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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    rs reacted to abefroman329 in Non Scale Victories   
    Yesterday my wife and I went to a play and I was sitting next to her and someone else and I just...sat in the chair. Didn’t have to worry about spilling over into the stranger’s chair. Is that how it is for most of the population?
  2. Like
    rs reacted to sideeye in Non Scale Victories   
    This isn’t precisely a NSV, but - everyone hugs me now? EVERYONE. It’s fine with me, I’m cool with hugs, but I am also onto you people: I know you’re partly hugging me to see if I’ve actually lost weight or if I’m just wearing optical-illusion clothes!
    They're not being mean or weird about it, and half of it is they’re happy to see me looking so much more confident, so the hug is genuine exuberance - but I know you’re feeling up my rib cage for scaffolding, friends.
    ...and the heels in the airport were totally worth it and surprisingly comfortable. Also I ran out of room for them in my suitcase and had to wear them to meetings, so what the heck.
  3. Like
    rs reacted to MegPRN in Non Scale Victories   
    This week I started a new job - I'm an RN, but my new position is office work and non-clinical (so I can't wear scrubs anymore). Today I'm wearing professional pants in a size 16, purchased off-the-rack at a regular store. I don't think I've been this size since high school - my entire adult life I've bounced between 18 and 22. I feel amazing.
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    rs reacted to Philip E. in Non Scale Victories   
    My wife died in 2011 and it was a sad day when I had to remove my wedding ring because it got to tight to wear. Just last week I was able to put it back on. I've also been able to move the car seat closer to the wheel. At work I can fit into any of the safety harnesses when using power equipment rather than the biggest harness, and my weekly grocery bill has dropped significantly.
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    rs reacted to Swimmer in Non Scale Victories   

    Buy jeans of the rack and they always fit
    Not being able to buy pants at costco because I was too big and now because I'm too small
    Walk around a crowded room without stress
    Got scuba certified and was actually the smallest there, blew my mind as this is a dream come true. I'm going on a diving excursion by myself and not stressed, boom.
    I went zip lining in Costa Rica
    I actually will eat in front of others, huge for me
    I'm not worried about being judged for my grocery cart
    I no longer wish to be or feel invisible
    I tuck my shirts in
    I love getting dressed up and going to events
    I can talk with anybody and be present and not focused on negative thoughts
    I can enjoy social settings again
    I can swim for hours at a time again
    I am not afraid of failing anymore because of my weight
    I am more aware of others needs and am more able to help them. When somebody drops something I quickly pick it up for them.
    I saved ten bucks on flannel pj pants because instead of the adult xxl I used to wear I fit into a youth size
    I say yes to adventures now
    I have the courage to say no too without beating myself up
    The negative self talk is being replaced with thoughts of gratitude
    Food is finally just food again
  6. Like
    rs reacted to xoxococojay in Non Scale Victories   
    I found a pair of jeans i had as a kid and they’re actually to big. (Why on earth can i fit kid sizes??)

    My second non scale victory was some butthole parked super close to my car, so the door barely opened, i was still able to squeeze inside.
  7. Like
    rs reacted to Orchids&Dragons in Non Scale Victories   
    I remember the first time this happened to me after surgery. I saw the car and despair set in, thinking I'd have to wait for the other driver to come back. But I was able to squeeze into my car. What an amazing feeling!
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    rs reacted to MegPRN in Non Scale Victories   
    Sort of a scale victory - but for the first time in my marriage (10 years in March 2019), I weigh less than my husband!
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    rs reacted to stacy@5 in Non Scale Victories   
    I had gastric bypass on May 18, 2018!! It amazes me that I can bend down and tie my shoes without getting red in the face!! I can exercise 30 minutes (weight lifting included and not be gasping for air!!
    HW: 246
    CW: 155
  10. Like
    rs reacted to Swimmer in Non Scale Victories   
    Wore a two piece swimsuit for the first time in public. I wasn't self conscious at all. Never thought that was a possibility.
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    rs reacted to RHCD in Non Scale Victories   
    Bow ties are cool!!!

    I just had a size 10 dress zip up on me. Still a little snug and will need some shape wear for the belly but holy hell it zipped. It’s for a wedding in January. The second look my Mr gave me was hysterical when I asked him if it looked okay to be his arm candy.

    All needed because the scale I swear is stuck at 200.8-201.8... still
  12. Like
    rs reacted to Kay07 in Non Scale Victories   
    GROUP PHOTOS! In large group photos it's like a freaking "where's Waldo" scenario now because I no longer look for the larger mass. I blend in! I know this is a silly thing to get excited over, but before I could spot myself immediately because I typically stood out. Now it takes me a little longer to find myself in a sea of average sized people and I am totally cool with that.
    In smaller group photos I am pretty excited about not taking up a majority of the photo so joy all around!
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    rs reacted to libbyleeb in Non Scale Victories   
    Be careful. It may be too big by January!

