Next Wednesday I have an appointment with my pcp and i'm going to discuss to him about my weight issues for the first time ever and its my first time ever meeting this doctor. My question is how do you go about telling your doctor about your weight issues and for him to give you a referral to a surgeon? I've been overweight almost my entire life, ever since I gave birth to my son 3 years ago my weight increased dramatically and it won't go down. SInce then i've have horrible back pains causing me to have bulging discs on my back, it makes it harder for me to workout. I've tried many diets and some diet pills and nothing. I don't know what feeling full feels like. My knees feel weaker each and every day and my weight is getting in the way at work, causing me to get horrible chaffing in my thighs. I have also noticed i'm almost out of breath doing the simplest things, its starting to effect my kids as i can't be as active as i want to be with them I can go on about different reasons why i need this weight loss surgery but i feel pathetic telling my dr some of these things cause i feel there not as extreme for him to recommend me to a surgeon but I can at least try, right? I would really appreciate you sharing your stories on how you told your doctor you needed weight loss surgery.