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  1. Done33

    Any April 2018 Sleevers?!?!

    April 5th I’m down for.. Exactly 2 weeks tomorrow!
  2. Done33

    First night at the hospital

    Praise God! Speedy recovery to you OP! God bless your journey!
  3. Today was supposed to be day one of the pre-op diet for me, but I failed miserably. So I have an action plan in place. Conveniently I have one day off in the next two weeks, so being at work is going to distract me, as today I was home alone. But I know Tomorrow when I am back in the office I’ll be fine because I get so busy. So know that you are not alone. Your so blessed it’s a few days, this 3 week haul seems like it’s going take forever! But I have to remember what’s at the finish line. Best wishes.
  4. That’s awesome to hear. For me it’s not a hot topic issue but I don’t understand the mentality behind ‘ if he says no leave’ ... Seriously, I’m sure your vows was in sickness and in health, not ‘ when you don’t get what you want, I’m leaving’. Compromise is what you aim for in a marriage, and if everything has to be your way or his way, then it’s not really a marriage. Genuinely wishing you all the best!
  5. So is he expected to say yes to everything straight away? Yes it’s her body but their marriage. If she wants the surgery she should have it, but giving him an ultimatum simply because he doesn’t agree the first time she approaches it? Now that is extreme.
  6. This extreme? I have. My own husband. I too was in the same boat with my husband shutting down what I thought was any chance of an open discussion about the topic. Whilst, he has the right to make his choice on the matter, all I wanted was that he make an informed decision. His apprehension to this, was as I suspected due to the fact that he thought it was the easy way out and that I was doing purely out vanity, but I asked him some tough questions, like was he willing to push me around in the a wheel chair should my weight debilitate me, could he stand to see me in constant pain,??? Because I was unwilling to let him carry that burden so I continue to approach about it. Eventually he gave me a hearing, and like a well prepared defence attorney, I had everything ready, before n after photos, YouTube videos, facts about the operation and everything in between. Today I’m 5 weeks away from surgery and he his my biggest support. He only has good things to look forward to and even though there is time for things to change, but I keep letting him know changes are going to come about and that we will overcome them together. Whilst pre-op diet is important for surgery, so is pre-op marriage discussions. Don’t wait until post op for things to rear it’s ugly head.. try and tackle the issues before the surgery, you’ll find your better for it. Be patient and work on it, he will eventually get past his scratch the surface knowledge of the surgery and will be able to see surgery is definitely not the easy way out. All the best.
  7. Hi Elsee G, Whilst gastric sleeve is a tool, like anything else if used the wrong way it can do damage. It is most certainly possible to stretch the pouch , by ones inability to change the habits that led them to obesity in the first place, will always have the same result. The sleeve with temporary make you drop the weight, but once your body has adapted to its new stomach, it easy to stretch it by over eating and or eating high processed and high fat foods. if the new pouch did not stretch at all, then it would really be the magic bullet but because it does stretch, doctors only describe it only as a tool that will assist you to drop the pounds. If your want the weight to stay off, then follow the instruction booklet to your tool and you’ll be fine. Cheers
  8. Done33

    April/May 2018 Sleevers!!?

    Hey all! I am booked for the 5th of April! Whilst surgery is soon can I say just for reading the forums what an extensive list you have to get through the actual surgery and a credit to you who manage to ride it out.

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