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Everything posted by kakatlady612

  1. kakatlady612

    Hospital time sweetheart!

    Didn't know that about the yellow color, that's what I always get except once I got light green , once gray and once tan. Wonder what they all mean? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. I'm All,over other portions of Bariatric Pal but I'm older than all of you and I'm still going thru with RnY. I'm 72 on December 26th, wish I'd started the process sooner but we come to,it when we come to it, best wishes to all. I should be Feb-March 2018. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. kakatlady612

    Boba drinks

    I'm a Buckeye from Central,Ohio, what is a Boba drink? I thought I'd expeienced all the-bad-for-you things in life already. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. kakatlady612

    What's the story behind your profile name?

    Maybe soon you'll be a smooth and sleeker dork, a proud aspen instead of a redwood tree stump, keep on fighting the good fight my friend. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. kakatlady612

    Getting out of the dreaded Friend Zone

    Big Viffer, Mattymatt and all may I share this with you guys? My late husband was 3 inches taller than me & outweighed me by 20 lbs, yeah a big guy. He was the first and only big guy I ever gravitated to. He had turned on me emotionally the last few months of his life, guess he was dying but I thought he was going senile. I believe we would have separated in a few months, it was That bad. What he said and it still burns in my soul is: you are so fat and ugly not even a blind man would touch you, and if you didn't have me you would have to,pay a man before he'd consider it. This from a man I'd given 44 years of my life to. Were he living he would never have supported my decision for bariatric surgery. After he died while going through his papers I found papers from his PCP (different one from mine) stating he had end stage renal. disease. Did he see a nephologist/urologist, nope and he didn't share this with me, his wife, best friend whould been with him since he was 25. I'd like to rationalize he was trying to protect me, well it didn't and I had a jumble of things to straighten when he suddenly died on the 4th of July 2012. I try not to be bitter but I would helped if he had let me know. Shoot I have 3 kidneys, would have given him one of mine, if I didn't match OSU has done the ones where you donate to a chain and yours going to your match and maybe they have someone who matches you. Why didn't he trust me? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. kakatlady612

    Hospital bag suggestions

    Actually I'm a Buckeye but we're next to West Virginia and Kentucky, I had Virginia and Kentucky Aunts marry into the family, my BFF is from central West Virginia, although I'm not a GRIT- girl raised in the South I'm pretty dang close. Love SpoonBread, Ramps and I'm the only one in my immediate family that eats and loves collard greens. Like grits. But I don't like red eye gravy, just put a dollar of butter or cheese on them. And I can affect a thick enough accent you' d think I was from Alabama, Mississippi or even Georgia, especially if I'm talking to someone from there, kinda fall into their speech patterns. Betcha I could talk Texas if I ever met Fluffy Chix face to face, gosh I love her postings on Bariatric Pal and she and I might end up surgery twins, seem to be on the same timeline. Have a glorious day my friend. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. I have a nasty virus, after 3 weeks of nasal dripping(honestly thought it was from dusty furnace registers) New Years Eve it moved into my throat and chest. The only thing that helps me regain my voice in the morning is coffee, I'm violently allergic to chocolate so sugar free cocoa is not an option. I'm going to start mixing with decaf, maybe 75-25 this week, 50-50 next week then 25-75 after that. I'm gonna go with sugar free creamer and,if I need sweetening it will,be stevia or monkfruit. You ever see the Mucinex commercial where the blob settles back in a recliner? That's virus and bacteria in my lungs. I've had the Prevnar 13 and the other pneumonia shot so it shouldn't be one of the usual bacterial ones. So I'm waiting for the bug to die in me, rooting for my white blood cells to win this battle. They say Hey we're 72 just like you, we'll get to it when we've got time. In the meantime my nose drips, I cough my dry cough and do a lot of gesturing when my voice fails me. Ah this too will pass, just not soon enough for my taste. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. kakatlady612

    Big or Small Victories!

    Small steps starting on the BIG journey and pretty soon that will be the only thing big about you except for success. So so,proud of you. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. I'm sorry Gagsy but if it were me I'd still be scared; you're the first one I've heard of with this. Know they do load you up with blood thinners but I'd be afraid some things are coming loose inside. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. kakatlady612

    Clothing Sizes

    Hi guys, me again. I was beebopping around Wally world,on a electric cart yesterday. Yeah I'm h*** on wheels but that's another subject. Told someone who glared at me if I could drive well I'd be at Daytona. The reason for this posting: they had some cute fleece Christmas sweaters down to $1, went to look them over and they say size medium 7-9, who do they think they are fooling? Was I in the dwarf department? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. kakatlady612


    Thank the Lord my surgeon didn't give me that rule. My pre surg weight has stayed the same for a couple months, no one has complained but my clothes are a little looser so maybe the exercise is defluffing and its muscle? I'll grasp this straw cause I have been trying, want him to think about I can be as successful as you young chickens even if I'm built more like Scrooge's Christmas Goose. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. kakatlady612

    Big or Small Victories!

