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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    rs reacted to MIZ60 in Protein vs Sugar   
    At 4 months out, you should be able to tolerate food rather than relying on shakes to meet your nutritional goals. I would recommend discussing with your team why you can not tolerate at least soft foods. The sugary ones you listed are not appropriate and will likely jeopardize your weight loss and maybe cause dumping. If you must do shakes, use some FairLife milk and one of the low sugar powders and make your own.

  2. Like
    rs reacted to sillykitty in Protein vs Sugar   
    Those are way too carb/calorie laden for me. It will slow your weight loss drinking those.
    As many have mentioned here, have you treid Premier Protein, Muscle Milk RTD, or the other high Protein, low cal options out there?
  3. Like
    rs got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Woooooooooooo   
    Congratulations! Indeed you should feel great for your accomplishment thus far! Close your eyes and truly enjoy the happiness. Way to go! [emoji106]
  4. Like
    rs got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Woooooooooooo   
    Congratulations! Indeed you should feel great for your accomplishment thus far! Close your eyes and truly enjoy the happiness. Way to go! [emoji106]
  5. Like
    rs reacted to FlyAwayFree in Woooooooooooo   
    I needed to Celebrate with someone who understands how great this feels! I weighed today and I have lost 52 pounds since the start of my liquid diet 7 weeks ago! I have so much weight to lose but seriously, its incredible that I have lost 52 pounds in 7 weeks! I will be taking pics again on the 29th to see if I can see the difference... but the last pic I took was on 10/29, the day of my surgery. So I wanna keep it close lol.
    I am so grateful to life and my doctors and you guys and myself for this surgery. I still have a long way to go but I already feel the wonderful benefits of a 52 pound weight loss!
  6. Like
    rs got a reaction from Frustr8 in TPN and nausea   
    @Kokolat2005 and @Frustr8 so sorry to hear you're dealing with this extra stuff. Hang in there!
  7. Like
    rs reacted to Healthy_life2 in What? Sexting?? Is this really what there is to look forward to?   
    True story. I got a naked photo in myfitnesspal food log. I think it was my Protein Shake that caught his eye..lol
    My Protein shake brings the boys to the yard.

  8. Like
    rs reacted to Artistgrrl in What? Sexting?? Is this really what there is to look forward to?   
    I’m a woman , also lost quite a bit of weight and have the opposite issue. I cant put my true age online or I meet decrepit retirees looking for free nursing/housekeeping or smirking cynical younger guys thinking they’re about to get supported.
    So I like you have been keeping to myself. I did put my profile out on a couple of websites but refuse to pay for them so basically I meet no one. Honestly , I ask myself could I fall in love given that I’m not presently “ finished “ with my own look - and I’m honestly not interested in putting the time and effort for that search right now.
    I am however regretful that I don’t have more friends and have a free way to remedy that - meetup groups. They’re free- they re about shared interests like hiking . They can be a positive way to perhaps meet interesting people or at least burn off a f ew calories .
  9. Like
    rs reacted to Ømatt in How long until you could tolerate meat?   
    I'm 5 months post op and still relying on ground meat
    steak and chicken I can only eat a few bites and I'm done
  10. Like
    rs got a reaction from GreenTealael in I'm Proud of You All   
    Back atcha!
  11. Like
    rs reacted to kandywolf in Friday Night Sermon Surprised Me   
    Very inspiring! Thank you for sharing! God Bless you!

  12. Like
    rs reacted to Hannah83 in Friday Night Sermon Surprised Me   
    It was an encouraging thing to hear a message from my paster about his own personal weight and gluttony struggles. The message centered around 'do you want to be made whole' the example of many given when we go to the ER or hospital outside there are those with an IV pole, smoking with an oxygen mask. The obvious is they want healing but not wholeness.
    He was convicted by God about his weight when various health issues came crashing down on him. He elected to have a gastric bypass done a year ago. None but a few in the congregation knew.
    As Jesus said to the man at the pool, 'do you want to be made whole' who'd been sitting there for 38 years. He took up his mat and walked, was made whole.
    It takes courage to come forward and admit to this, I struggle myself with gluttony and it is sinful to willfully abuse my body in that way because, in the end, it's not being a good steward of my body, and I'm not able to live fully without being whole in every way.
    Potlucks, dinners etc. at church are a thing, and it's an issue that is swept under the rug a lot.
    The following are quotes from his notes:
    "I know this is an extremely sensitive issue. As a recovering obese man, and I purposely choose this phrase and terminology as it is an addiction, no different than drugs or alcohol. Eating sweet and high-fat foods releases dopamine in your brain, pleasure stimulants."
    "A recovering alcoholic should never take the drink any alcoholic drink, a recovering smoker shouldn’t partake of any tobacco product, a recovering gambling addict shouldn’t be buying lottery tickets! I can’t eat Desserts, snack foods etc… It’s certainly permitted in the Bible but I can’t control myself with them. I needed an intervention. As most of you already know, with great conviction, prayer, prompting of the Holy Spirit coupled with the loving support of my family and the leadership of the congregation I elected to undergo Gastric By-Pass surgery a year ago, January 2017. 162 pounds later it's off! But its not over. "
    "I’ve had comments such as: “oh, you took the easy way”. First I can tell you that no surgery is easy. Second, I recently, much to my chagrin gained 8 pounds of which I immediately got off. Even though I had the surgery I can gain it back by eating the wrong things. The surgery just kicks started my weight loss, I must continue to exercise daily (a fit bit) and log everything I eat, and I mean everything. "
    His wife Barb has been doing low carb, high Protein high veggies some fruit for the last year with him and has lost 60 pounds. She herself is short, but her testimony floored me.
    God asked her, 'What will you do when you say here I am Lord send me, and yet you are physically unable to be sent?'
    That stuck with me, and in tears, I repented and daily come to God for assistance.
    The Bible has a lot to say about taking care of our bodies:
    Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
    1 Corinthians 6:19-20
    Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.
    1 Corinthians 9:24-27
    It was so encouraging to me that I went to my paster and told him I had the sleeve done in Oct. and he smiled and said congratulations, keep going you look great!
    As a couple that leads our church, I admire them for their honesty and commitment to God, themselves their family and us as a congregation they've been entrusted with. They both are servant leaders and I am thankful for them.
    I just thought that this would encourage others, for it says in the scriptures that we are to encourage one another with the very thing we've been encouraged with. Hope this helps someone.
  13. Like
    rs reacted to Hannah83 in Back at the Gym!   
    Feeling a bit better, some days are up other days are not so up...pic in the middle is the most recent, got a hair trim...I suppose it has something to do with being an autie I feel and experience deeply...Did an old tae bo DVD and don't regret it...I try to keep my options open and my head up...it's a struggle but I'm trying

