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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About TraceyH04

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  1. I have glue under the strips lol
  2. I will most DEFINITELY try this!! Thank you
  3. She just said she will see me tomorrow :/
  4. Hi again, lol it’s me. I am now 7 Days post op, my steri strips still haven’t fallen off despite showers, and I have now developed small hives I think around my main incision, they’re all red around them, and OH GOOD GOSH do I ever itch! My stomach is on fire with itching around my incisions. I see my dr tomorrow but is there anything I can do in the interim? I think I’m allergic to the steri strips.
  5. TraceyH04

    Drinking water without issue

    I’m so glad to hear this!!! I am young, my mom thinks that’s definirely part of it! She is post op as well and isn’t having the ease I am!
  6. TraceyH04

    Drinking water without issue

    Thank you Tealael
  7. Hi! I’m now 5 Days post op, and I am no longer having discomfort when drinking fluids. I can easily drink 14oz in 30 minutes — is this something I should be concerned about? Everyone told me it would be so hard to drink, but honestly true fluids really aren’t bothering me. My protein shake sits a bit heavier in my stomach and I do feel restriction when drinking that, pain even if I take too large of a drink but plain water or broth that doesn’t happen! I’m so worried I have ruined my new tummy or something since I can drink so easily
  8. TraceyH04

    Strange New Pain?

    YAYYY! How are you handling everything?!
  9. TraceyH04

    Strange New Pain?

    Agree! That’s what scares me! She didn’t seem concerned, and it felt like it was in the belly button where I don’t have any stitches so she’s thinking it’s a nerve pain escoeically with the slight numbness and tingling I had earlier
  10. TraceyH04

    Strange New Pain?

    I called and my post op NP said she hasn’t heard this with every case but it isn’t the first time she’s heard it, she thinks I may have over done it today and told me to actually do LESS! Haha total first for me to hear lol. The pins and needles have subsided some, now it’s just an annoying little achy/slight numb feeling next to my belly button and that I can handle!
  11. TraceyH04

    Strange New Pain?

    Thank you hariettia! I think I will give them a call! And congratulations on your surgery date!!! Scheduling it makes it all feel so real!
  12. Hi, I’m so sorry if this is posted in the wrong place this is my first post 😬 I was sleeved on 1/15/18 and am now 4 Days post op and 3 Days home. My surgery was done robotically and I have 5 incisions, none in my belly button. I just recently stood up from a laying position and felt a weird pulling sensation to the right of my belly button and on the right inside of my belly button, then small popping feeling and now I am experiencing a pins and needles sensation in the area since this happened (10 minutes ago) has anyone experienced this? Should I contact my surgeon? I’m freaking out lol.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