    Think yourself thin- that's like concentrate and you'll stop hemorrhaging- just don't work that way. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. A wise thought; No food is economical if the family won't eat it. I would make something I thought sounded good, nobody else would eat it so instead having the guts to throw it out it went into my gut instead. Pretty soon you're not just fluffy, you flat out FAT. I tried telling people I came from winter surviving group until someone pointed out I'm not a bear and didn't need hibernation weight. My joke was: they told me to watch my weight, now it's out where I can see it, but inside I was crying. I will cry no more for surgery date approaches and I will have a tool to change my life, I can start living instead one day closer to dying and when it does happen (praise God) I can have regular pallbears instead of being put on a flatbed truck with a crane. Life is tedious in my present body and I'm weary,of it. Don't crave sweets (maybe body is getting with the program?) what I want is steamed veggies and easy to swallow protein like fish or cottage cheese, maybe tuna. And I feel full after a few bites, EGD showed a very small gastric ulcer, could that expl ain it? I have a gastrenterologist appointment(follow up to EGD) tomorrow hopefully I'll have more news then. He put me on Prilosec a month ago, don't know if it's helping or not, I'm not without pain, not so much hunger as griping? And the sensation comes back within 1-1.5 hours. Fluffy Chix send,me good thoughts Monday, this scares me more than surgery. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. Don't you feel Elise it made you feel more at home in this brave new world? Good for the ego as long as you don't get erpies or all out pukies from it. Remember your tummy is running the show for a while. Best wishes from ME! Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. kakatlady612

    Big or Small Victories!

    Beach towel/bath sheet to regular towel and not hearing "the impossible dream" Ooh I can see it. I'm a 24-26, looking forward to breaking the 20-barrier, that's my first mini goal on my trek. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. kakatlady612

    THE DAY!

    That's what I'll be when my day comes,keep us all updated. Your posts are our inspiration. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. When I sat down in the dark on the toilet and didn't fall in- I said " Girl your rump is Just Too,Wide" Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. Fluffy Chix,i was always told greasy slimy poo was pancreatic dysfunction, you don't want another,internal organ b****y toward you. Take it easy, stay breezy, you've come this far and the blue ribbons are just ahead.Hope MrF is still cheering you on, you're my favorite barrel racer in the Bariatric Rodeo. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. Gardening this spring without sitting down and resting. Bending over without getting short of breath or feeling like I'm going to vomit. Walking more and riding bikes more, I live exactly 1 km(.6 miles) from a very nice park, want to ride there, fool around looking at flowers etc and then leisurely ride back home. Come on surgery, come on spring, Central Ohio is so pretty then. Its in the single digits F here and I'm tired,of winter already and the multiple layers of clothes. I'm tired of my wardrobe but don't want investing when I'll be getting smaller, do I? Got winter blahs today. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. kakatlady612

    Hospital bag suggestions

    Am taking all your suggestions to heart, thought I'd get in touch with all my ' hood from when I lived in Surgery town then stopped think that was close to 30 years ago, those aren't dead the already would,keel over hearing from me in 2018. I'm a reader so may take paperbacks, like the thought of sleeping but they'll like the idea of early ambulation. Plus I have 3 kidneys, yeah a family tradition. Mamma had 1 horseshoe and,1 normal, Daddy had 2 on the right 1 on the left, I am reversed, When I had pancreatitis, another fun condition- imagine someone hit you across your upper abdomen with a concrete 2by6 and then sat on it- they did a cat scan and said you might have a tumor on the left side, nope I said I've seen my KUBs that's the top of my 3rd kidney. FYI they never did find out what caused my pancreatic twitchyness, I don't drink and my gall bladder went bye bye 35 years ago. So I clear urine 1andhalf times as,fast as the average bear as all of them are complete and functioning. We are all strange and wonderfully made as the Bible says, guess it just makes,me-me.Will take my charger cause I play on my smartphone and tablet a lot, I have a hunger for learning, a Jill of all,trades or maybe a know it all. Stay safe and make healthy choices today. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. Grrr you're looking so good, I'd drag you,off to my lair,if I were more,of a cougar. You have got to be proud of your journey achievements now stayon track to goal. You have to be feeling so much more positive, your picture shows it. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. kakatlady612

    EKG problems....

    Hi guys this is the only cardiac thread I found so,I'll post here for my peeps to read. I'm still collecting my requirements for RnY and went thru several cardiac tests. Visited my cardiologist Friday, only thing she found was a slightly enlarged Aortic root; since it was high normal she cleared me for bariatric surgery and I don't have to,see her for a year unless something,unforseen turns upon. Whewee what a relief. There is cardiac problems in my family tree but I seem to have dodged them. Everyone be happy for me I can see the Bariatric lightshows shining for me ahead. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. kakatlady612

    Dear Mozilla (Open Letter)

    Fluffy Chix can I send my Verizon to you. and rehab camp when you finishing torturing Mozilla, not that sinful search engine didn't deserve it for offending you.My phone keeps sneezing out commas like it just encountered pepper. People probably,think,i have fat fingers that don't text right. I'm innocent I swear I'm innocent. Do you think Bariatric surgery will help? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. I'm widowed and have the reverse; got a MMS a while back,of someone I knew in a Speedo, do you know what the average guy my age(72) looks like one of those? Bow legged and white fur everywhere, suppose he thought I'd be greatful he was still,above ground. Didn't like him that well when we were young, why now? The nice gals are still out there and decency trumps anything else. Now I'll get from behind my preaching pulpit and wish you good luck,in your journey. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. kakatlady612

    Clothing Sizes

    I'm not extremely busty for my weight, tell people I'm built like the Great Pyramid of Eygpt, whole lot of sand at the bottom. Want to be built more like the old fashioned Coke bottle, don't destroy the smaller sizes before I get there. Noticed on another posting one Bari- sister wanted New rings. Curious but I don't carry weight there. Left ring finger is 6.5 which is the average American woman's ring size, right is 6.25 and my wrists are 7.25 inches around. I carry my weight in tummy(slightly) hips,thighs and legs . The legs maybe cause of 2 knee surgeries, but the rest is over plump fat cells. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