  14. Like
    rs reacted to Healthy_life2 in Back at the Gym!   
    A little eye candy for the day.
    Many have posted this..Best dam$ motivational speech ever.

  15. Like
    rs reacted to Hannah83 in Back at the Gym!   
    great inspiration! Went to the gym yesterday and so didn't feel like it. I was on the spin bike for 25 minutes and then I did calenstantic exercises for 10 minutes. Stretched for 10 after all of it. It's was rainy and cold yesterday today it's nice outside but still cold. For today's workout, I cleaned the bathrooms, worked up quite a sweat making them shine! Plus it's satisfying to shower in a clean one afterward.
  16. Like
    rs reacted to Hannah83 in Back at the Gym!   
    went to an hour-long spin class and man am I feeling it in my butt...felt like death when I got home had a huge poop, showered and laid down to take 40
  17. Like
    rs reacted to Hannah83 in Back at the Gym!   
    (sigh) my antidepressants haven't been metabolizing even after I workout I usually have an afterglow, but it's just 'meh' now...I'm working with my doc on dosage it's a time released antidepressant now I take one in the morning per usual and one midday to try and get up to the 60 mg I was at pre sleeve...I hate this, dragging my butt to the gym and sweating my rear end off, without the high after sucks
  18. Like
    rs reacted to Hannah83 in Back at the Gym!   
    ugh, depression is so awful, my meds are being adjusted and it's been painful to even get to the gym, say less get out of bed. I am forcing myself to go, when I usually feel that afterglow for 3 hours after a workout, now it's just one hour. blah, this too will pass.
  19. Like
    rs reacted to Hannah83 in I'm Proud of You All   
    Often the support we need is limited, I am six-plus months out and am almost out of the 200's but have been finding my 'inner critic' being loud. Enough with that, I am here to say those of you taking the steps for wellness however far you are in it I am proud of you, I don't know your story or struggle but I say 'keep going' the best way to beat depression, is to help others. The surgery is a kick start in a good direction, we still often kick ourselves instead of being kind and finding new ways of calming ourselves. Surgery isn't the easy way out, heck losing weight, in general, is difficult and the surgery won't mean a damn if we don't stick to it.
    Huge investment in ourselves and we've come too far to backslide. I've been thinking days now about posting this but was not sure how.
    I have high functioning autism, am a female 34 years of age and feel this year is my 'coming of age' year. It's been long coming and I've been healed of cutting myself for five years now and walking out daily life new job etc. Now the outside is just matching what was on the inside.
    Be yourself, be OK with your 'other' and stay the healthy course get back up even when you fall because plenty are in the same boat.
    Keep going You're stronger then you know.
  20. Like
    rs reacted to Hannah83 in New Puppy (Help)   
    she is a cockapoo.

  21. Like
    rs reacted to RHCD in Non Scale Victories   
    This morning while buckling my shoes I noticed I only had 1 maybe two holes left compared to when I started this I had to pull down tight to get to the last one.

    That’s doesn’t even factor in how much easier it is to bend over and buckle them...
  22. Like
    rs reacted to GreenTealael in NOOOOOOOOooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   
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    rs reacted to batty_vsg in NOOOOOOOOooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   
    Spray some Lysol on him for making you so worried!
  24. Thanks
    rs got a reaction from FancyChristine15 in Officially have less than 100 pounds left to lose!   
    Way to go!!
  25. Like
    rs reacted to FancyChristine15 in Officially have less than 100 pounds left to lose!   
    I started this journey having 288 pounds to lose, and, as of today's weigh in, I now have less than 100 pounds to lose to get to goal! I'm very happy!

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