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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by rs

  1. rs

    Out-of-the-blue disaster

    @sideeye I am so sorry about your friend and her family, and the struggles you are having along with it. I can't imagine how hard this must be on you emotionally and I can see how it's become extra challenging to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It sounds like you've recognized that you've veered off the track on healthy eating and are now making a more conscious effort to course correct. Good for you. Be kind to yourself.
  2. 3.5 weeks post surgery. Went to our state fair tonight and was really sad that I couldn't eat any of the food I love having at fairs. I really wanted a corn dog, and cotton candy, and funnel cake, and alcohol, and, and, and.... We didn't stay long because I was sad plus I still haven't returned to full energy levels since the surgery. Just feeling down and wanted to share.
  3. @carlo I struggle with getting in the water too
  4. I've tried taking someone but simply putting the "@" in front of their username but it didn't seem to work. It doesn't turn blue like I've seen on others' posts.
  5. @alex brecher still working on updating the app for tagging?
  6. @xiomara oh goodness a blood clot. Well at least they found it and the can monitor you closely. Best wishes that everything gets better very quickly!
  7. rs

    Bad day

    @MassMom I'm sorry you had a bad day. Tommorow indeed is a new day and I wish you a very good one!!
  8. @xiomara sorry to hear! Same thing happened to me one week post surgery. It was the worst week ever! Hang in there!
  9. @pleasedontjudgeme thank you. And congratulations on the 73 lbs! Great job!
  10. @Danny Paul wow very impressive!! Great job!!
  11. @jultrim18 my surgery was Aug 15th so you and I are pretty much in the same phase of this journey. I've only lost 14 lbs, 10 just in the first week because I couldn't keep anything down, wound up back to the Doctor's for IV fluids. I still struggle to get to my protein and water goals. The physical and mental anguish is more than I was prepared for it seems.
  12. @sassysleever I knew the journey would be hard but I guess I didn't fully anticipate the mental anguish
  13. @brassapple thank you for sharing. It's definitely a mental thing for me right now. I sure hope I can push through this soon.
  14. rs

    Secret sleevers?

    I am 4 weeks post surgery. Only my immediate family and 3 close friends know. I did not tell anyone at work. They knew I was going out for surgery and would be out two weeks but I never said what kind of surgery. Only person asked me what surgery. I just said I didn't feel comfortable talking about it but thanks for asking. Seemed to be received ok. I ended up having issues during my first week after surgery so I let my managers and some of my teammates know that I'd be out an extra week. I said the surgery went well but I was having issues with dehydration and malnutrition and had to be given extra IV fluids. I wanted to turn the attention to the recovery and away from the surgery. A couple of them texted me a few days later to see how I was doing and I said the upside to my recovery issues was that I lost some weight [emoji4], and that my Dr has me seeing a nutritionist. So from here on I'll play the nutritionist card, saying I'm eating more protein, smaller portions etc.
  15. @rebchief fwiw I jumped ahead and started eating meat at 3 weeks because I just needed some real food. I just chewed it up really well and are a small portion. I didn't have any issues. But if course that's just my story.
  16. @jaksmommy work is tough for me too. Everyone brings in goodies nearly every day and the table they put it on is right by my desk!
  17. @aasosa thank you again. I really need the support right now.

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