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  1. Like
    Bigman12345 got a reaction from Biddy zz 🏳️🌈 in Rny tomorrow morning   
    Surgery went well, not much pain yet I do have a “happy button”
    The only thing that sucks is when I move the leg with the Foley line taped to it, ouchy, lol
    Little sleepy for now though
    I got here at 8 and getting t done at 9, quick and painless, feels like I did too many crunches..

  2. Haha
    Bigman12345 got a reaction from MsTipps in Rny tomorrow morning   
    Losing almost 3 pounds a day seems like, my only thought is if I’m not eating anything, what the heck am I pooping out? Lol

  3. Like
    Bigman12345 got a reaction from angyplus5 in Rny tomorrow morning   
    Isopure-Nope not good, lol
    I feel like a wimp, so I bucked up and suffered through a Premier Protein, lol
    It’s kind of weird today though, I am feeling a little hungry, kind of the first time I have, but the Protein helped a lil and broth is soothing, going to work is fine, I had a lot of energy, I notice I have a ton of at this point, so I think everything is going well still...
    My “holes” are just starting to be a Lil itchy, I hope that’s heeling itch
    I notice a difference in my face already, I measured my neck, chest, and stomach on my surgery day(1/22/18) when I reach my 2 week i will post my inch losses.
  4. Like
    Bigman12345 got a reaction from Mattymatt in Rny tomorrow morning   
    I’m home now (came home Wednesday at 10:30 am)and feel great, I’ve lost 16 pounds already, I’m sure was getting through the Water weight from iv, I have to drink really slow, I can feel it like pressure on my stomach if I swallow to much, but I’m told that will get better with days, I finally pooped today and it was normal, I really don’t feel all the pressure from air everyone talks about, maybe once in a blue moon in my shoulders, I walk and it’s gone, I am up and down a lot to get comfortable and to make sure I keep my legs moving but otherwise this has been a walk in the park. I have only had to use the oxy a couple times the first day home and that was for muscle strains.

  5. Like
    Bigman12345 got a reaction from MsTipps in Rny tomorrow morning   
    I just had my first meal....broth, crystal light, and Jello never tasted so good! Thanks for checking in everyone, (best decision ever)
  6. Like
    Bigman12345 got a reaction from Biddy zz 🏳️🌈 in Rny tomorrow morning   
    Surgery went well, not much pain yet I do have a “happy button”
    The only thing that sucks is when I move the leg with the Foley line taped to it, ouchy, lol
    Little sleepy for now though
    I got here at 8 and getting t done at 9, quick and painless, feels like I did too many crunches..

  7. Like
    Bigman12345 reacted to Nessy76 in Protein and week one eats   
    pretty much lived on greek/ icelandic yogurt...
  8. Like
    Bigman12345 reacted to Kim58 in Rny tomorrow morning   
    Wow. Guys loose so fast! I am down 25. Week 4! What kind of shakes do u drink? I drink the ones from Walmart/Sams/Costco. Premier Protein. Like 5 flavors.
  9. Like
    Bigman12345 got a reaction from TexasGal40 in Rny tomorrow morning   
    The last couple days I’ve been having trouble with drinking the Protein Shakes, everything is super sweet and the shakes are hard to keep drinking, I just went to GNC and got some Isopure, I’ll see how that goes, other than that I’m down 25 pounds 6 days out, I feel great, the weather was great today and I went out and cleaned my car out and stuff, no problems, I think I’ll go to work tomorrow, one week out and I feel fine to do so. Finally able to sleep on my side last night too

  10. Like
    Bigman12345 got a reaction from Cowgirl12 in JUST GOT MY SURGERY DATE 1/30/18 looking for surgery buddies   
    Mine is today, it’s crazy how fast it sneaks up on you...

  11. Like
    Bigman12345 got a reaction from Mattymatt in Rny tomorrow morning   
    I’m home now (came home Wednesday at 10:30 am)and feel great, I’ve lost 16 pounds already, I’m sure was getting through the Water weight from iv, I have to drink really slow, I can feel it like pressure on my stomach if I swallow to much, but I’m told that will get better with days, I finally pooped today and it was normal, I really don’t feel all the pressure from air everyone talks about, maybe once in a blue moon in my shoulders, I walk and it’s gone, I am up and down a lot to get comfortable and to make sure I keep my legs moving but otherwise this has been a walk in the park. I have only had to use the oxy a couple times the first day home and that was for muscle strains.

