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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About SleeveinIL

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    Guru in Training
  • Birthday 12/22/1969

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  1. I wanted to share a "time lapse" of pictures of my transformation over the past 3 years 7/2017 - 5/2020. I have lost weight, exercised and I have my life back and I am living it again. All of us are here to fight this demon and I wanted to show my pictures as encouragement to show it can happen. Will I be a size 2? Probably not, but I am happier than ever with my life and myself. I am currently pursuing removing my stomach skin with my original surgeon due to recurrent abdominal and navel infections. We shall see what the insurance says about it all. 💗
  2. SleeveinIL

    How much did your insurance pay?

    I had to pay $710 which was my coinsurance because I had already met my deductible and out of pocket.
  3. SleeveinIL

    Life Insurance

    So now that I’ve lost some weight I asked my life insurance to re-evaluate my rating to see if I can get a cheaper rate. Those jerks actually cut your weight loss in half because “the average person regains half the weight they lost.” Has anyone else run into this? Just irritated me. Sorry to vent.
  4. I had sleeve and hiatal hurnia procedures as well. I really didn't have any pain. I was off pain meds as soon as I came home from the hospital (2 days). I have never had any pain. It is so odd since I am such a big weenie. lol
  5. I was sleeved March 2018 and my stomach still gurgles LOUDLY. It will scare my little lap dog when it really gets going. LOL You sound like you are dong terrific.
  6. SleeveinIL

    Sunflower seeds

    I also love them. I also much on pistachios once in a blue moon.
  7. SleeveinIL


    You are doing great. The surgery is doing exactly what it should. Keep it up!
  8. SleeveinIL

    I buried my 15 year old grand-son

    I am so sorry for your loss. This is so senseless and tragic.
  9. Challenge Starting weight: 207 Current weight lost: 101lbs Losing or maintaining weight: Losing Fitness/exercise goal: 5-6 days a week, and I signed up for running my first Turkey Trot (Short one - 2 miles)! Total weight loss at the end of challenge: (Post January 1st 2019) 20lbs Check in: Tell us how you are doing - (How is your diet and exercise plan going? Any struggles? Stress level? What have you overcome? Any strategies that have helped) Struggles: tracking my food in a journal. I HATE IT but I think that is slowing my progress more than I want to admit. Also, my fur baby just passed away so I have been very down of late. I have been working out harder/more to keep my emotions in check. Also have regular appointments to manage the "soul".
  10. I'm struggling a little. My younger sister wants to go out to a buffet for Thanksgiving so no one has to cook and stress. While I appreciate her sentiment, I also don't want to pay $65 a head (4 ppl in my family) especially since I can't eat much AND buffets are so difficult to deal with overeating. I told my sister after thinking about it that buffets aren't okay for me. She seemed to understand, but was disappointed. Am I being selfish by not going along with the plan? I purchased a turkey to cook and I can make sides that are bariatric friendly. Sigh, this one is bothering me. I might be emotionally low right now because my dog passed away recently and that is contributing to my thinking.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Orchids&Dragons


      So sorry about the dog. It is so hard when they pass.

      Yes, that $65 is super steep. You'd really be paying $260 for 3 people to eat and you to watch. Yikes! And I'm sure they wouldn't let you in without paying. Maybe just beg your sis to put it off until next year when you might be able to enjoy it too? I mean, honestly, you've already got the darn turkey. You're still a work in progress and you sure don't want to throw up in the restaurant. Maybe thinking about it that way will help your sister understand. By next Thanksgiving, you'll be far more sure of what you can handle and what you can't.

      Good luck.

    3. CrankyMagpie


      Losing a pet is terrible, and it's OK to be sad. ❤️

      Taking care of yourself is also OK--better than OK!--and if you're offering to cook, that means your sister doesn't have to cook or stress, which is kind of what she was after, anyway? So you don't need to feel bad about this.

      I can definitely imagine going to a buffet again, even though I don't eat much, but we're talking, like $10 Indian lunch buffet, not $65 (holy crap) Thanksgiving buffet! And I'll probably always favor non-buffets, since not eating part of my meal immediately just means I get to enjoy it later on (or my spouse does). It feels like less pressure, or something.

      Anyway, I'm babbling. I think you're doing the right thing, here. I hope your sister is cool about it.

    4. Swanton_Bomb


      I am slowly, s-l-o-w-l-y, learning in my old age that you don't always have to do everything for everyone else and that it is ok to take care of your own needs first. $260 is a lot to spend for a family of 4 to eat without any leftovers, especially when one person can barely eat anything. Maybe next year you can do the buffet, or maybe your sister and her family can go out to a buffet, and you and your kids can have dinner, and then everyone meets up later for board games and football or something. Focus on some fun post-meal activities. I'm skipping Thanksgiving this year because I am on liquids, which means my mom won't attend either (her choice, she doesn't want to go without me). She is ok with that, but I feel guilty about ruining her holiday. I made my peace with it because I realized that skipping this one Thanksgiving to have surgery earlier this month means that I will hopefully be healthier, live longer and have more Thanksgivings in my future.

  11. I have had facial hair forever and was tested for PCOS (negative) and was told it was hormonal and permanent once it was there it is there forever. A year ago I started going to a dermatologist to laser this stuff off. I had previously had it lasered at a salon and that did NOTHING. I have definitely had thinning of the facial hair with the dermatologist, however, now some of the hair has gone from black to white. White hairs are not affected by the laser so they will be there forever. Sad me! My lip is much better but not perfect, chin and some on the neck. I get charged $100 about every 6 - 8 weeks. I decided I needed to do that for me long before I made the decision for surgery. I am worth it.
  12. SleeveinIL

    So embarrassed...

    I have a funny story that happened to me that I wanted to share because I can't tell anyone I know about this! So I ran 2.5 miles and was all sweaty. Afterwards I had to go to the bathroom so I proceed to do my thing, sat down and slipped off the dang seat because I was so sweaty. All I could do was laugh at myself because I never saw that coming. My coworker (was at fitness center at my office) asked if I was okay and all I could do was laugh and choke out that I was fine, just embarrassed. I waited for her to leave the locker room before I made my exit from the stall. 😆
  13. SleeveinIL

    On the Subject of New Clothes....

    I have always hated clothes shopping, and I am not a fan of spending a lot on clothes as I move through the sizes. I have found that Goodwill has some options - I was able to get 2 pairs of jeans for $11 which is a bargain. Of course they may not have what you are looking for, and it takes a little longer to wade through the items, but it is an option. I did purchase a few new outfits for work and was thrilled when I could fit in an XL on top and 14 on the bottom. Gave me extra incentive to continue losing.
  14. I have not had any issues with Stevia.
  15. SleeveinIL

    Body Temperature

    This is a very normal side effect. If you did a search on this site I bet you can find multiple threads over time, so know you are not alone!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
