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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Bellasoo

  1. My surgeon recommends 4-6 weeks. I am planning on 4 but if my doctor says 6 that is what I will do. I took 4 after my hysterectomy and I was still tired when I came back.
  2. Bellasoo


    They found mild gastritis on mine. My surgeon said everything else looked good.
  3. I just finished my last appointment and now I get to wait for the call. I’m so excited.
  4. I now have a $2500 out of pocket maximum and a 10% surgical copay. Previously, I would have paid about $325 at the most. I was told the surgical copay is everything involved with the surgery. It wouldn’t be so bad but my AC just went out and my little dog needs surgery. This is all going to wipe me out. Edited to add: Thankfully it does have the same requirements!
  5. My last appointment for my pre-op diet is on the 18th. My insurance just changed on May 1st so I will be paying more than I would have originally. I’m still super excited that my time is getting close.
  6. Hey! I just wanted to chime in about the psych evaluation. Mine was very relaxed. The doctor and I spoke about my eating habits, my anxiety and depression, and my support system. He wanted to know what changes I was making in preparation for my surgery. I was very honest with him and told him that I eat out of boredom . He suggested some things to help. I then had to take the 300+ question test on a computer. A lot of the questions were repeated in slightly different ways. It ended up being one of the easier appointments that I had to complete.
  7. I’ve found that some people just don’t understand why we want to have a surgery that limits our food intake. One of my dearest friends is overweight as well and he is not happy that I will be having surgery. He thinks I should lose the weight naturally. Last week my brother had his second heart attack, and he is skinny! I just want to live longer than my parents and people just don’t seem to understand that. ☹️
  8. I just got off the phone with my doctor. I had my EDG and everything looked good for my sleeve. We are thinking late June for my surgery date. Ive lost 26 pounds on the pre surgical diet and I’m so excited. Good luck to everyone here 😊
  9. Bellasoo

    Pooping is stressful!

    This reminds me of my experience after my hysterectomy. I was 8 days out and had not gone yet. I tried everything, suppositories, enemas, stool softeners, MOM...everything. My doc finally had me do a colon cleanse with mag citrate. I was never so happy to have diarrhea in my life.
  10. Bellasoo

    New migraine meds?

    I spoke with my surgeon and we have decided to with a sleeve instead. She said that protecting the sleeve would be easier than protecting a pouch. I won't be able to take the meds all the time, but, if I really need to she said that the sleeve will work better with the Cambia.
  11. Hi everyone, I am in the process of being approved for gastric bypass. I was recently told that certain meds will be off-limits for me after the surgery. I suffer from chronic migraine and I get botox injections to stop them. I have tried every preventative out there and none seem to work. I use Imitrex injectible as soon as I get a migraine, but, many times it does not work. My current rescue med is Cambia. I havn't spoken to my Headache Specialist yet, but, what do any of you take that suffer from Chronic Migraine.
  12. I've only told a few people that I am close with at work. They are supportive so far. My sister-in-law has had the surgery so I have told both she and my brother. I have chosen to not tell my sister. She is not in favor of this kind of surgery so I don't want that negativity right now.
  13. My last diet appointment is on May 18th. I will be getting (hopefully) insurance approval soon after that. So, I should be having my surgery this summer.
  14. Hi all, I am so confused here. When I started my program I had a $250 deductible per year and zero out of pocket. I was responsible for 10% of my surgical cost plus office co-pays. I just learned today that this is changing, on May 1st, to a $500 deductible, a $2000 out of pocket maximum, 20% of which I am responsible for up to that maximum, and a 10% surgical co-pay. So am I reading this right? Will I have to pay my $2500 plus the %10 of the surgery? Or will it stop at the out of pocket max? Thanks to anyone who responds.
  15. Yeah, that is the only thing that is throwing me off. I just figured that you don't go over that maximum. It's very confusing to me and it does not help that they won't answer any questions about it because the new policy is not in place yet.
  16. Bellasoo

    St. Louis Missouri

    I will be having bypass at Barnes hospital. I am in the Wash U program right now.
  17. Bellasoo

    New migraine meds?

    Thank you for the replies. I’ve tried everything mentioned here and cambia was the last resort. Looks like I will be having an appointment with my specialist to see if there is anything out there I’ve not tried.

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