. Oh I'm searching but either they turn me down or don't answer. Discouraging to the max.
    Meanwhile, unlike you I burp, belch and puke, my pouch accepts only liquids, 🍶and at that a small amount at a time. Pushing 50 pound weight lost but a dismal way to do it! Am I mad at my surgeon NO--- Sorry for the surgery? Not really-- I just feel like my body🙊 is now defective where when I was still fat and sassy🙉 it was not!😪😥💦
  12. Like
    rs reacted to elcee in "What has changed"   
    I am going to preface this post by saying that everyone on this site has or had an Obesity problem. None of us are perfect. It has been recognised that Obesity is a complex disease and that the solution is a complex one.
    Now one would think that this would be a safe place and a supportive community but so often people come across as "holier than thou". If someone is struggling the finger of blame is pointed at them - it is their fault, it is never the surgery , or the tool. They don't seem to recognise that sometimes what was once thought of as a fabulous new innovation that could help so many people may not be the great solution that it was initially thought to be.
    We get told that "luck" has nothing to do with our success. We also get asked "what has changed" or "what are we doing differently". So that set me thinking about what has changed for me and what I am doing differently.

    I got banded 9 years ago. At that time my daughter was away at uni and my son was still at school. I was working casually - now both kids have left home and I am no longer working. That means less time playing Mum's taxi and less time cleaning the house as it stays a bit tidier so I probably get less incidental exercise.
    When I first got my band I did a Bollywood class once a week. Other than that I did no formal exercise. I still do no formal exercise. I do belong to a bushwalking group and we do a bushwalk every fortnight. At weekends if the weather is nice I try to get out with my husband and or daughter and go for a bushwalk. I recently went on holiday to Vietnam where we spent 2 days trekking. When I'm at home I don't sit watching TV I sit at my sewing machine and am forever getting up and down to the ironing board and back again. I also enjoy taking my camera out and about to new places and taking photos.
    I am older, I have had a hysterectomy and my metabolism has probably slowed down.
    When I got my band I was happy to eat small portions and they would satisfy me. I found it easy to ignore foods such as chocolate . For example a steamed dim sim or a small tin of tuna with a couple of crackers would fill me up for lunch. I couldn't eat raw carrots or celery , corn was a major issue and there have been a number of occasions when I have been stuck on a lettuce leaf. Now I can eat a much bigger portion of tuna, a salad including lettuce, raw carrots and celery and still be hungry.
    If I went out for lunch with friends I might choose cake instead of lunch, these days I try to behave and eat the "proper" food. It is generally a case of either or - I don't do a main and dessert except on rare special occasions.
    When I was first banded reflux wasn't a problem for me. Now I am very sensitive to fills and the teeniest bit too much ( I have hardly any fill in) has me waking up at night choking on acid. The level of fill I have is so negligible that it may as well not be there, it certainly does nothing for my hunger.
    When I first got banded it freed me from the tyranny of trying to work out what diet I should be on. Lo carb, no carb, cabbage Soup etc. Now I am back on that cycle of not knowing what works and what to do to lose the weight.
    But it is not just me that has changed. Research and science has also changed.

    When I got my band I was told that the pouch held the food for 20 minutes or more and that it trickled slowly through to the stomach. We now know that this is not how the band works.
    Surgeons have discovered that bands over time can cause oesophagal failure due to the oesophagus having to work so hard to push food through.
    Research has also shown that consciously or subconsciously people choose softer foods because they are easier to eat. That is a no brainer - if steak won't go down and makes you end up in emergency why would you eat it. But the problem is that those softer foods do not give the same levels of satiety.
    Research has also shown that for the majority of people bands are not a successful long term solution. If a person is one of the minority that is still having long term success then whether they admit to it or not there is a certain amount of luck involved.
    So yes we should all recognise what we are doing right and what we are doing wrong
    but we should also refrain from being so judgemental to others because we are not
    walking in their shoes and we do not know what they are experiencing

  13. Like
    rs reacted to GreenTealael in "What has changed"   
    More kindness and compassion in all aspects of life, it would be so nice.
    Great post.
  14. Like
    rs reacted to FancyChristine15 in It's LOSE, not LOOSE!   
    Ugh! This drives me nuts too!
  15. Like
    rs got a reaction from madscientistmommy in Non Scale Victories   
    Wow! Amazing!!
  16. Like
    rs got a reaction from madscientistmommy in Non Scale Victories   
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    rs got a reaction from FancyChristine15 in It's LOSE, not LOOSE!   
    Drives me crazy when I see the word LOOSE when it should be LOSE, as in... We "lose" weight. C'mon people, you're smarter than that.
  18. Like
    rs got a reaction from Frustr8 in 8 weeks post surgery still nautious   
    I know I'm not drinking enough Water but sometimes the mere thought of it makes me want to throw up. I have tried Crystal light and other liquids but still struggle getting enough down. I will talk to dietician. Thanks.
  19. Sad
    rs got a reaction from Frustr8 in 8 weeks post surgery still nautious   
    Very upset. I'm 8 weeks post surgery and I still get nautious throughout the day. Can't figure out the trigger. Nautious if I don't eat, nautious if I do. I'm fighting back there resentment of having the surgery. Then extra frustrated because what's done is done. Upside of course is the 37 lbs wishes weightloss since pre surgery diet but I don't feel like that outweighs the nausea.
  20. Like
    rs got a reaction from Frustr8 in 8 weeks post surgery still nautious   
    I know I'm not drinking enough Water but sometimes the mere thought of it makes me want to throw up. I have tried Crystal light and other liquids but still struggle getting enough down. I will talk to dietician. Thanks.
  21. Sad
    rs got a reaction from Frustr8 in 8 weeks post surgery still nautious   
    Very upset. I'm 8 weeks post surgery and I still get nautious throughout the day. Can't figure out the trigger. Nautious if I don't eat, nautious if I do. I'm fighting back there resentment of having the surgery. Then extra frustrated because what's done is done. Upside of course is the 37 lbs wishes weightloss since pre surgery diet but I don't feel like that outweighs the nausea.
  22. Like
    rs got a reaction from Kay07 in Onederland Is Amazeballs   
    Cute outfit! Congrats again!
  23. Like
    rs got a reaction from Matt Z in So much insomnia   
    I take Melatonin and it helps
    Nature's Bounty Melatonin 10 mg, 45 Quick Dissolve Tablets https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DP2U1EU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_O1AVBb011MF9M
  24. Like
    rs got a reaction from Matt Z in So much insomnia   
    I take Melatonin and it helps
    Nature's Bounty Melatonin 10 mg, 45 Quick Dissolve Tablets https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DP2U1EU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_O1AVBb011MF9M
  25. Like
    rs reacted to sideeye in Non Scale Victories   
    I found a pair of jeans in my closet - size 14, still in the plastic wrap. They fit. I’ve worn them at a conference all week and they look f**king amazing. Yes, Spanx are still in play to control the muffin top effect, but I look leggy and well put together and people’s reaction is significant.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
