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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Beagle

  1. I can not remember my last message, but I had my last fill which put me at 7 cc. The office puts in it and then wants you to drink Water to make sure you can get Water down. I couldn't get the water down, so they took out a half cc.

    Now, I am throwing up most of what I eat. I have given it three weeks and am starving, not losing weight and excusing myself from the table to get rid of what I just ate. I used to wish I could have bulimia, but I wanted it because I wanted to lose weight. No fun if you arent' losing weight.

    Finally, I got so hungry I ate a half a can of Princles and some chocolate. If I was going to lose anything I made up it up in one afternoon. Obviously, this isn't working for me. Not sure what to do from here.

  2. I was banded in Feb. I have lost 10lbs. I have lost it, gained it and lost it several times, but don't seem to be able to get any further. The crazy person who was doing my fills told me exerciseing to lose weight would not work - to do that you would have to be an olympic swimmer or something.

    I cannot offer you much except commiseration. I have 7.5 ccs, but while I like the full feeling I get (when I can get it). I am now "sliming" and have extreme chest pain when I eat. That encourages me to not eat, but doesn't do much for nutrition and doesn't even seem to be doing much for weight loss either. I keep thinking if I only eat 900 calories a day forever, I will have to lose weight. :thumbup:

  3. I have had my second fill for a total of 5 cc. I have gained and lost the same 10 lbs. I lose it around the time I get a fill. Then, gain it back. It seems my lap band only encourages me to eat everything bad for me. I cannot eat healthy food, but chips and chocolate go down great.

    I have been fighting my weight so long I am sick of diets, which obviously don't work. I thought the lap band would help, but so far Nada.

    The person doing my fills keeps telling me crazy things like exercising is not a way to lose weight. You don't lose weight by exercising. The best exercise is a 10 min walk in the sun light. Give me a break. If that is what it took I would a stick woman every Saturday that I work all day in my yard.

    A little frustrated this morning, which makes the chocolate look all the more appealing! Looks like I may pack on more weight instead of losing.

  4. I'm having the exact same issues and the pain goes away when I "slime" it all up. My boyfriend is telling me to call the surgeon but I do not want to get unfilled. :-( I am OK with shakes and liquids but I "slime" on mushies. I am going to email my support group leader. Keep me posted on any good advice you get. I will try to drink hot tea before I eat to see if that will cut the thickness of the saliva and "open" up the band.

    I keep seeing people talk about "slime it up" or just "sliming". What is that?

  5. I had my second fill (now have 5 cc) and now when I am really hungery and eat, it hurts. The pain is like my food is stuck sidways going down my chest to my stomach. Very painful, but no feeling that I need to dump what I ate. If I stand up, it eases off and after several bites it doesn't bother me anymore. I can still eat anything that I want, but do feel that it is taking less to satisfy me.

    I just got my second fill and before I had no restriction. I could eat anything, and everything, I ate before. The lapband habits (eating slowly, and chewing well) are gone, since I didn't need them. Now, I am trying to reform those, but am worried that those aren't the cause of my pain. I am concerned that maybe the band slipped and I am just now able to tell.

    Has anyone else had this problem?

  6. I know exactly where you are coming from. The insurance I had wouldn't pay, so I changed to one that did only to find out they wouldn't pay for mine. The next year the one I had started paying, but I missed the open season. So, I went two years waiting for surgery. Finally, I got approved. I was ready mentally before, now I am not, but I went through with it because I was afraid not to. I have only had it about a month and have lost only about 2 lbs.

    I told a couple of people and now the whole world knows. Not exactly what I wanted. Like one of you said, everyone is an expert. Not to mention I feel like the world is watching every mouthful I eat. Not helping world!!!!

    I refuse to worry about it. I have the band now. It will work more slowly on me due to my lack of cooperation at times, but I feel it will work. The laws of eating say it has to. You eat less and exercise more - you lose weight. I have started exercising, which helps the stress in my life which in turn has to help the over eating.

    Chin up. It is a tough process, but I keep telling myself it will be worth it in the end. Even if I only lose 10 lbs a year. That is so much better than gaining 10.

  7. I followed directions for about two weeks after fill. Then, I began to branch out to the more solid foods. It was that or I was going to get sick. By the time of my first fill, I was back eating as before and had gained the 11 lbs I had lost during the pre and immediate post op process. I was disappointed that the band didn't seem to do anything for me. If I had self control and willpower, I would not need a band.

    I had my first fill last Thursday and, again, I have been disappointed. I got 2 ccs. When I eat I still do not feel full, but suddenly I am extremely nausiated and have an upset stomach. That has stemmed my eating - not the feeling of being full.

    I am also having trouble with the emotional side of it. I know I use food to self medicate. Now, I have to do something about that. I am considering going to a shrink to see if that helps. I know some centers that perform this surgery provide counseling. I think it should be a requirement. Most people overeat for some reason other than food just tastes good, which it does.

    Also, those of you who say you have problems with gas. I hear you loud and clear. It seems, I burp constantly. Thankfully, it comes up that way and not the other. The person who does my fill says this is just the way it is with this surgery. Apparently, it is not going away. The guy I work with says he has even had hiccups.

    Glad to have someplace to "talk".

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