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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    rs reacted to GreenTealael in Unflavored protein powder - mix with what?   
    Early out:
    pudding, yogurt, cottage cheese, ricotta bake, mashed potatoes
    pancakes, shakes, muffins, coffee
    Later on:
  2. Like
    rs reacted to anonbaribabe in Unflavored protein powder - mix with what?   
    I ordered some unflavored Protein recently and haven't received it yet, but when I do I'm planning to use it to make protein Jello and pudding. I've also made pancakes in the past with a banana and 1-2 eggs and think that it would be an easy addition to that recipe.
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    rs reacted to ldawn in Unflavored protein powder - mix with what?   
    Unjuryโ€™s website has a lot of recipes. Check those out.
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    rs reacted to Alex Brecher in Unflavored protein powder - mix with what?   
    I mix unflavored Protein Powder into yogurt or Soup quite often. I personally do not like Unjury and would suggest switching to another Protein powder. We carry many options at https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/protein-powders/flavor_unflavored .
  5. Like
    rs reacted to lulu06 in 2 Days Post Op and Semi Regret My Decision   
    I just finished posting on another thread about being discouraged and still having discomfort and pain when drinking liquids. Thinking maybe I made a mistake having this surgery. Then I see this thread and I read all of the comments and I'm sitting here at 2am smiling and thinking ok maybe not. Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone.
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    rs reacted to FluffyChix in 2 Days Post Op and Semi Regret My Decision   
    Note to self: Remember, "You're sitting in the suck right now!"

  7. Like
    rs reacted to FluffyChix in Merry Christmas! ;)   
    Ha! You're welcome!

  8. Like
    rs reacted to Warren L. Huberman PhD. in You Are NOT What You Eat   
    I spoke to some friends yesterday and asked about their Thanksgiving holiday. Not surprisingly, a few commented that they ate a bit more than they believed they should. One friend commented, โ€œI ate way too much. I felt disgusting. Iโ€™m such a fat pig.โ€

