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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by BostonWLKC

  1. BostonWLKC

    How long did it take to lose 100lbs

    I’m at 90 lbs (woot!).... just over 6 months
  2. BostonWLKC

    "You don't seem big enough for surgery..."

    I get “don’t lose anymore weight, you won’t look good.” Some even ask my weight and then say something like “oh you look like you weigh less than that.” Um ok. I think that’s the reaction to seeing the rapidness of WLS I just crossed into normal BMI and goal is the middle of the range. I don’t think that’s crazy.
  3. I like the vanilla, chocolate, caramel and cookies and cream. The cookies and cream one IS really sweet but a sip or two in its ok :) Still the better shake out there
  4. BostonWLKC

    Sleeved Monday

    For me.... I couldnt drink cold water for a while. Still don’t like it (cold shakes were ok) Try hot water (decaf tea)- workd for me
  5. BostonWLKC

    Gas bubble is killing me

    Don’t regret.... promise it passes in about 5 days time. Only thing that really works is walking ... so get to it!
  6. BostonWLKC

    Surgery day!!!!!!

    Congrats! Amazing journey ahead!
  7. You guys will all do amazing!! Good luck
  8. BostonWLKC

    I was approved!

    Congrats! Yay!!
  9. BostonWLKC

    One Week Cigarette Free!

    Congratulations- that’s a great accomplishment! I’m sure things will go so much easier for surgery with one less thing to work on then! Next up... caffeine :). Wicked headaches for abt 2 weeks
  10. BostonWLKC

    Can I have a half glass of Wine with a steak

    I’d be more concerned with steak at 7 weeks... holy moly 🤢 Good luck!
  11. I didn’t have to either. Just shakes and liquids for 1-2 days before to get food out of my stomach.
  12. You’ve lost 14 lbs so far since surgery day and that doesn’t count having to lose the fluid weight you had to lose when they pumped it in! That’s great! I was tired for about 3 months - sounds normal as you heal and exercise Also— may want to check with your DR .... my plan doesn’t allow for weights and strenuous exercise for at least 6 weeks. Good luck!
  13. BostonWLKC

    Anyone in Massachusetts????

    Congrats! Amazing
  14. Wouldn’t do either. Don’t risk the surgery by going before - you’ll be miserably hungry and irritable lol. After- no way possible. Skip it and go next year— this is worth it!
  15. BostonWLKC

    live chat room

    There’s a live chat room??
  16. BostonWLKC

    Counting down the hours!!!!!

    Hair elastic, biotene spray... and maybe slippers unless you like those socks . Sweat pants
  17. BostonWLKC

    My progress pictures

    Nice job and you look great !
  18. BostonWLKC


    Took it for first 2 nights to sleep only. Then switched to Tylenol
  19. Premiere protein bars have 30 g
  20. BostonWLKC

    Today was surgery

    Congrats! Have fun on the journey!
  21. BostonWLKC

    Orange Theory Fitness

    Kay— where is one opening? I am going to join title 1 I think
  22. BostonWLKC

    TMI - Pooping at work

    People who have not had your surgery yet… Don’t worry! You can figure it out and it is not so much of an issue after a while. I have zero issues so there is hope!
  23. BostonWLKC

    Let's hear some normal poop stories

    Six months out and no poop woes! Just have to be careful that you’re getting enough fiber so you’re not constipated. The only time I’ve had issues is if a slight onset of dumping but that is only happened one or two times. Good luck tomorrow!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
