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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by BostonWLKC

  1. BostonWLKC

    Feeling like my life is over

    Sorry youre experiencing this! Have you had discussions with your Dr around food? I know it isnt your direct and most immediate issue right now -- but shrimp that early sounds really awful. Good luck and hopefully youre on the mend now. Just focus on your protein drinks and water...heal.
  2. Hi Initially it was about 3-4 lbs a week but Ive slowed a bit now to 1-2 lbs a week but my exercise has also been off.
  3. BostonWLKC

    2 week liquid preop diet

    Yep HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 173 5’6”
  4. BostonWLKC

    Weight loss stall

    No potatoes lol slippery slope HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 173 5’6”
  5. BostonWLKC

    I am considering gastric sleeve?

    Bypass is known to eliminate it. Folks have posted that their sleeve increased GERD and they end up having a converting surgery to bypass Good luck with your decision HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 173 5’6”
  6. Congrats to you! It’s an amazing journey- keep posting! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 173 5’6”
  7. BostonWLKC

    Weight loss stall

    Rotisserie chicken has been a blessing!! Super easy to shred HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 173 5’6”
  8. They weighed me in at every appointment, good luck at yours! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 173 5’6”
  9. BostonWLKC

    Shakes and satiety

    I find cutting to one shake a day works for me at this stage- usually in morning. Having the rest of protein from food- 4 oz chicken or turkey, eggs, yogurt or cheese HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 173 5’6”
  10. BostonWLKC

    2 week liquid preop diet

    It mattered with me... I couldn’t drop below a certain weight/ BMI prior to surgery. I had a two day pre op just to shrink liver and get food out of system HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 173 5’6”
  11. BostonWLKC

    Weight loss stall

    I’ve liked ground turkey with low sodium taco seasoning. I add in some chopped veggies like carrots, onion and broccoli. Sometimes with a little low sugar tomato sauce. I’ve also enjoyed egg, tuna or chicken salad. Those tuna pouches are great- love the sweet and spicy one. Grilled chicken with feta, tomato , onion and lettuce (think kabob or Greek dish)-great hot or cold I was a meat and carb only (never red meat) type anyhow and don’t mind monotonous meals- for now anyway. Fish every so often You have any? HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 173 5’6”
  12. BostonWLKC


    Don’t cancel! It is amazing and you won’t regret it! Try to start weening off coffee and carbs if you can over next couple of weeks- it helps!— do you have a pre op diet and if yes when and how long? The process is a bit tough in the beginning but nothing that isn’t temporary - gas pains were tough for 2-3 days. Once on foods it’s really great and such a motivator to watch your body change. Don’t cancel- for anything! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 173 5’6”
  13. BostonWLKC

    Weight loss stall

    Thanks! Omg carbs 🤯! I was such a carb-monger! Really trying to stay away from those (ie rice, potatoes, BREAD!). Omg bread... Haha struggles... HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 173 5’6”
  14. BostonWLKC

    Any April surgery buddies

    Hi and welcome DevinNj! It is definitely an exciting time and you’ll do amazing! Just keep reminding yourself why you’re doing it, that this tool will change your life and that it’ll be over before you know it just take a breath and jump! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 173 5’6”
  15. BostonWLKC

    Weight loss stall

    Boatnam1 - that’s my go-to too... go back to basics and reset of sorts. Congrats! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 173 5’6”
  16. I chose bypass bc I felt that it maximizes the weight loss . I also feel like the bypass limits your eating more- And There are so many people getting their sleeves converted to bypass and I didn’t want two surgeries ! If you have reflux the bypass eliminates (or at least reduces) it —- and folks say the sleeve can create reflux . HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 173 5’6”
  17. BostonWLKC

    2 days out of surgery

    My program had me chewing them as soon as I got home on day 3 HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 173 5’6”
  18. BostonWLKC

    6 weeks post surgery - Drinking

    My program recommends no alcohol for 1st year. Be careful of sugars in the alcohol and how you react now to liquor will be much quicker HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 173 5’6”
  19. BostonWLKC

    4 days

    You’ll begin to drop the surgery fluid and weight around day 5 in my experience. Enjoy the next phase! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 173 5’6”
  20. BostonWLKC

    My First 5K Race

    Wow! Nice accomplishment! Glad you have that piece back you enjoyed so much HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 173 5’6”
  21. There is totally a noticeable difference! Yay you! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 173 5’6”
  22. BostonWLKC


    NSV for me yesterday was visiting the Dr office and they didn’t have to switch to the “larger” blood pressure cuff AND the Johnny fit loosely and comfy covering everything [emoji23][emoji4] HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 173 5’6”
  23. BostonWLKC

    April 19th (or about) surgery buddies??

    Nice job to the both of you! Congrats and happy healing! Remember to walk and drink [emoji16] HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 173 5’6”
  24. BostonWLKC

    Tattoo before surgery?

    I wouldn’t chance it - if they cancel surgery that’d be devastating! You can get a tat to celebrate after surgery— or as a milestone celebration in weight loss! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 173 5’6”
  25. BostonWLKC

    Four months out- what’s your volume?

    Ok thanks- makes me feel a bit better. I worry about “stretching” by over eating but at the same time don’t feel like I’m over eating lol. Mental craziness I know! HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 174 5’6”

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
