I had my sleeve done on 2/14 and I’m supposed to be eating yogurt and protein drinks only until Wednesday then I can go to puréed foods. Yeah no...I’ve been cheating so bad and I mean things I should not be eating. Today I ate a 3 little Reece’s Eggs and 3 little KitKats and French fries from McDonald’s! I’ve been eating crackers everyday. What am I doing? I don’t even know how my poor stomach is handling what I’m doing to it...I don’t know what to do? I’m losing the head hunger battle already? Will I ever be successful? Should I go to therapy? I feel like I see food everywhere around me....it’s on tv and I feel like my family is always eating! I feel like if I was back at work I could do better because I’m busy and at home I’m just lazy...sitting around watching tv or playing on my phone. I feel depressed and not motivated to do anything. I should be cleaning or doing school work. I just suck!