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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Congrats!
    rs got a reaction from clsumrall in So mad at myself for regain   
    No particular words of wisdom that hasn't already been said. Just commenting to acknowledge your feelings and sincerely wish you all the best in getting back on track. You've got this!!
  2. Like
    rs got a reaction from summerset in The Maintenance Thread   
    Thanks for sharing. I hear a lot about that Dr but I haven't taken the time to watch any of the videos. At 20 mos post sleeve surgery I would have to agree with him that it hasn't been that hard to just keep doing what I'm doing. The surgery really has been successful for me. Now I just live my life as if every day is just a normal day, and I don't really identify as being in maintenance. Fortunately I've been holding at a pretty constant, comfortable weight for over 8 months now, without much extra effort. I may feel differently should things change for me down the road. I also like the Dr's casual conversation and tone, including some of the profanity slipped in there - makes him seem real. I'll have to look at some of his other videos.
  3. Like
    rs got a reaction from JessikaL in skinny shamed lol   
    Seeing my collarbone for the first time in forever was one of the first e
    NSVs for me. I still love seeing them.
  4. Like
    rs got a reaction from Kam1177 in Weight-loss funnies   
  5. Like
    rs got a reaction from Kam1177 in Weight-loss funnies   
  6. Like
    rs got a reaction from Kam1177 in Weight-loss funnies   
  7. Like
    rs reacted to BayougirlMrsS in OOTD   
    Tim has been making me Lemon drop martini's everynight.....
    Thanks for the drink.... had yours this weekend when i learned how to work the new expresso machine tim bought.... Now we have twoooooo
  8. Like
    rs reacted to BayougirlMrsS in Covid..... Negative (twice)   
    Today was my first day back at work..... These people are already on my last nerve..... Ughhhhhhh
    As you all know, the hubby tested positive April 30th.... One of his co-worker passed it on... Anyway, I went for the first test on Friday, May 1st.... which came back negative. But i still had to stay home for two weeks.... I went for my second test last Wednesday and it came back negative also.
    No, we didn't stay away from each other, yes we slept in the same bad, yes we did the "normal" married couple things.... I asked the dr. if we need to stay apart ... Blah blah blah... they both said no, that if i was going to get it, it was too late..... So we were together 24/7 since April 23rd.... Did i wear a mask, NO. Did i go crazy washing my hand a million times a day... NO... No more than normal. (must be the bayou blood)
    So yes it is possible for only one person in the house to test positive and others not too....
    BUT, on a positive note we did, ..... Clean baseboards in the house, hang shelves in the storage, paint the garage, paint the main hall in the house, change all the light switches from regular to the flat and some to smart switches, pressure washed the patio and furniture, found out what was on the other side of the lake (hehe), Cooked new recipes, learned how to use the new expresso machine...... and i managed to lose 2lbs. Yes, I did drink at night for my and hubby's well being.... hehe.
    End vent......
  9. Like
    rs reacted to ms.sss in A Tale of Two Arm Lifts (rs & ms.sss)   
    hahahahaha...when I switched to the cica tape, I was taking less showers because I didn't want to have to change the tape so often. (I have a limited supply because I order it from the states, ship to my sister, then she ships to me. I *could* order them and ship direct to me up here, but its about 50% more expensive PLUS i'd have to pay duty!!)
    Anyhoo, I soon realized that the cica tape sticks to me like glue because even with multiple showers, this stuff just doesn't budge! Thank goodness, as I was smelling ripe when I didn't shower for a couple days, loloolololozzzz
  10. Like
    rs reacted to Dtrain84 in OOTD   
    Heading out to run some errands. I felt like putting on something nice because I could, lol!

  11. Like
    rs reacted to GreenTealael in OOTD   
    Finally! I'm wearing clothes - very plush sweat suit ... but the real star attractions are my nails 💅

  12. Like
    rs reacted to Bari_KS in OOTD   
    #SpaceX ready to fly to the sky

  13. Like
    rs reacted to Arabesque in OOTD   
    Got dressed up & went into the city today to be fitted (from a distance) for new bras ... AGAIN! I’d been putting it off for a month but the pain from badly fitting, not supportive underwear was getting me down. (Boney rib pain is real & it’s as bad as boney butt pain.) Two cup sizes down & I may have to get the backs taken in. So annoying & expensive. This is the third time I’ve had to buy new underwear but as my weight has been stable for the last two months I think this will be the last time. Fingers crossed.

    Anyway, decided to wear my new sunray pleated faux leather skirt I found online. So lovely to actually ‘dress’ and not just ‘slob’ about.

    Stay well everyone.

