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Everything posted by kakatlady612

  1. kakatlady612

    Tom Petty Dead At 66

    I was thinking this morning about David Cassidy and Davy Jones of the Monkees. Tomkitten likes Wake up Sleepy Jean, I've been known to bounce around to Last Train to Clarksville, they were basically a put-together band for their TV show but were still pretty good. A lot of their music was written by Boyce and Hart but towards the end of their run they wrote some themselves. One of Elvis's I liked was Cold Kentucky Rain, Eddie Rabbit wrote it. Just full of trivia, ain't I? General consensus is I've been full of something for years and I only get spunkier as time goes by. Fool me once, shame on you- Fool me twice , shame on me! I actually was a Ricky Nelson fan, one of his last was Garden Party, one of my favorite lines- it's alright now, I've learned my lesson well, if you can't please everyone then you'd better please yourself. So so true, so Puddycat is gonna become smooth &sleek, you're gonna fly like an eagle and our lives will be so so much. better. Did I tell you I also have lymphedema? Especially my left leg, never been quite right since knee replacement the 7th of last February. Take it easy, stay breezy and remember you've always a fan here in Ohio. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. kakatlady612

    Do you feel you did the right thing

    It goes, it goes. Feels like it won't feel fully right until I'm on that gurney being rolled into OR. So worried something will come up to block me, want it So So much. It is really my best chance at a future life. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. kakatlady612

    Tom Petty Dead At 66

    Fluffy --'I just saw in my local newspaper that Tom Perry's autopsy results were released by the family. He died of a less-than-intentional overdose. He had been touring and performing with Hip and thigh bone problems, the thigh completed fracturing, apparently it had been cracked before, the pain patch and oral meds were too much for his system to handle and he just died. So so sad, I did like his music and, alas another of my generation is Gone. Seems like we've lost so many recently. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. I'd believe the people on here on this one, the gas may have found a pocket in your back and wants to "set up housekeeping", we all are a little differently made and that may be all it is. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. kakatlady612

    Do you feel you did the right thing

    @ whey to go, when is your surgery day? Want to send good healthy thoughts your way. I'm a future RnYer myself, maybe within 6 weeks. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. kakatlady612

    Anthem BCBS 6 Months Pre-Op Diet

    @Healthy Preparer where are you at? 600 miles, I thought I had it bad with 50 miles but you've got me beat all hollow. Are you going to Mexico or some place like that? None of my business but I'm a nibby old broad. Just curious. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. kakatlady612


    Thanks I will. Someday I dream of visiting Oz, where I'd like most to go is Coober Peedy ( maybe there's only 1 e?) Anyway I think opals are beautiful even if it is nasty hot and dusty there. Maybe see Ayers Rock? Probably never get there at my age but I can dream. Put a shrimp on the Barbie for me,mate. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. kakatlady612

    Anthem BCBS 6 Months Pre-Op Diet

    Goody I couldn't think of a nicer person to share this with. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. kakatlady612

    Anthem BCBS 6 Months Pre-Op Diet

    So where exactly is your surgeon? How much longer do you have until surgery day? Looks like mine will be within 6 weeks although I don't have a firm date yet. It has been a journey and it still continues. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. kakatlady612


    Thank you Rainbow Warrior for your return post. I truly value yours, you were one of the first I read and you've always been spot on. I think the thing was: they looked at my plump exterior and made no effort to get to know me inside. I could be more forgiving if it hadn't been a concerted effort on their part. The best I got from one of them " Ah she's little pretty in the face" like the rest of my body was a pile of refuse. I used to try to please everybody and sublimated my,own worth in the process. I'm finally making a firm commitment to health and a future for myself. I value your further consul on this journey I've undertaken. Its winter here but enjoy a beautiful Summer day in Australia. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. kakatlady612

    Anthem BCBS 6 Months Pre-Op Diet

    @survive sleeve slay, are you doing better now? Been enjoying your postings and don't want to lose you. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. kakatlady612