  14. Like
    rs reacted to kata0683 in Non Scale Victories   
    I went to my favority little bakery for pies for my girls school staff n I didnt even try a single piece of pie. Before i would buy a pie and eat it all by myself

    Sent from my SM-G930T1 using BariatricPal mobile app

  15. Like
    rs reacted to abefroman329 in Non Scale Victories   
    Flying home from DC with my wife and son, I sat in the middle seat, found it perfectly comfortable.
    Bought new bath towels over the weekend, did not have to spend extra on oversized bath sheets.
    Looked at a pair of track pants, said “oh, those are too small,” and they fit perfectly, for the billionth time.
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    rs reacted to kata0683 in Non Scale Victories   
    Yesterday i had to go buy some pants for work sincr the old ones didn't fit. I was going to order them online but some how rnded up going to the store. So i start with a size 18 some 16's and i finally got some 14's. So i head to the dressing room. And to my great suprise and amazement i didnt even try on the 18s it fir just right in the 14s. I havent been 14 since jr high high school. Even with my 2 week stall my body is changing but my mind and mirror are not there. I still feel bigger than i am. Loving it!!!

    Sent from my SM-G930T1 using BariatricPal mobile app

  17. Like
    rs reacted to RHCD in Non Scale Victories   
    This weekend at a party I was standing to wait for a friend of mine to move so I could pass her thinking there was no way I’d be able to get past them in the small space. Maybe 12-18” of space.

    Another friend (who knows of my surgery) leaned in and said “RHCD you can fit thru there”. I told her nope I’m fine I’ll wait. Some how I eventually decided to give it a go and walked thru and didn’t bump anyone. Mind blown. Much cheering/fist bumps from friends.

    So maybe physically smaller but mentally not there.
  18. Like
    rs reacted to deltagirl93 in Non Scale Victories   
    Recently took a flight that had to be rebooked due to weather conditions in the northeast. The only available seats were middle seats. I was completely freaking out and just knew that I was going to be miserable the entire flight.

    To my surprise, I was completely comfortable and did not encroach on anyone’s space. Even though I’ve lost over 100lbs and down to 188, I’m still “big” in my head until proven otherwise. 🤪
  19. Like
    rs reacted to BeanieSprouts in Non Scale Victories   
    Yesterday I fit an ENTIRE TOWEL around myself. EXCUSE ME?????!!!! Unheard of. Fake. Unrealistic.
  20. Like
    rs reacted to IsabellasBlues in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    I’ll throw in my two cents. I’m a summer surgery (July 25). I’ve had ups and downs along the way. Promotion at work (yay) but the dark shadow of depression lurks around every corner (been on medication from 2010-2017, until I found out gym worked better, and is way cheaper!).

    Since surgery, I am happy to announce that I’m 57 lbs lighter physically, and add a hundred emotionally (on good days).

    Being post op, even with all the weight loss, takes a toll on one’s mental health. With all my research pre-op, I didn’t realize this. Is it just me, or did anyone else struggle emotionally?
  21. Like
    rs reacted to iattcom in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion   
    I am still here lurking and posting from time to time when I feel like I can contribute, today I decided I needed to clean out the fridge and instead of making my husband have two or three of my 1/2 cup bowls I had to attempt to eat them and promptly made myself sick. Guess I got what I deserved I know I can not eat that much that is why it is in a 1/2 cup bowl in the first place.
  22. Like
    rs reacted to Frustr8 in Unflavored protein powder - mix with what?   
    Watch out for regular Tomato Soup it has a high proportional sugar content, look for the" light" formulations, Bari!pal on here dumped from Regular Grade Tomato Soup. 😧
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    rs reacted to lzucks in Unflavored protein powder - mix with what?   
    chicken broth or Tomato Soup
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    rs reacted to Oct517 in Unflavored protein powder - mix with what?   
    I've been mixing the unflavored Protein with the fairlife milk and a little bit of Sugar Free Chocolate Syrup. Not as thick as the premade shakes they sell

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  25. Like
    rs reacted to Hrsnjs in Unflavored protein powder - mix with what?   
    I'm at five weeks out. I was mixing it in my Water. Like you, I don't like the taste or texture. So for the ones that have the unflavored Protein Powder in them, I use a little crystal lite packet...or a half depending on the flavor. I also add my benefiber. Before I was getting more protein from food, I was adding a half scoop of the unflavored protein powder to every 16oz shaker bottle I drank...which was getting me 30g in addition to my food and my one Protein Shake. Was putting me at or above 80g per day.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using BariatricPal mobile app

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