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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    rs reacted to I AM NOT MY SIZE in Follow up to: I know this is long, but please read it. I got some big news about my situation   
    @LadySin. I even said to myself, you're allowing this man to walk on you and treat you like crap. I knew in my head, that just going back and forth with him in an argument wouldn't get me anywhere. I needed to get documented proof of his negligence. Now that I have that, I'm just trying to see which way I want to go. I prayed and said if I can get my surgery done over the right way, I would let it go, but my gut is telling me not to let him get away with this. I don't think it would hurt to speak with a lawyer and see what he or she says on the matter. I have to go through this surgery again. I work for myself, so if I don't work, I don't get paid and I know I will have to take at least a week off.
  2. Like
    rs reacted to Wombatpringle in Follow up to: I know this is long, but please read it. I got some big news about my situation   
    This is all true. It's going to be up to the poster to decide if they have the time and energy to proceed with legal action. Someone isn't simply a doormat because they decide not to proceed with legal actions. Sometimes, it isn't the healthiest option for a person. I agree with speaking to a lawyer but, then there are many things which need to be considered and a good lawyer will point those out. Best of luck to the original poster. I hope it works out for you.
  3. Like
    rs reacted to LadySin in Follow up to: I know this is long, but please read it. I got some big news about my situation   
    They also have incredible malpractice insurance for when these cases arise.
    Don't be a doormat. Don't turn the other cheek. You can get a lawyer as every bit as good as that doctor's. In an ideal occurrence you wouldn't even have to sue. Everything will be take care of via negations between the lawyers. Maybe you can get back any money you have to come out of pocket with for the revision.
    Get a good lawyer and there will be no stress on your part. Your job is to heal and get better. Your lawyer would take care of the rest.
  4. Like
    rs reacted to Sigi42 in Follow up to: I know this is long, but please read it. I got some big news about my situation   
    So to play Devil's advocate, why should the **hospital** pay for the surgeon's malfeasance? They are just the facility?

    I find it unlikely you will make headway on that front, BUT I think (not a lawyer) you can very likely get the $$$ out of original surgeon, plus damages to cover extra time off work, etc.

    I would definitely talk to a medical malpractice attorney, ASAP. I wonder if you can even social the insurance company on him? He had made them pay out twice? [emoji848]

    Congrats on your new surgeon and upcoming revision!! Get a lawyer!![emoji23][emoji1]

    Sent from my LG-G710 using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. Like
    rs reacted to CyndieRI in Follow up to: I know this is long, but please read it. I got some big news about my situation   
    I agree with LadySin! I would contact a lawyer. Because of your first surgeon’s error, you now have to go through another surgery - more time out of work (if you work) - and another while healing process. And while it’s great that you will be getting the revision surgery, I don’t think that makes up for all you have and will go through. Good luck!!!
  6. Like
    rs reacted to GreenTealael in Dumping....a right of VSG passage?   
    *Bursts In*
    Am I Late? No? Good because this is my type of party 🎉🌈👏🎉👍
    Welcome to the club, we get Jackets in spring of 2019, membership dues are 10 packets of WholeEarth sweetener, we meet by the food Before and After Photos thread around lunch.< /em>
  7. Like
    rs reacted to FancyChristine15 in Bread... oof   
    I have no issues eating bread. I don't eat a lot of it, of course, but, if I really get a craving or I'm out with family or something, I may have half of a biscuit/roll. I don't feel any different after I eat it though.
  8. Like
    rs reacted to CyndieRI in Prayers requested and gratefully accepted   
    I’m asking for prayers for my dog - Bernie the Bernese Mountain Dog. We know he has cancer in his knee but today we will find out if it has spread. If it hasn’t, he will have his leg amputated (he’s not using it at all anyway) and chemotherapy. If it HAS spread, we will have to make a decision that I REALLY don’t want to have to make. He’s my best friend and I’m heartbroken!
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    rs reacted to GreenTealael in A thread for when Umm Yasmin wants to add marginally relevant comments about stuff   
    Oh... 😓
    Why wasn't I clever enough to create a singular thread about my shenanigans to update?!?!? Lol I'll just blame not being raise on the metric system.lol
  10. Like
    rs reacted to Malcy in Any August Sleevers out there?   
    I was sleeved on Aug 2nd. Down 65 lbs so far from 293 to 228. Not going to be happy till I hit onderland.

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. Congrats!
    rs got a reaction from teemags48 in Any August Sleevers out there?   
  12. Congrats!
    rs got a reaction from teemags48 in Any August Sleevers out there?   
  13. Like
    rs reacted to Louisa Latela in Go With Your Gut!   
    I have found that a majority of my clients who struggle with compulsive eating have historically ignored their gut: both literally and figuratively They have spent a lifetime not listening to their body’s (gut’s) hunger and fullness signals as well as not listening to their intuitive knowing (gut instincts).

