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Everything posted by kakatlady612

  1. kakatlady612

    Out With the Old--In With the New!

    Notice it's loose weight not lose weight? I'm ducking cause I don't want that loose blubber landing on me, I have enough of my own already![emoji307]the[emoji197] Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. kakatlady612

    6lbs away from knowing I made it...

    Good luck on your journey, you have come so far already, I'm still a 3fer hoping for 2niceland and dreaming of onederland. My goal,that I've planned? 175 or a 15/16. will it happen? Only with surgery and then some serious dietary labor. Can it happen? It is my belief it can and I'll use every bit of my will, all the breath in my body and all the strength I can summon until it happens or I die in the attempt which at 72 Could occur. This I swear on a jug of whey Protein and a case of Muscle Milk, so help me Bariatric Pal.!!! Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. Yeah as I move along toward my surgery time( and yeah it's going to happen if I have anything to say about it) old resentments are popping up. Last week I received notice from surgeon's office that they no longer wished to perform my surgery. Mentally I harken back to the family members who told me I deserved nothing good because I was flawed and unworthy. Its hard to go forward when somebody who supposedly loves you had said such a thing. I even had a cousin who said I didn't deserve to live. I'm mildly on the autism spectrum, a very literal person, I actually stayed away from that person for fear he would kill me, & gain some praise for ridding the world of an obnoxious bug like me. Yeah I know better now but I was probably 8 or 9 years old then. I have sympathy for others with ADHD and other mental difficulties, you see I'm really something denied during my childhood, a female Aspie. When I grew up only boys were allowed to be autistic, I remember overhearing a so-called professional tell my parents" Its a shame about your daughter, if she was male I'd say ADHD or autism but of course only boys get that" the 70+ year old me can rise up and say "what am I, chopped liver?" but the baby me went and sat in the corner, rocking back and forth to self- soothe. As I grew older I learned better and more respected ways to pass off anxiety, I rocked in chairs,walked a lot and tried to not show the world, a world I totally did not understand , how hurt i was. And I ate, at first until I got sick, but as my stomach stretched I could eat more, did it truly satisfy me?. Nope but I thought I could control it, years later I realize it just controlled me. Now the stress of preparing is bringing it all to a head, I'm apprehensive to tell a psych this for fear I'll be rated as unstable, truly I feel the waiting is giving me unworthiness flashbacks, I want to move forward, felt everything was falling in place;, I had done the right things at the right time, -for the right reasons in the right place,- I was nearly at the goal to have it obscured by a group I had put my faith in. I will rise above this, I know I can but I weary from the struggle. I go early in March to petition another bariatric program to accept me and perform the surgery my body and emotions need. Will I be deemed worthy or was my paternal cousin right? Am I flawed, undeserving and unworthy? Only time and the will of a new surgeon will give me an answer. In the meantime I live in a painful body, every joint is sore from carrying this excess weight but I cannot and will not give up and die as this body wears out more. This can be the dawn of a new and better day. Please Baribrothers and sisters support me in this! Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. kakatlady612

    Proudgrammy's problem is back again

    Kathy,use your little pinkies instead of a cold chisel when you text. You're getting in more trouble than Donald Trump and his big bad mouth. What are we gonna do with you? Guess we'll just have to hug and love you. [emoji197] Keep the faith baby a brighter IP day may still dawn. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. kakatlady612

    Questions about the sleeve

    Betcha that lady had other things going on. I could understand being,a little pale, we're, in the Northern Hemisphere it's winter and a lot,of us aren't getting much sunlight. Tired, well you're recovering from major surgery, a great stressor on your body. I'll probably will have both of these but I intend to have a big sh**eating grin on my face and,i bet nobody will notice those 2 things. Looking forward to the day my boxer waist,pants fall down to the floor. And I'll wear t-shirts without visible globs and lumps,showing above and below my bra line. Shoot I might even get some new bras to,replace the tired stretched out ones I have now. I'm going to be strong and fit enough to compete in the Senior Olympics if not the regular one. Maybe they were treating that super thin lady for anorexia but I'm willing to bet she's not a post-sleever. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. kakatlady612

    Today is surgery day!!!

    So stabb009 how is Sunday morning treating,you? Are you getting your fluids in? Have you been up walking around or are you too stiff and sore? Update us on your progress. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. kakatlady612


    Somebody else said they mixed cottage cheese and a small spoonful of sugar free strawberry jelly or jam, made them think of strawberry cheesecake, come to think of it I have some sugar free blackberry from Smuckers, bet that might also be good. They may even make a blueberry and a red raspberry, I'm pretty sure of the red raspberry. Walmart even has house brand sf jelly, maybe I've given myself a good idea. Anybody hear the ding when the light lit in my head? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. kakatlady612

    Long Term Lifestyle

    Thank you dreamangel1974 and creekimp, strange I feel this detachment with many foods. Tomkitten gets peeved with me, aw come on eat some with me! I asked do you realize after my surgery I WILL NOT be eating the same things as you and never in the same amounts? Don't believe until that point he had realized how profoundly my life will change. There. will be no more French toast with gooey sticky syrup, sure I might make it for him but I won't be taking part. A lot of the foods I used to eat I've already divorced myself from. In some respects I feel semi-anorexic, I don't want it, the thought of it is so repugnant it comes close to nauseating me. Is this normal or should I be talking this over with a therapist? Oh that frightens me considering my recent past, "creek" you know what I'm talking about.Maybe I should go to bed and put my worries on hold until tomorrow? Girls please give me your viewpoint on this. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. kakatlady612

