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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by rs

  1. When I visited a friend I hadn't seen in awhile she gasped and asked what happened, then went on to exclaim "I want the old (rs) back!" Her comment totally caught me off guard. I spent the evening proving to her that I was the same person as before. Things are fine between us. I hadn't told her beforehand that I'd lost weight so her reaction was understandably from pure shock.

  2. Hey friends. Doing an update. I will be sleeved one year on August 17th. I have lost 95lbs. I am 5’2” 26 years old and weigh 138lbs. I am a size 8 in pants/dresses and a medium/small in shirts. I have saggy skin. Luckily it can be hidden with clothes. Photos are before and now.
    Problems: I am terrible with my Water intake. I am always exhausted. I have zero energy. I don’t do Pasta or breads: I tend to overdo it and end up vomiting. I am able to eat bad. That’s something I am scared of. Just like before the surgery, I am still constantly thinking about what I am going to put in my mouth. My brain will always have a fat soul. I have to use little plates or else I make my servings too large. I think I am content with my weight now. I need to start exercising. I do not exercise at all. It’s hard to eat well during the summer since I am a teacher. However, during the school year, I am strict with my diet on week days. I allow slip ups on the weekends. I still snack and drink alcohol, but that is just a weekend thing. Still trying to learn how to change my mindset.
    So beyond grateful for this surgery and my new life!
    Congratulations! You look fantastic!!!

    Sent from my SM-G935T using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. I'll hit one year on August 15. Positive status update: Down 105 pre surgery diet, 90 post surgery. Ideal goal is probably another 5-10 lbs but honestly I'm very happy where I'm at now. I'm 5'7", size 10, and I think if I lose much more I might start to look gaunt. I log my food every day. Negative status update: I haven't embraced exercise into my routine. And worse than that, I've started to indulge in the crap food! Clearly I haven't yet mastered my mind issues with food. I know I shouldn't have unhealthy junk in the house but my husband and teenage kids want it... as do I, obviously. But even if it isn't in the house, if I really want something I'll find a way to get it. I truly do get comfort from eating those slider, junk foods. I've always known that wls wouldn't magically fix it all, so I'm not surprised by my continued struggle. I'm not giving up though! I'm still working to overcome this but I just wanted to be transparent in my sharing here that I'm still on a challenging journey.

    Sent from my SM-G935T using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. 7 hours ago, ms.sss said:

    You are doing approx 4-4.5 hours of dedicated exercise a week. I don't think that is an amount to be worried about overdoing. That is what everyone should be doing minimally, really.

    I absolutely agree with @ms.sss - this is about how much exercise is generally recommended to be healthy. So I say, keep on keepin' on! Good for you for embracing exercise, and mixing in a variety of formats.

  5. I recommend working with your psychiatrist for the depression and leave the bariatric stuff to the surgeon. Adding to what others have said, if the depression is a true clinical depression it is a chemical imbalance which likely wouldn't be affected by weight loss. Now if the depression is more behavioral related weight loss could possible positively make a difference. Best wishes to you.

  6. Hello everyone,

    Thank you all for taking the time to reply to my post. I guess one of my biggest concerns is the fact that for over 2 years I've had chronic pain in my left foot that doesn't allow me to do much. I don't know how to swim. I can go for a 10 minute walk or do about 10 minutes on the recumbent bike right now. I can also work out to some chair exercise videos, but that's about it. I'm hoping beyond hope that the weight loss from surgery will relieve the pain in my foot, allowing me to up my exercise/cardio. At the same time I'm scared that my foot won't heal, thus preventing me from losing the amount of weight that I want to. I've been to physical therapy, I have customized orthotics, and have received countless cortisone injections in my foot. Anyway, I was just wondering, how intensely did you all work out? Did you find that sticking to the proper diet was more effective for weight loss?

    I've lost nearly all my excess weight in a year pretty much through diet alone. I absolutely positively realize that I need to be exercising to retain and build muscle but I'm sharing just so you know it can still be done with minimal physical activity.

  7. Tuck. Always tuck. Shows off your figure [emoji4]
    I've been tucking a lot more lately. And that's when I get the most comments about how I've lost weight and look good.

  8. I had a conversation about this with a pal the other day. We were talking about my planned arm lift later this year. She asked me why i felt the need to get it done, and that I should not care what anyone else thinks.
    I explained that I don’t care what anyone else thinks (Edit: I also care about what those near and dear to me think, like Mr and the Kid, but they think i’m awesome under all circumstances, so it’s all good [emoji173]️), but I care alot about what I think. Like the sleeve surgery, I didn't do it for other people, I did it for me.
    I really dislike my flappy arms. Its a feature of my body that I try to camouflage, like an annoying pimple in the middle if my forehead. Now, Im not going to circle this pimple with a red sharpie, but I will probably put some concealer on it. Lol.
    Good analogy about the pimple

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