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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by BostonWLKC

  1. BostonWLKC

    Foods that make you feel full

    Grilled or rotisserie chicken, veggie burger HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 175 CW 191.4 5’6”
  2. BostonWLKC

    When do you bite the bullet....

    I feel like I had the most reaction when I purchased a few pants and shirts that fit better-you can see the weight loss better. I would recommend though that you only buy a few as hopefully you lose more quickly and you need to go shopping again Start with your closet! Even if they don’t fit perfectly yet I’m sure you will be able to see that they fit better than they diss! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 175 CW 191.4 5’6”
  3. I had bypass and zero reflux since. Recovery was easy and minimal other than gas pain for a couple of days. I feel like bypass gives you more benefit but everyone is different HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 175 CW 191.4 5’6”
  4. BostonWLKC

    How often do you throw up?

    I didn’t experience any vomiting either- that isn’t normal. However if you eat too fast or don’t chew well enough you can spit up what we call “frothies” which is just frothy like spit . Sometimes just regurgitate food that gets stuck but that just like spit up food.... no vomiting HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 175 CW 191.4 5’6”
  5. Boston here too! Only had to do 3-5 days of liquid diet before surgery HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 175 CW 191.4 5’6”
  6. BostonWLKC

    Importance of drinking water

    What is the name of the app you’re using for water? I’m horrible at getting it in and struggle at 35-40 oz nevermind 60 HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 175 CW 191.4 5’6”
  7. Mililani50 , sorry to hear that. That should subside in the next few days! If it doesn’t then call your Doctor I didn’t have any pain really after day 1 other than itchy incisions and feeling like I did a stomach workout. I joke that I swear they didn’t do the surgery based on pain and eating amounts. All around good luck I guess Hang in there HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 175 CW 191.4 5’6”
  8. BostonWLKC

    Pre Op diet plan

    For me , the cooking class was about how to cook and ideas Nutrition appt was about what and how much HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 175 CW 191.4 5’6”
  9. BostonWLKC

    Really nervous....

    Why not consider bypass ? As The stomach isn’t removed Also would consider the amount of sleeve patients who end up with doing another surgery from sleeve to bypass Good luck on your decision! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 175 CW 191.4 5’6”
  10. BostonWLKC

    What is your full feeling?

    It’s definitely different for me. I don’t get a full feeling ...I feel like the food sits in my throat (assume that’s food that isn’t in the stomach bc it’s full?? Dunno) Either way- I always measure and just go with 3-4 ounces HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 175 CW 191.4 5’6”
  11. BostonWLKC

    Down 40 pounds since December 7th!

    Congrats!! Nice progress, keep it up! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 175 CW 192.4 5’6”
  12. BostonWLKC

    What's Your Goal For The Week?

    Try to increase water! I really struggle to get more than 40 oz and need to get closer to goal of over 60 oz HW 242, SW 236- Bypass 12/20/17 GW#1- 199 [emoji736]. GW#2- 175 CW 192.4 5’6”
  13. BostonWLKC

    Starting BMI of 33

    Hi Nope- don’t regret it- would do it again. Best decision ever. I had a BMI of 36 with apnea and reflux . Apnea and reflux gone HW 242, SW 236- Bypass 12/20/17 GW#1- 199 [emoji736]. GW#2- 175 CW 192.4 5’6”
  14. BostonWLKC

    Sleeve or Bypass with GERD?

    My understanding is that bypass eliminates GERD where the sleeve has less of a chance of eliminating it I had it and have no trace after bypass HW 242, SW 236- Bypass 12/20/17 GW#1- 199 [emoji736]. GW#2- 175 CW 192 5’6”
  15. Is it possible to edit your screen name? HW 242, SW 236- Bypass 12/20/17 GW#1- 199 [emoji736]. GW#2- 175 CW 192 5’6”
  16. Thanks ! HW 242, SW 236- Bypass 12/20/17 GW#1- 199 [emoji736]. GW#2- 175 CW 192 5’6”
  17. I used rubbing alcohol when that happened. Then followed by benedryl HW 242, SW 236- Bypass 12/20/17 GW#1- 199 [emoji736]. GW#2- 175 CW 192 5’6”
  18. Had mine at BMC. Super easy recovery so far- best decision ever HW 242, SW 236- Bypass 12/20/17 GW#1- 199 [emoji736]. GW#2- 175 CW 192 5’6”
  19. Try hot water like decaf tea? I still have a hard time with cold water - but cold protein shakes go down ok. HW 242, SW 236- Bypass 12/20/17 GW#1- 199 [emoji736]. GW#2- 175 CW 194 5’6”
  20. Forgot to mention calories for day are usually around 5-600 calories total HW 242, SW 236- Bypass 12/20/17 GW#1- 199 [emoji736]. GW#2- 175 CW 194 5’6”
  21. Definitely easier if you have a shake for one of your meals . I do one for breakfast (30g) , then triple zero yogurt (15g) for a mid morning snack, turkey or 3 oz chicken for lunch (18g), string cheese (6g) for mid afternoon snack ... then dinner! You’ll get used to it Now water?? I really struggle with!! HW 242, SW 236- Bypass 12/20/17 GW#1- 199 [emoji736]. GW#2- 175 CW 194 5’6”
  22. BostonWLKC

    Surgery Tomorrow - Nervous

    You’re off on this amazing experience—congrats! Super exciting weeks ahead! Watch those lbs fall off with your determination! HW 242, SW 236- Bypass 12/20/17 GW#1- 199 [emoji736]. GW#2- 175 CW 194 5’6”
  23. You definitely should cut yourself a break ! You need to heal HW 242, SW 236- Bypass 12/20/17 GW#1- 199 [emoji736]. GW#2- 175 CW 194 5’6”
  24. I have a really hard drinking plain water- and cold is worse. Caffeine free teas, shakes go down just fine though HW 242, SW 236- Bypass 12/20/17 GW#1- 199 [emoji736]. GW#2- 175 CW 194 5’6”
  25. Hi I believe you should be eating every 3 hours so that’s normal! I think your calories are fine but maybe it’s what you’re getting them from that’s leaving you hungry? Are you eating lean proteins for meals? HW 242, SW 236- Bypass 12/20/17 GW#1- 199 [emoji736]. GW#2- 175 CW 194 5’6”

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
