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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by BostonWLKC

  1. BostonWLKC

    Surgery/recovery room timeframes

    I slept for several hours after surgery. Couldn’t keep my eyes open
  2. Amazing journey. No regrets at all! Down 80 lbs in a bit more than 5 months. I feel phenomenal and it’s surreal that I can literally try on any clothes I want to - that’s amazing !
  3. BostonWLKC

    ... i am embarrassed to ask

    Smooth Move Tea works... just be home :). It. Works. Ha
  4. BostonWLKC

    November sleevers here

    Nice!!! Congrats!
  5. You’ll do amazing—check in later!
  6. BostonWLKC

    Can it be a secret?

    Ive kept mine a secret. Only my husband knows. I started by telling people I was starting a diet once I started going to appointments. After surgery- of course they noticed me eating differently . I’ve stuck with the eating plan which is what I’ve told them- eating protein every 3-4 hours in small portions, increase water etc plus going to the gym more frequently
  7. Ha! Good luck to you! Breathe and try not to say anything theyll think is crazy lol . The fact that youre on here all the time shows the commitment!. Im sure all will work out ...and wear whatever makes you most comfortable!!
  8. BostonWLKC

    New here

    Welcome ! Be sure to ask any questions along the way- there’s a lot of info to take in and most of us have experienced them. Enjoy the journey— it will go fast! (Although doesn’t feel like it will)
  9. BostonWLKC

    I think I figured it out

    Thin down the shakes- that helps. The protein in hot water works too! Hot water goes down much easier than cold for me Good luck !
  10. Nice job! You look great ! Amazing progress
  11. BostonWLKC

    Surgery in the morning

    That’s gas pain . Awful I know. Only way to get rid of it is move a lot Keep on keeping on!
  12. BostonWLKC

    Gas after surgery

    sometimes called "foamies".... they eventually go away. It was typically a sign I was taking too big of sips and too fast. Try having her slow down .... literally SMALL SMALL SIPS at this early stage--- and SLOW. Think of filing a small OZ cup (like the nyquil cup) and drink just that over 15 min. ANything more than that or faster isnt recommended 2 days out. Good luck and good for you for coming here to ask how to help her!
  13. BostonWLKC

    It's all fun and games until...

    ut oh lol..... Ok so hide the scale all week then make yourself on one day. Try not to obsess
  14. BostonWLKC

    Surgery in the morning

    Glad youre home and doing well! Keep walking and then walk some more
  15. BostonWLKC

    Approval question/advice

    My understanding is that the final submission packet has to be approved and until that happens--anything can happen. BUT I cant imagine they would deny you. Try to hang in there
  16. BostonWLKC

    January bypass buddies??

    Thanks Marc! This thread looks great! And folks post each week which is what Im looking for-- accountability and friendly ! Thanks!
  17. BostonWLKC

    January bypass buddies??

    Hey All Ive tried to start a December thread but never really took off....mind if I join the January lol . I was 12/20!!
  18. BostonWLKC

    General questions

    I cant imagine why anything would change your surgery! It is definitely exciting, and an amazing journey! Just dont lose too much weight before your final weigh in --- cant go below 35 BMI so try to stay where you are. Although youve likely already had your final Dr appointment? My BMI was 39 and they didnt have me do a pre-op diet --- just liquid for 2 days to clear your stomach and bowels for surgery. Youll be nervous and excited..... but it truly is awesome. The gas is the worst part-- so just keep walking - its really the only thing that works. Get out of bed asap and literally walk every hour for the 2 days your in the hospital. The post op diet kinda stinks for a bit but once on soft foods and then solids its fine. Feel free to ask any questions.... youll do amazing!
  19. BostonWLKC

    Face 2 Face Friday

    Angie, did you mean to post a pic?
  20. BostonWLKC

    Post Appetite

    I’m about 5 months out and only really hungry in the morning and that’s mild just noticeable. I eat 4 oz every 4 hours but have to remember to eat . Typically not hungry afterward at all
  21. Try the eggs! And maybe tuna well broken up with very little mayo?
  22. BostonWLKC

    MattyMatt...are you out there?

    How you’re doing well Matty- update when you can
  23. BostonWLKC

    Tell me your story....Please

    Happy to help if you need rny post ops (5 months)
  24. BostonWLKC

    Tomorrow is the day!

    It’ll be over before you know it and you’ll be on your way to an amazing journey— good luck tomorrow!

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