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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by BostonWLKC

  1. BostonWLKC

    Mountain bread 2 weeks post op

    Stay away from bread - especially that short time out. That’s way too much of a slippery slope
  2. BostonWLKC

    Satisfying the BEAST

    Congrats on the amazing work !
  3. BostonWLKC

    How much have you lost?

    Hi! I am 5’6… I had the bypass... 236 on surgery day. Currently 161. Nice job All!
  4. Congrats!! Nice job!!
  5. BostonWLKC

    In what way have you changed?

    Definitely more I third of and confident. I was pretty assertive and confident before but now I feel like others also respond more. Not sure if that makes anything. Just more self assured and not consumed with where I’m sitting, how I am sitting, whether or not people can see how heavy I really am…That is all gone. Like a weight lifted emotionally.
  6. Hit 80 lbs down !! I feel amazing and it is surreal to try on any clothes I want to!! Super happy and healthy. So very grateful! Thank you to you all for being with me on this journey so far! You’re all an inspiration!
  7. BostonWLKC

    My day

    KT have you had surgery yet?
  8. BostonWLKC

    Thought I was dying

    Whoa boy- sure sounds like dumping . Maybe ate too fast and too much?
  9. I gave it up and haven’t gone back. Don’t miss it. The first week I was homicidal lol but since been great I switched to decaf teas No soda or coffee
  10. It’s normal and will lessen in time. Just drink water and move
  11. You can totally lose 2 pounds by just cutting out sugar and carbs for a week
  12. BostonWLKC

    No Longer Overweight!

    Nice job! Congratulations to you!
  13. BostonWLKC

    Open RNY?

    Hi I am glad I did laparoscopic. There are five 1/4 inch incisions in a circle (prob smaller and one is 1/4 in). Recovery was easier and near no pain (just uncomfortable). The open bypass my friend had was SO much more invasive and painful. She has an enormous scar laterally down her stomach. Almost 6 months out and there are only two of mine that are still visually healing (1/4 inch each on each side of belly button) A lot of Doctors tend to not have great bedside manners lol. Doesn’t mean they aren’t great surgeons. Don’t let that decide your recovery.
  14. BostonWLKC

    Bye Bye Sugar...

    Sugar free popsicles and sugar free snack Pak pudding really helps!
  15. BostonWLKC

    Belly Binder...needed or naw

    I think it depends on the person and amount of weight pulling on the incision sites.
  16. BostonWLKC

    Hard to believe - milestone !

    Not sure I’m ready for that lol! Too private of a person :)
  17. Probably anytime now you’ll see it. Be sure you’re up and walking a lot to get stuff moving. Mine took a few days too!
  18. BostonWLKC

    12 days post-op. Depressed and struggling

    It does get better!! Once you move to more foods you will feel a bit better Sugar free popsicles are my saving grace! Try joining you local walking club or ty to meet some people. Hopefully that helps the loneliness . Get outside- the sun does wonders too Come here often and chat to folks- that helps!! Hang in there
  19. You’ll be amazing! Just be sure to walk ASAP to get rid of gas (worst part for me - lasted abt 2 or 3 days) Post when you can afterward!
  20. BostonWLKC

    December 2017 Gastric Bypass!

    Yay more December folks! How are you guys doing?
  21. BostonWLKC

    MattyMatt...are you out there?

    Anyone hear from Matty in past couple of weeks?
  22. BostonWLKC

    It’s hard to believe...

    Congrats! Nice job!
  23. BostonWLKC

    Today’s the day!!!!!

    Good luck! You’ll do great ! Remember to get up and walk... the gas pain is half the battle! Post when you feel up to it

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