    The intensity of my friendโ€™s comment was striking. As she spoke those words, she was shaking her head from side to side, looking at the ground. The expression on her face was one of disgust and shame. She looked as if she was on the verge of tears. It got me thinking.
    My friendโ€™s comments to herself were very cutting. Acknowledging that she โ€œate too muchโ€ may be a statement of fact. Thanksgiving is infamous for leading us to over indulge. This experience is hardly unique to my friend. It was her comments about feeling โ€œdisgustingโ€ and โ€œa fat pigโ€ that are far more problematic, and likely explain the look of shame and disgust on her face.
    Human beings engage in thousands of different behaviors each day. Eating or overeating is just one of them. No one behavior defines you. Labels like โ€œdisgustingโ€ and โ€œfat pig,โ€ are a whole other matter. Labels are self-statements or beliefs about our overall worth and value. They are snap, global assessments about who we are, not just what we do. Thatโ€™s what makes labels so dangerous. โ€œI ate too muchโ€ becomes โ€œIโ€™m worthlessโ€ in an instant. Labels represent a โ€œfusingโ€ between an arbitrary thought or statements about ourselves (โ€œIโ€™m a fat pigโ€ or โ€œIโ€™m disgustingโ€) and our overall feeling about ourselves. Strong negative feelings such as disgust and shame come from making global statements about who we are as a person.
    Consider the difference between shame and embarrassment. We have all done things that have caused us to be embarrassed. Embarrassment is a feeling about a behavior. If you burp at the Thanksgiving table, youโ€™re embarrassed, but it doesnโ€™t change the way you feel about yourself as a person. Embarrassment is an โ€œoops!โ€ Shame and disgust are a different story. Shame isn't about a behavior. Itโ€™s about you.
    In your efforts to lose weight and keep it off, never lose sight of the fact that your worth as a person is not defined by your weight. Your worth is not dictated by how you ate at a given meal. In fact, your worth is not dictated by what youโ€™ve eaten at all of your meals combined. Remember that old ad campaign that said, โ€œYou are what you eat?โ€ Health wise this may be true. In terms of your worth or value as a human being, itโ€™s nonsense. Ask your friends if the joy you bring to their life goes up or down with your weight. Or if they like you less when you eat more at a meal. Unlikely.
    The language you use when you talk to yourself is very important. If you feel โ€œdisappointedโ€ or โ€œupsetโ€ that you ate too much, thatโ€™s fine. If youโ€™re embarrassed that you had two pieces of pie instead of one thatโ€™s ok too. Just avoid telling yourself that youโ€™re โ€œa fat pigโ€ or โ€œgross.โ€ Itโ€™s actually very simple. Talk to yourself the way you would talk to a friend. Itโ€™s unlikely that you would tell a friend sheโ€™s โ€œdisgusting,โ€ โ€œa fat pig,โ€ or โ€œgross.โ€ You wouldnโ€™t use labels that define your friend based upon how she ate at one meal. You wouldnโ€™t make comments about your friend that made her feel ashamed. Extend yourself the same courtesy.
    Perhaps most importantly, recognize that it is exactly this type of negative self-talk and these feelings of disgust and shame that contribute to more overeating or binge eating. The cycle is familiar. You overeat, you tell yourself that youโ€™re โ€œdisgustingโ€ or โ€œgross,โ€ you feel ashamed, and then you try to cope with these unpleasant feelings by eating. Instead, cut shame off at the pass. Recognize that you have acted in a manner that you want to change, label it appropriately and tell yourself how you plan to address it. For example: โ€œI overate tonight, so I guess Iโ€™ll go for a walk tomorrow morning and take it easy on the leftovers tomorrow.โ€ Notice how this statement addresses the undesired behavior and the actions you intend to take to move forward. There is no name-calling, no labeling. As a result, thereโ€™s no shame and self-loathing and you can simply put the undesired behavior behind you and move forward. Thatโ€™s how you break the cycle.
    I forgot to mention that when my friend told me that she overate and felt disgusting and gross I told her I overate a bit as well. I told her it was just one meal and that there was nothing to be ashamed of. Friends take care of each other. Make sure that youโ€™re a good friend to yourself. That would be something we could all be thankful for.
  9. Like
    rs reacted to ElectricBoogaloo in Nov 2018 Hydration Challenge   
    The struggle is real...
  10. Like
    rs reacted to Sosewsue61 in How do you deal with those around you eating all the things you can't?   
    Now you're talking girl....
    (My Cacique went to Goodwill and yours will too!!!) (I'm going to take a picture in front of Lane Bryant cutting my card in half next time I'm near the mall)
  11. Like
    rs reacted to jultrim18 in I miss food so much so so much ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ   
    Hi, friends. I am 12 weeks post-op tomorrow. I am still miserable. I semi-regret this surgery. I miss food so much. I miss gorging myself. I miss the way food made me feel. I hate being scared of food. I hate always thinking of food and worrying about it. I hate this life I am now forced into. Yes, I have lost 45lb since surgery. 55lb since pre-op diet. However, food made me happy. Now I am unhappy. I think I am going to go to a therapist because this feeling is not getting better over time.
  12. Sad
    rs got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    I keep trying tuna but puke every time. When will I ever learn?
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    rs reacted to MegPRN in It's SAD   
    I live in Arizona. I start feeling depressed and grumpy when it's been too sunny and hot for too long - April through June are the worst part of the year for me. It's the monotony. Clear, blue sky and hot, for weeks and weeks on end, dusty and dry, no rain in sight. I feel refreshed and happy when the weather turns cool and we get rain more regularly! I wouldn't call my situation SAD, exactly, but my depression is definitely worse in the spring and summer.
  14. Like
    rs reacted to sideeye in It's SAD   
    JOIN US. Seriously, something like 8% of SAD-susceptible people get it in summer. I'm one of them. At one point I moved from the Northern hemisphere to the Southern and timed it so I'd skip summer for an entire year and a half. I hate that it's brighter, that it's hotter, that there are more people and that they are louder and dumber, that people constantly try to get you out into the sun which does NOT feel good thank you, etc etc. Reverse SAD, it's a real thing and it makes you feel like a space alien because it's the complete opposite of how people tell you you're supposed to be feeling. Then the weather turns and it rains and you get to wear sweaters and drink cocoa and everyone tells you AGAIN that you're supposed to be mourning the end of summer. Whatever, you lunatics! I'm going to Canada for the weekend!
    In my case, a very low-dose depression med has been the fix. My doc has it on automatic: it shows up at the pharmacy in April, and I go off it mid-October. This prevents me from snarling at sunbeams and generally behaving like Nosferatu when people ask me to barbecues. I can only imagine it might do the same for someone with the more traditional SAD traits?
  15. Haha
    rs got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Dear Stomach...   
  16. Like
    rs reacted to Megan Sadler in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    Guess what!!!!!! I am 199.8!!!!! I finally broke the 100โ€™s!!!!!!!!! Also I fit In my husbands pants ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ and they look great on my butt.
  17. Like
    rs reacted to Frustr8 in It's SAD   
    So instead of Seasonal Affective Disorder, you have Summer Affective Disorder,stand to reason there would be some, you are just rarer and don't have the benefit of good PR. Remember there was someone on the Learning channel, seems to me a Lady, anyhoo. she had relocated from Upper Midwest to Florida, got so sick she liked to die, only thing that cured her? To move back to Minnesota, the suns rays at the lower latitude of Florida and angles of the suns rays about did the poor lady in!
  18. Haha
    rs got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Dear Stomach...   
  19. Like
    rs got a reaction from Rexcom in For those who had temporary "buyers remorse"   
    Excellent response
  20. Like
    rs reacted to stacy@5 in Non Scale Victories   
    I can actually squat and tie my shoes without getting red in the face and losing my breath, I can play with my Grandchildren without feeling like I was gonna go into a coma!! Down from 2 blood pressure pills to 1/2 pill and will probably be off that my next doctors visit!!

