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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by BostonWLKC

  1. BostonWLKC


    Oh wow ash lol Good luck with the yard sale!
  2. Few things work- do a ton of walking and then Do more walking Should take about a week ish Feel better!
  3. BostonWLKC

    Birthday Differences.

    Holy moly! Amazing and great job!
  4. Congrats Fluff! Amazing work!
  5. BostonWLKC

    Goal accomplish

    Impressive! Great job
  6. BostonWLKC

    Protein struggles

    I still drink one for breakfast .... don’t see why not and I’m getting rest of proteins from food.
  7. BostonWLKC

    Built In Early Warning System!

    I get the hiccups! Just a few but it’s a neat warning :)
  8. BostonWLKC

    3 weeks down

    Nice! Congrats!
  9. For the first time in my life FOOD doesn’t control my thoughts and actions. #awesomelypowerful
  10. BostonWLKC

    MattyMatt...are you out there?

    Hang in there Matty- rest and try to relax. Good luck on Monday !
  11. BostonWLKC

    Before and After (photos)

    Nice! Congrats!
  12. Donating is so liberating! Wait til you real donate your closet—- that was a surreal day! 15 bags gone that day! I’m so used to keeping the clothes “in case” Get em out!
  13. BostonWLKC

    Made it to 1nderland

    Nice! You look amazing, congrats!
  14. BostonWLKC

    Reconsidering bypass

    If you have reflux at all you really should listen to Dr and do bypass. So many people end up having a second surgery after sleeve to get bypass due to increased reflux. As for bypass—- love mine. Zero issues and the only thing I can see as big difference is taking vitamins Easy recovery for me- no issues other than gas first few days and then some foamies for like a week when I ate or drank too fast
  15. BostonWLKC

    8 pounds more right after surgery

    It’ll go away within 5-7 days! Then you’ll see amazing losses on that scale! Try not to obsess haha- but we all do :)
  16. BostonWLKC

    Down in the dumps, wls diet sucks!

    Use this forum to connect with people... vent, get advice, commiserate (lol) or just talk. It really helps to have people who know what you’re going through and “get it!” Hang in there it does get amazingly better like a week after surgery. You’re almost there, surgery is near!
  17. BostonWLKC


    What Allwet said . I’m eating 4-5 small meals.... protein centered. Meals are about 4 ounces- 3 ounces of protein with another ounce of veggies Snacks are sugar free , yogurt or cheese Have you talked to your dietician/ nutritionist?
  18. BostonWLKC

    Post Op and still hungry

    Hang in there— it’ll get better once you can have food!
  19. BostonWLKC

    Boss Wants Me to Delay Surgery

    That’s ridiculous. There will always be “something “ at work. It’s also borderline inappropriate for them to even talk about your sick leave in that manner. Calling it “elective????” It’s none of their business why you’re taking a medical leave You’re absolutely not overreacting. Just be careful how you respond to the request
  20. BostonWLKC

    No regrets guys!

    Wow! Amazing job!!
  21. Perhaps just use sauce or other item to make it more moist? Hopefully that limits or avoids your need for drinking during meals ?
  22. DO NOT CANCEL! You’ll regret it if you do. Stop listening to people who have no idea what you’re doing, going through or anything about the surgery.
  23. BostonWLKC

    VSG candidate, boyfriend NOT onboard!

    “He's always complained about my weight, so the stress from that didn't help and now I have an excellent chance at success, but I'm getting even more stress. “ Sounds like he hasn’t been very supportive if he “complains” about your weight. My husband was also not in agreement while I was researching and doing the pre appointments but he respected my desire and reasons for getting healthier. He is super supportive now. IMO you need to do for you first— any other relationship should respect that
  24. Binge watch seasons of tv shows lol Read that book you never get to WALK WALK WALK WALK! It’ll get that fluid moving

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