    When we do not pay attention to our intuition there is a low level anxiety/energy that constantly runs in the background of our mind/body. And we consciously (or not so consciously) think things like “I know I should speak up for myself at work, but I don’t want to make waves.” “I really should have an omelet for Breakfast but the donut looks good, I know I’ll feel sick afterwards, oh it doesn't matter, I'll eat better tomorrow.” “I never should have volunteered to do that project: I don't have the time, but I didn't want to disappoint my friend.” “I know my partner treats me disrespectfully, he doesn’t really mean it I know he wants to change. I’m gonna keep my mouth shut and hope he changes soon.” etc. Having all this background chatter is annoying. Guess What?? Overeating or eating foods that make you sleepy or foggy is a GREAT way to dull that noise. However if you want to lose weight and keep it off in a healthfully, you must learn to respond to your overeating triggers in positive, self nurturing way. If ignoring your intuition is one of your triggers here is a simple way to begin to notice your intuition. When you make a commitment to "playing around with this" you will undoubtedly begin to be more aware of your gut instincts in more important areas of your life: relationships, work, health. Once you start to trust your intuition you will continually be guided to people places and things that you support you in your Quest to life a healthy joy-filled life!
    This comes from my Nurturing Nudge # 55
    Go With Your Gut!
    Practice listening to and acting on your intuitive hunches. If this is a new concept for you, start out with small things like trusting your gut when it comes to getting in the fastest moving line at the bank, or finding a great parking spot. In these instances your intuitive hunch is the very first feeling/thought/inclination that comes up when you pose a question. For instance your intuitive hunch might be to get in a longer line at the bank, something your rational mind would argue. But I challenge you to go with your gut. More times than not I bet you find that your intuitive hunch was right. Another easy way to better trust your instincts is to call or email a friend when the thought of them pops up in you mind. Whenever I do this I usually find that my friend was just thinking about me or that he or she needed my support at the exact time I reached out to him/her.
    This is great practice for learning to live your life in connection with your Higher Power, your Intuitive Knowing, which will always guide you to act in ways that are loving and respectful to yourself and others; that support your Highest Good.
    Know this: You have all the wisdom and knowledge you will ever need inside you. Practice accessing, listening to, and acting on its promptings. When you do this you might be surprised to notice that you experience a feeling of lightness and increased energy, a greater sense of well being, and a sense of things flowing easily and effortlessly!
    It is soooo cool to follow your instincts and see that they were right on even when they made no logical sense!
    Kinda makes your heart giggle!!
    I trust my gut!
    My intuition guides my every action!
    The more I listen to my intuition the louder it speaks!
    My gut rocks!
    Live In Love 😘
    If you've had weight loss surgery but found that you've regained some weight this group may be a valuable resource for getting back on track. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lighten-up-tickets-53027486640?fbclid=IwAR3hCtIcVvH46SlVTyyOEN-vzTbBPc7OiMEoahTlWxokL1qHuOLAhOpIukg
  14. Like
    rs reacted to VIKING 0424 in Any August Sleevers out there?   
  15. Like
    rs reacted to ummyasmin in Non Scale Victories   
    Wowweee. I'm seriously impressed and it's a lovely prom dress too, you could totally wear that as an evening dress now!

    Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app

  16. Like
    rs reacted to MegPRN in Non Scale Victories   
    Lol, well, that dress is old enough to be going to its own prom (I’m 34, so it’s 16 years old) and this is the first time since high school I’ve fit into it
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    rs reacted to MegPRN in Non Scale Victories   
    Oh, this? Just my prom dress. NBD.

  18. Like
    rs reacted to insta_adventurer in Non Scale Victories   
    Yaaaas! Whenever we’d stay in a hotel, my husband would wear the robe and I’d be pretty jealous. We were just a hotel and even though I’ve got a ways to go, the robes were massive on me! 😁
  19. Like
    rs reacted to mousecat88 in Non Scale Victories   
    Omgggg. I went overseas and ALL of the towels there were like... hand towels on me. I could barely cover a boob. So embarrassing! That'll be a nice thing to experience. lol!

    Today my pants fell down at work. Does that count as a victory?
    (No one was in the hallway at the time so... thank god for that. lmao.) I'm riding out these baggy pants as long as humanly possible.
  20. Like
    rs reacted to sillykitty in Non Scale Victories   
    Similar to towels fitting comfortably ...
    Hotel robes - Not only do they fit, but they have plenty of extra room to wrap around me!

  21. Like
    rs reacted to Swanton_Bomb in Non Scale Victories   
    Today I discovered completely by accident that I can wrap a bath towel around me comfortably. No more need for extra large bath “sheets”! Omg!
  22. Like
    rs reacted to Biddy zz 🏳️🌈 in Non Scale Victories   
    Cycling on a real bike without an electric motor, making it all the way to work and then home AND looking like I fit.
    When I started this journey, sitting on my bike with its skinny tyres in my red jacket, I always thought I looked a bit like a candy apple!!
  23. Like
    rs got a reaction from LaNueva_Janie in How is water going for people?   
    I struggle too. Averaging about 25 oz per day at 4 months post surgery. I'm well aware that I need to drink much much more.
  24. Like
    rs reacted to lzucks in Protein vs Sugar   
    Unjury has ready-made shakes with no sugar. I prefer their Protein Powder mixed with milk though. The drinks you listed would not be on my plan due to the sugar content.
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    rs reacted to mousecat88 in Protein vs Sugar   
    Whoa, those are really, really high carb. I was told 10g of carbs or less and 3g of fat or less. I know pre-made is convenient, but trryyyyy some mix ones. I can't tolerate whey at all, but Now Sports makes a good soy Protein. There are protein waters, too. Atkins is a little high in fat, but within the carb limit. Have you tried Atkins shakes? Also AdvantEdge is within the carbs and fat range and pre-made. Both are sold at Walmart.

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