    HW: 246
    SW: 246
    CW: 161.3

  21. Like
    rs reacted to Born in Missouri in For those who had temporary "buyers remorse"   
    I think it's only natural to experience such feelings. We've made a drastic, often irreversible, alternation to our bodies. We're not feeling physically like ourselves. There may be pain or discomfort, vomiting, Constipation, hunger, lack of hunger... and the list goes on. Probably even more involved are the emotional or psychological changes going on inside of us post-surgery. We know things will never really be the same. This can be both thrilling and terrifying. What if we are one of those weird weight-loss surgery outliers who doesn't lose weight for whatever reason?! We almost convince ourselves that after our first stall we are indeed one of those rare few!
    We've invested time, money, starved ourselves in preparation for surgery, had labwork, had to convince a nutritionist that we are committed to the nutritional challenges required, had to convince a psychologist that we aren't nuts, and go through 6 months or more of supervised weight loss by our primary doctor. We also read about all the pros and cons of WLS until our eyes practically bled from fatigue and overuse. Arghh!
    As for advice, it's pretty much the same advice for most wholesale changes we face. Time. Time heals, but time also moves so s l o w l y.
    Posting this topic and asking questions and for advice was a smart move. Just bringing the subject to the front of your consciousness validates it's importance to you. Some may dismiss "buyer's remorse" as an inconsequential little thing. I'd disagree. It's something we've all had to deal with to a varying degree, whether we're able to admit to ourselves or not.
    My advice is to keep thinking about upcoming goals... how you'll look in smaller clothing, how you'll feel when you finally weigh less than 200lbs, how it feels to eat half or a fourth of something and feel full. Hey, just creating a list of things to look forward to may help to counter that feeling of buyer's remorse. And, of course, leaving long, rambling comments like this one may help, too. Who knows?!
  22. Like
    rs reacted to Medowsweet in They called my work!!!! D:   
    I want to have a good relationship with my coworkers and not come accross as an angry trouble maker
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    rs got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Quotes & Inspiration   
  24. Like
    rs reacted to gabybab in They called my work!!!! D:   
    This is so maddening. I would never let this go if it were me. Major violation. I'm very angry for you. They could and should have left a message. Wtf!!??
  25. Like
    rs reacted to Oct517 in Non-food rewards   
    Once I'm under 200, I'm getting another tattoo and once I'm under 150 I'm getting a king sized mattress

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