    Retired Dude, did you get your surgery yet? I'm also in Ohio, Medicare's covering me without a flinch on their part. I'm in Central Ohio 14 miles from the Geographic Center, if you know your Ohio geography you'll know where I live. Where are you located? I've heard from somebody in Zanesville, she has been the closest to me on Bariatric Pal. At any rate best wishes to you and anybody else reading this. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. kakatlady612

    Only 4 Days Post Op & 1 Goal Already Met

    Congratulations my friend, that makes any discomfort worthwhile. Its almost like a miracle, isn't it? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. kakatlady612

    My Friend's Weird Rumour About WLS

    One of my weird friends told me I'd become over-sexed, nope just gonna be on a liquid diet for a while. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. kakatlady612

    All that travel...

    Cold stale coffee has the same effect for me ychh Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. kakatlady612


    Since the original post etc went bye bye let me give you one from my own life Late Husband: You don't appreciate having,a good man. Me: I would if I had one, I just know I would. He liked to belittle me for my size and he was 3 inches taller and 35 lbs heavier , only ,thing small about him was his mind. But he firmly seemed to believe he was 185 lb like he was in high school. Sad isn't it, he came from a long line of chubby-haters, cut them out of my life after he died. Life is too short to spend mine being treated that way, took it for too long as it was. I'm a fine human being, truth is I've always been eligible for Mensa so why let them treat me like I'm the village simpleton? Thanks everybody for letting me rage, I feel MUCH better. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. kakatlady612

    Open Letter To All Who Go For Initial Doc Visit and ...

    Fluffy do you know why we women will inherit the earth? We don't have the b**** to refuse the dang thing. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. kakatlady612

    Tomorrow i Get my gastric sleeve

    Good luck and good health @ barbaragulp, you're taking a big step to secure your future. Let us all know how things go for you tomorrow. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. kakatlady612

    Today’s the day!

    Congrats Ash Ash, maybe Fluffy and I can join you before long. Please continue to be a good influence on us. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. @lilybilly are you on Aruba or one of those beautiful islands? I'm in cold snowy OHIO and a warm place sounds so so nice. Ask us all anything you want to know, I'm pre surg but have done a lot of research before deciding on RnY, there are a lot of us who have already had theirs I've learned a lot from them. You are among friends here. First person I have heard of going to South America, many go to Mexico because it's cheaper there, makes no never mind, you are very very welcome. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. kakatlady612

    It’s possible

    Great having this resource picture, I'm answering today so it will pop out of Bariatric Purgatory so others can see it too. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. kakatlady612


    Did you get a definite FEBRUARY date yet? Wishing you only a good good future of weight loss. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. kakatlady612

    Snowflakes 2018

    An update-finally all prerequirements done, waiting on surgeon's office to give me a date for previous work etc and then surgery. Looks like I'll still be a Snowflake, early to Mid March if they are still scheduling 6 weeks ahead, anxious to have it over and start on my new life. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. I'll have a small pouch instead of a banana-shaped tube, a portion of my small intestine gets rerouted up, joined to the pouch so the bottom of my stomach provides digestive juices but I don't digest all those calories there, I'll lose weight a little faster but my digestive system loses a little of its efficiency. As the ole Carnival Barker said " you pays your money, you takes your choice" since I have GERD a sleeve would make it worse, I'd be urping up my esophagus all the time and running the risk of developing esophageal cancer. My late husband's cousin June died of that at 68, not a pretty way to go. She died in the operating room at the Cleveland Clinic, thought she just had bad indigestion. Still miss her. But my life still goes on and I intend to enjoy it smaller. Just checked a little while ago and I'm on the pile to be worked up so I should know within the next week or 2? I am so tired of being sick and tired and dragging this plump tushie around. I have 1 son still living with me, luckily he wants to be with me as much as I want him and he is my best bud, support person and cheerleader. On here I call him my TomKitten , Fluffy Chix has her Mr Fluffy and I have him. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. The only person I've seen who had an open and still active is@biddynz, probably in New Zealand, you might try her on here or PM her, her postings sound like she's a very nice lady and its only been a month or so since her surgery. I hope you're still get your surgery and soon, its like yanking the lollipop away at the,last moment. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
