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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by OnMyWayDown

  1. redheather - first congratulations! That is amazing! How did the weight come off so fast? Can you give me some idea what your daily menus are and if you are working out regularly? I was banded in early April and have only lost 2 or 3 pounds since my surgery. I fee like a failure. I have been unable to work out because I have two slipped vertebrae, but I have been eating about half of what I used to. Give me some hints on your success. I'd love to hear! Again, Congratulations!!!

  2. I know exactly how you are feeling. I too have only lost about 3 pounds since my surgery which was the beginning of April 2008. I keep cancelling my appointments for another fill, just to try to loose some weight before I go in because I know the doctor is going to have a fit when he sees that I'm not loosing. But I think it's a game I'm playing with myself. My suggestion is to schedule your doctor's appointment and get back on track. That's exactly what I'm doing. In just a couple of days. I'm going to get my second fill and I hope that will help quite a bit. Right now I have no restriction. I know once we get the proper fill amount, this is a very successful tool. So, get on the phone and get back on track. YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE - AND I'M NOT GOING TO BE EITHER. Have a good week.

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