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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by BostonWLKC

  1. Hi All Paranoia setting in around how much we should be eating at four months out?! I am full after 3/4 of a cup… Does that sound right? Usually around 600 -650 calories and 4 ounces weighed but sometimes that equates to 3/4 of a cup volume. Anybody know or have insight where we should be at 4 months for volume? Ie half cup? 3/4 cup? Etc HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”
  2. BostonWLKC


    Mine was two days- thankfully! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”
  3. BostonWLKC

    Alcohol and RNY

    I thought alcohol was forbidden for a year?! [emoji15]. I’m afraid to even think about it during this rapid wl phase HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”
  4. BostonWLKC

    Bad breath

    You’ll be shocked then HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”
  5. BostonWLKC

    Bad breath

    My husband equated it to death. I still have it somewhat and I’m 4 months out. [emoji849]🤮 It’s essentially ketosis—- aka rapid fat loss HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”
  6. Congrats to you!! What an accomplishment! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”
  7. BostonWLKC


    Gave up coffee and all caffeine before surgery and am planning on staying caffeine / coffee free! I feel so much better without it. I do drink caffeine free herbal tea now though ... for me I like hot water now so i helps with water intake! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”
  8. BostonWLKC

    Time off from work

    Plus Boston is just awesome [emoji12][emoji51] HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”
  9. BostonWLKC

    Time off from work

    If you’re not lifting you should be ok after 5-7 days HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”
  10. BostonWLKC

    DECEMBER Bypass Wednesday Weigh In!

    Congrats to you both! Curious— what volume are you eating per meal? Ie 4 oz Vs half a cup or are you at more? Sometimes I feel like I’m eating too much volume per meal HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”
  11. Hi! Other months have a Wednesday weigh in where they post their stats for the week or whatever on their mind.... there is nothing for us December people so I’m starting one! Tough week for me but overall doing ok! Down 67 lbs since surgery . Feel amazing! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”
  12. BostonWLKC

    Pooping is stressful!

    Careful with smooth move tea— it works! BUT be home and prepare for stomach cramping lol HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”
  13. Remember that starting weight plays into amount lost and how fast. You sound like you’re doing just great- don’t worry! What diet have you been on that you’ve lost over 4 pounds in a week?! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”
  14. If you’re having issues.... enough said! [emoji15] HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 175 5’6”
  15. BostonWLKC

    Time off from work

    Don’t know how you’ll avoid lifting as a cna lol HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”
  16. BostonWLKC

    Hunger pains

    Sugar free pudding cups or string cheese! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”
  17. Crush your goals! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”
  18. BostonWLKC


    Congrats!! Awesome work! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”
  19. Omg I miss bread so much [emoji23] HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”
  20. BostonWLKC

    What Have You Lost???

    The fats and oils an average American eats in a year That’s gross to think of. And not at all fun lie the rest of the weights! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”
  21. BostonWLKC

    Bariatric surgery and restaurants

    Likely! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”
  22. BostonWLKC

    DECEMBER Bypass Wednesday Weigh In!

    Also... a question- what are you all eating for volume? HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”
  23. BostonWLKC

    Bariatric surgery and restaurants

    Just went to the 99 for lunch. They were just plain turkey tips with some cucumber dill sauce on side. Didn’t eat more than a bite of the quinoa and didn’t touch the grilled pita it comes with. HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”
  24. BostonWLKC

    Bariatric surgery and restaurants

    Just had some turkey tips- yum! It’s hard to pass up the other stuff that comes with an entree though - for me anyway! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”
  25. BostonWLKC

    Surgery Day [emoji4]

    You’ll both do great ! Post when you are able ! It’ll be over before you know it— and the gas is only temporary- walk walk walk! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
