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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by BostonWLKC

  1. BostonWLKC

    Five months postop and no regrets!

    Congratulations! Amazing! It was so liberating to throw away ( donate ) my entire closet at different stages… Never going back! We all had those different sections of the closet just in case, right?
  2. BostonWLKC

    11 days post RnY

    Hi… Hang in there it does come off! Try to think of it that you just lost 15 pounds in 11 days. Try not to wear yourself for at least three days… Do it maybe twice a week if you have to. It will drive you crazy. Just stay on your program with protein and water… You’ll see the scale really start to move.
  3. BostonWLKC

    RNY bypass 6/20 too much ?

    It was the same with me… Only Coldwater was a problem in the beginning. Once you transition to soft or solid foods you will definitely feel restriction. I still feel like I can eat a little bit more than anyone else but the wait is definitely coming off so hang in there!
  4. BostonWLKC

    YAY! Healthy BMI

    Thanks all!
  5. BostonWLKC

    Anyone in Massachusetts????

    Super proud and so much more confident / happy! You’ll love the journey- it’s amazing. The gas strips didn’t work for me but walking a lot did Buying new clothes is a constant — but fun. Just as soon as you wear it 2 times they’re too big :). So I’m not sure how I’ll celebrate?? Hadn’t thought of it! We just chose my weight goal— which is pretty much in middle of BMI range for 5’6... i think it’s 125-155?? So I said 140 but ideally 135 so there’s a cushion ;). Who knows - I’m psyched now so everything is gravy at this point . I’m the lightest I’ve been as an adult so that’s incredible!
  6. BostonWLKC

    Hospital bag

    Yes to hair ties!
  7. BostonWLKC

    Hospital bag

    Oh.... I did bring sweat pants ! Walking in those gowns is horrible lol. I wish I brought a zip up hoodie or robe!
  8. BostonWLKC

    Hospital bag

    I wore same clothes out as I did in! I brought all that stuff too but didn’t end up reading etc. slept and walked a lot. Really only used biotine spray , face wipes and phone charger. The hospital gives you tooth paste and mouth wash etc - hospitals are dirty lol unless you plan on throwing away your toothbrush you bring from home Good luck- you’ll do great!!
  9. BostonWLKC

    Anyone in Massachusetts????

    Had bypass 6 months ago! Down almost 90 lbs and about 10-15 lbs from goal. I had no issues thankfully- some gas pain the first few days (waking up was a bit painful with gas in chest) but that’s about it! Feel free to ask anything !
  10. BostonWLKC

    Anyone in Massachusetts????

    Boston here 😊
  11. I’m at 6 months our and hover around 800 calories. Losing about 1-2 lbs a week at this point Typically no / low carb and no sugar , high protein at 80-100 g Volume or weight is my constant question. I typically weigh proteins at 4 oz but for some proteins that is about a cup. It is about a smidge more than I think I’m full at this amount. Seems to be working so far
  12. BostonWLKC

    Tomorrow's the big day!!!

    Good luck! Worst part is the gas but a breeze after day 4/5! Update when you can!
  13. BostonWLKC

    One day after

    all normal — you should feel better 3-5 days out! Walking is really only thing that helped! Hopefully you feel better today!
  14. Six months since my bypass and I feel absolutely amazing! I am so very grateful to have taken this step and for this forum to keep me on track! 86 lbs gone in 6 months_ truly a blessing I won’t take advantage of!
  15. I am about 7/8 weeks out and I am eating about 4 ounces per meal - within about 30 min Total calories are around 500- 600 for the day Does that sound about right? I want to maximize my weight loss during his time and I’ve not added anything other than proteins yet HW 242 SW 236- December 20, 2017 CW 199 GW 160
  16. BostonWLKC

    Is Watermelon ok to eat?

    All I’m saying is be careful. Fruit has a lot of sugar and on my plan (and most) should be eaten in small amounts. My plan says 1/2 piece of fruit a day max. Natural sugar has its issues too with surgery sugar limits Just my opinion
  17. BostonWLKC

    January bypass buddies??

    Checking in! Down 86 lbs as of today which is 6 months post op! Averaging about 1 1/2 lbs a week
  18. BostonWLKC

    On my way!!

    Hang in there— it gets better! Give it about a week!
  19. Hi all! How has the past 4 months been? It’s been about 6 months! I’m about 86 lbs down! Wearing size 4 or 6 pants and even a small or medium shirt! Holy crap!!
  20. BostonWLKC

    7 months post op

    Well done and congrats!
  21. Congrats Creek! Love those experiences!!
  22. BostonWLKC

    Is Watermelon ok to eat?

    Just be careful of sugar content. A cup of watermelon is 9 g of sugar for reference
  23. BostonWLKC

    On my way!!

    I’m sure all went well! Update when you can

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