  12. Like
    Bigman12345 got a reaction from MsTipps in Rny tomorrow morning   
    I just had my first meal....broth, crystal light, and Jello never tasted so good! Thanks for checking in everyone, (best decision ever)
  13. Like
    Bigman12345 got a reaction from MsTipps in Rny tomorrow morning   
    I just had my first meal....broth, crystal light, and Jello never tasted so good! Thanks for checking in everyone, (best decision ever)
  14. Like
    Bigman12345 reacted to soccerkaty in Rny tomorrow morning   
    Glad you did well

  15. Like
    Bigman12345 reacted to Seahawks Fan in Everything is good!   
    My surgery was on January 18th. With the exception of the full liquid diet & soon to be puréed I feel as though everything is normal. I can chug Water already & so far no food has disagreed with me. I’m starting to wonder if they even sleeved me at all. Feeling great & hoping things only improve!
  16. Like
    Bigman12345 reacted to Prsunshine_8 in Rny tomorrow morning   
    I’m so glad to hear your doing well congratulations [emoji323][emoji324][emoji322] on your new journey in life [emoji257][emoji254]

  17. Like
    Bigman12345 reacted to BreesBypassJourney in Sitting in the Hospital, Feeling Amazing!   
    Just had my RNY this morning. I was definitely prepared to experience a lot of pain and discomfort. But let me tell y’all...i feel amazing!! Hardly any pain, no nausea, not much gas. So those who have surgeries coming up, DONT BE AFRAID! I am your reassurance that not every story is a horror story. Be brave and remember that it’s so worth it! So blessed!
  18. Like
    Bigman12345 reacted to Lynn1/3 in Scared and debating   
    I felt the same exact way. My surgery was scheduled for December 27 and I wasn't feeling well plus my husband was very sick. My surgery was postponed they were saying Jan 29. I said WHATTTTT!!!! No frigging way am I waiting that long. The surgeon cleared his calendar for jan 3. I was on the calendar. I started thinking.....omg, is it meant to be, should I do this...I won't be able to eat...you name it I thought it. I also thought, I went this far had all my doctor clearances tests etc...this is my chance to get this weight off. I knew if I said no I would definitely regret it. Jan 3rd came and went here we are jan 21 and I am post op doing well. I am down 18 lbs could be more by now haven't weighed myself in a few days. Is it hard?? Yes. I had to drink liquid for the first 2 weeks. It went down well. Soft foods now for the next two weeks. So far it is going OK. Walking everyday. If you do it you won't regret it, if you don't do it you might regret it. But only do it if you're ready. Seeing the weight come off the scale go down is an amazing feeling.
  19. Like
    Bigman12345 reacted to angyplus5 in Rny tomorrow morning   
    hope all went well and wishing you a speedy recovery!!!

    Sent from my SM-G930VL using BariatricPal mobile app

  20. Like
    Bigman12345 reacted to KimTriesRNY in Rny tomorrow morning   
    Starting week eight post gastric bypass. See you on the other side. Best wishes and come back and let us know how it goes!
  21. Like
    Bigman12345 reacted to kakatlady612 in Rny tomorrow morning   
    Good good wishes your way, this starts your future of continued weight success. Hope to join very soon on the losers bench so save me a place. March should be my month of glory.

    Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

  22. Like
    Bigman12345 reacted to pollymatin in Rny tomorrow morning   
    Good luck! Take it slow at first, get some rest to recover, it will all be worth it in the long run. Took me a few weeks to start feeling somewhat normal again.
  23. Like
    Bigman12345 reacted to MsTipps in Rny tomorrow morning   
    Good luck with your surgery. It will be better than you expect. I'm 9 days post op and have been very lucky with no complications. Let me know how it goes xx
  24. Like
    Bigman12345 reacted to Prsunshine_8 in Rny tomorrow morning   
    I pray your doing well today and that peace will come over you. It will all be worth it and congratulations to new beginnings [emoji323][emoji322][emoji324][emoji177][emoji1431]

  25. Like
    Bigman12345 reacted to korii in Chewable Vitamins making me nauseous!   
    Today was my first day with my chewable vitamins and I took the first one I was so close to throwing up I couldn’t take anymore. It ruined my whole day I was nauseous all day is this normal ? I drank some Water before should I not?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