    Sleep Apnea test

    Losingit2018 both my initial and the subsequent evaluations were done in a hospital setting, a very nice queen bed to sleep on, even more comfortable than my one at home. Curious the option for a home study was not offered here. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. kakatlady612

    February 2018 Success Stories

    Roisin are you Irish? Thought your pen name looked Gaelic. At any rate,you are very welcome here. Tell us about your fine self, we're all ears. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. kakatlady612

    June 2018 RnY

    Hi I'm bringing this out in case anybody has a date this far off. The way my life is recently I might be right there with you. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. kakatlady612

    Stricture AND Ulcer

    Scary ---please keep us updated your surgeries and you. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. kakatlady612

    Obese to Overweight

    Congratulations, one goal down, you'll hit the other ones also. You rock girl! Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. Thanks Angel2018, glad you're here with me on Bariatric Pal. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. Savage Girl we all will praying for you on March 13th, I know you're savage enough to beat this, hence your name. Remember cancer doesn't play fair, if it did so many nice people wouldn't get it. Fight like a girl! [emoji558] Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. kakatlady612

    British Columbia Sleevers

    The other Alberta one is Nossida, she just popped up on one the threads I was reading. I'm watching the Olympics, figure skating and bobsled, tonight. I love to watch the Netherlands speedskaters they make it look so effortless. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. kakatlady612

    I Need Some Serious Help!

    Aw come on Pride of the Badgers, you know better than this. It is no longer your job to eat food just so it doesn't get away from you. You are not the world's trashcan, that was one of my failings, I'm a mommy, rather than refrigerating the end of the cassarole after casserole, i ate it. Now I have a rump that won't fit through the rabbit hole, shoot it barely fits through a metal drainpipe. I wouldn't say it's head hunger you aren't even using your head to think. You are suffering from terminal boredom and unconscious engorgement. You are abusing your new tool, it's like putting it in a vise grip and pounding it with a sledge hammer. You know you know better, there isn't anyone stuffing things in your crumb cruncher but you. Put the Reese cups down, no not down your throat, child. If you were in Texas Fluffy Chix would administer a b***h slapping and I might just let her.Now up off of your rump, drink some Water or chrystal lite, you are a foodaholic and just like an alcoholic trying to reform you need to stay on that wagon, even if it's an uncomfortable haywagon.Yeah food is all around you, it's trying to seduce you back into its clutches. I live 30 miles from Dublin Ohio, the home of Wendy's. You think I don't have a barrage of commercials headed my way? Buck up Buckaroo, don't sit and feel sorry for yourself, yeah you made a mistake, wonder you didn't get sick, but you can And should vow to nor do it again. Think you want a fry? A moment on the lips, forever on your hips. Think how greasy slimy cold frenchfry grease is.Get up and clean but do some knee bends, March in place, sing Go you chicken Fat Go. You can do it, take some of that resolve that got you past your surgery, nothing to it but to do it. You're having a pity party and catering it yourself. Besides I'm wise but I haven't had my surgery yet, you've got to get mentally stable so you can mentor me! Your Buckeye friend ME Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. kakatlady612

    Where does everyone live? (General area)

    My bad, but maybe I'll see both towns, the hourglass isn't empty yet on this ole girl. My son says as I get older I get more country, told him I'm just getting back to my roots. Yeah I remember that massacre, seems like a lot of sorrow in your area. I keep remembering a bumper sticker I once saw " Life is fragile, handle with prayer". Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. The ultimate decision is yours of course, but I would listen to your doctor's advice, he has done a lot of these procedures, and he wouldn't have suggested RnY if he hadn't seen a good reason for it. A lot of times they advise sleeve for people your age but as you see from the previous person a lot of times it needs revised. Why not go with just one surgery and get it done right the first time? Study up on both procedures, you'll only have 4or5,little iddie bitty slits in your tummy no matter which one. If you have a sleeve the left one is where they pull the majority of your stomach out, you do know you lose about 3/4 of your. stomach with that procedure? If you have a bypass that's where they put the biggest gauge equipment, in either case that will be the sorest if one has to be. You'll start on a beautiful new journey toward weight loss and better health, and also a longer lifespan. It will be worth it all! Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. kakatlady612

    February 2018 Success Stories

    If I don't have my surgery soon there will be enough of me to divide. I'm 5ft8in, red-headed and.now 320lb. My dream is to be 170 lbs and /or a 15/16. a long way down from a 3X but by golly I'm going to do it! Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. kakatlady612

    Where does everyone live? (General area)

    Isn't Blacksburg where James Madison University is? Saw them in a Championship football game. Looks like Blacksburg is a pretty place. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. kakatlady612

    no surgery for me.

    Glory glory ElseeG, that is such good news. I'll be praying everything turns out well as I'm sure it will. We have a lot of good people here on Bariatric Pal.PS you're going to be 50? Beat you, I was 72 last December 26th, nah nah nah and so there! Be praying for you kid! Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. kakatlady612

    February 2018 Success Stories

    Oh , did you know Alex Brecher, the founder of Bariatric Pal, was instrumental in founding BariatricPalMx hospital? They've done a lot good things for good people. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. kakatlady612


    If we can help you in any way, we will. We all have your back and are praying for you,if we are believers, those who aren't still send you good wishes. You're one of us in the Bariatric Pal fold and we're loyal to our own. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. kakatlady612

    February 2018 Success Stories

    My honor my friends , you can pay me back by sending prayers my own surgery day will come. I wanted to be one of you but it just didn't happen, maybe March, maybe April? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