  14. Like
    rs reacted to catwoman7 in The Maintenance Thread   
    I'm five years out and I still obsess over everything I eat - plus my weight. The dietitian at my clinic says I'm obsessing about my weight and calories too much and keeps suggesting I look into "intuitive eating", but I know myself too well. "Intuitive eating" for me would put me right back up to 300+ lbs. I am not "normal" and probably never will be. So the only way to keep my weight where it is is to weigh myself several times a week and track everything I eat.
    I spent a month in India last fall and, although I certainly was no where near stuffing myself silly, I was eating normal-people-sized portions, plus Snacks. I wasn't tracking and of course, I didn't have access to a scale. And then I came back just in time for the holidays (I didn't gain any more then - but I certainly didn't lose it, either, with all the holiday events). So I ended up six lbs heavier which have been a BEAR to get off. So I think I'm just one of those who has to be obsessive about weight and calories or I'm going to naturally gain weight. People are all different...so they have to do what they have to do.
    re: getting too small: many WLS'ers never get all the way to goal - studies say about 10-15% of us get to a normal BMI. But for those of us who do, our lowest weight usually isn't our "permanent" weight - the majority gain 10-20 lbs after hitting bottom (actually, the majority of ALL WLS'ers gain 10-20 lbs during years 2 or 3 - not just those who make it to normal BMI). So I wouldn't worry too much about your sister at this point. Yes there are some who do develop eating disorders - but getting "too small" and obsessing about food can also be normal behavior for some of us, and it's not necessarily indicative of any eating disorder. And she may very well bounce up 10-20 lbs in the near future - it happens to an awful lot of us.
  15. Like
    rs reacted to ms.sss in The Maintenance Thread   
    RE: your sister. People would say I obsessed about everything I ate too during weight loss phase. They would tell me they were worried about me, that I lost too much weight, that I was anorexic, that I must stop losing weight immediately. They would comment on how little I ate, and constantly offer me food. They would give side-wise glances to each other if I declined a piece of cake. They would say/do this to my face, and behind my back.
    But not once did my weight go below what is "normal" for my height and age. At all my follow-ups and appointments, not once did my Dr. tell me I was not the picture of health. I think "they" just weren't used to seeing me at a normal weight, they weren't used to seeing me turn down food and eat less, and the change in me was so rapid and so different that it was just so in-your-face, they couldn't help but feel the need to worry.
    During weight loss phase when I get the "munchies" I ignored them (and was successful maybe 95% of the time, lol). I mean, they were just munchies, not actual hunger. And giving into munchies is one of the things that got me to morbid obesity.
    Unless your sister has health problems as identified by her team, is underweight, or has developed behavior problems that are negatively impacting her quality of life, then I think she is just being determined. But I'm not her Dr....has she seen them recently?
    Edited to add: Now that I'm 1.5 years out, the comments and concern have effectively stopped. Me, my weight, and my eating habits are old news, and everyone is used to my new normal. ❤️
  16. Like
    rs reacted to BayougirlMrsS in OOTD   
    My test came back negative
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    rs reacted to Sophie7713 in OOTD   
    I know, I know - Definitely nothing exhilarating as bayou bikini!... But did add a little splash to our rather monotonous casual attire out for errands this past weekend. Anyone know what day this is!? Amazing evening walk at dusk yesterday. Uplifting peonies from our garden.

  18. Like
    rs reacted to shanza in OOTD   
    We'll I see a lot has been MIA as well. Probably because we are stuck indoors and barely wear bras or dresses up! HA!
    And day drinking is at its all-time high!

  19. Like
    rs reacted to BayougirlMrsS in OOTD   
    No. Just a bad cough. I’m now quarter for 2 weeks. So I guess it’s martini’s and sun for me
  20. Like
    rs reacted to Arabesque in OOTD   
    Winter is a comin’ here in Aust. So glad my new cute, warm, XS pjs finally arrived one day before the cold front moved in. First day wearing warm clothes - heading off to the hairdresser. Strange to be wearing make-up but made the effort with nails, hair & jewellery to remember what was normal.
    Prayers for you & your husband @BayougirlMrsS.

  21. Like
    rs reacted to GreenTealael in OOTD   
    Ok... finally real clothes for a date ❤

  22. Like
    rs got a reaction from summerset in The Maintenance Thread   
    Thanks for sharing. I hear a lot about that Dr but I haven't taken the time to watch any of the videos. At 20 mos post sleeve surgery I would have to agree with him that it hasn't been that hard to just keep doing what I'm doing. The surgery really has been successful for me. Now I just live my life as if every day is just a normal day, and I don't really identify as being in maintenance. Fortunately I've been holding at a pretty constant, comfortable weight for over 8 months now, without much extra effort. I may feel differently should things change for me down the road. I also like the Dr's casual conversation and tone, including some of the profanity slipped in there - makes him seem real. I'll have to look at some of his other videos.
  23. Like
    rs reacted to summerset in The Maintenance Thread   
    I think he has some good videos out there. I don't agree with everything he says but I agree with several things he says in his videos. In this one I like his garden analogy.
    It made me ask myself the question though what I really think about "maintenance" or "maintenance mode" and fact seems to be that I never thought much about this. It just happened somehow. I never entered "maintenance" actively or something like that.
    However, what I wholeheartedly agree with is what he says about "staying skinny", beginning at about 8:30 min, 11:30 min or 13:30 min in the video. I don't think it's actually that hard and not this "daily struggle". It needs vigilance, yes, but show me a person beyond the age of 35 or 40 that doesn't need that vigilance. There is e. g. the occasional talk about food and weight and diets at work and it seems like all of my colleagues have to watch their intake, like not eating dessert everyday, not having French fries every other day or not buying this chocolate so it doesn't wait for you in the evening while watching TV or reading a book. The rare exceptions seem to be some people still in their 20s, usually men.
    Most people need to exert some kind of effort to maintain a normal weight once they reached a certain age, WLS or not, and that's that. In the end it's as hard as one thinks it is.
  24. Like
    rs got a reaction from summerset in The Maintenance Thread   
    Thanks for sharing. I hear a lot about that Dr but I haven't taken the time to watch any of the videos. At 20 mos post sleeve surgery I would have to agree with him that it hasn't been that hard to just keep doing what I'm doing. The surgery really has been successful for me. Now I just live my life as if every day is just a normal day, and I don't really identify as being in maintenance. Fortunately I've been holding at a pretty constant, comfortable weight for over 8 months now, without much extra effort. I may feel differently should things change for me down the road. I also like the Dr's casual conversation and tone, including some of the profanity slipped in there - makes him seem real. I'll have to look at some of his other videos.
  25. Like
    rs got a reaction from GreenTealael in OOTD   

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