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Everything posted by kakatlady612

  1. I know what you are feeling. A few years ago I had an accident. I was thrown face first onto asphalt when the haywagon I was on unexpectedly moved. I fell onto my right arm and my weight broke it. For a year or so after I healed if i would turn onto my stomach even in my sleep I would have a panic attack. I would call what you had a positional panic attack, it's like your body remembered Hey I'm flat on my back, this ISN'T good, and it warned you Get back in a sitting position I'm not happy this way. It will get better as you heal and you'll,be okay soon. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. kakatlady612

    NC Anyone

    She's on the General Weight loss Forum, just go in there and say Hi, tell her a little of your story, she seems to be leaning toward a sleeve at this time. I of course told her a little of my story, told her I imagined the other North Carolinians would be telling her Hi. I know when the other Buckeyes noticed my location I got some welcomes. Be the cool veteran I know you are, she probably will appreciate it. I know I value your example, hey I hadn't told you but thank you for your law enforcement service. My uncle was a Deputy Sheriff in my county for a period of time. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. Hi Belinda- there are several other North Carolinians on here, I'm sure they all will be weighing in to say Hi also. I've been on Bariatric Pal a couple months but according to my avatar I'm a Guru in Training, might be a kind of compliment, but if you want a friend here I am. I am still pre surg, should have a RnY early-mid March, I'm kinda resident over age candidate, 72 so I am old enough to be your grandmother if not great grandmother. You can ask me most anything, if I don't have the answer somebody else will. We have a lot of WLS veterans still active, I have learned loads from them myself. I'm having the RnY because I have GERD,sleep apnea and all around its better for me. I have tried fad and structuralized diets , nothing gave me success. I've had arthritis since 25, had 2 knee replacements, sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm over 300,lbs at 5ft9in so BMI over 45, don't want to die at this size. I'm in this to win this. I will have my surgery in Columbus, our state capital,50 miles from where I live. Where in NC do you live and where do you plan your surgery at? Please keep us posted and like I said, Ask away. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. kakatlady612

    NC Anyone

    Yo firefighter3158 a new bari-friend just showed up,in the last few minutes@belinda in nc, plan to befriend her but thought you would want to know. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. kakatlady612

    NC Anyone

    Hey there's somebody on one of the other threads with the name of Asheville Eddie. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. kakatlady612

    Jacksonville Florida

    I know there are people on here from Tampa and Orlando areas but you're the first from Jacksonville let me pull up the thread where people boast where they're located or you can yourself. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. kakatlady612


    Call the nearest nursing school and ask, When I was in LPN/LVN school I would have jumped at the chance, and like somebody else said write a nice note to their school telling how helpful they were and might even (if the experience was stellar) offer to give them a post graduate,letter of recommendation. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. kakatlady612

    February bypass buddies?

    Put the,money you save in a little piggy bank for your high protein Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. Good maybe they'll telescope a lot of yours on one day. Mine were spread,iut,iver a couple months. Hope you don't have BCBS there's a whole group of people on Bariatric Pal ready,to slit somebody's throat there. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. 6 to 7 months not 78, sorry. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. Hi@Nsmith. That is good question, will you be self pay, are you doing it with insurance? Most insurance companies come with prerequirements, some surgeon's have theirs also.if you have co morbidities that may help or,hinder you. High BMI that's body mass index, diabetes, sleep apnea those are partially mine. I'm not diabetic but have BMI of over 45 and apnea. I did not have go,to thru,6-12 months weight loss and nutrition tracking but my PCP had sent a letter that I had not been able to lose weight,on my,own. I had a pulmonary,cardiac and psychological consult, had to meet with the hospital bariatric dietician and attend a support group. I've met twice with my surgeon, once each,with his nurse practioner and a Medical assistant. Oh and a EGD, that's a upper GI scope to make sure my esophageal, gastric and small intestines look healthy and clear of any structural abnormalities.If youre trying tonpleases an insurance I'd guess 6 to 78th months but some are faster. We all will,be here to cheer you,on your journey. Welcome again. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. kakatlady612

    New, but not really...

    .Fatty2fitty pleases join me on the weight loss journey. How old are you now? I m asking because chances are I'm much older than you. I am 72 years 1,month old and I bet you can't beat that! I have drug this fat tired body around , I have had arthritis since 25, had 2 knee replacements after they went bone to bone after all the wear and tear. Like you I resisted WLS, figured things would keeping breaking down, wearing,out until I died. Then I somehow realized I don't want to die quite yet, did research and checked myself out with my PCP who admitted except for the long standing arthritis I am in good shape, low cholestrol, blood pressure,heart and although I'm asthmatic,lungs are pretty good. He has been one of my biggest cheerleaders on the surgery. Recommended the program I'm going with, wrote me a recommendation letter etc. I have all my prerequirements done and waiting for a callback for a surgery date. It probably will be early-mid March.I'm widowed 5 1/2 years but do have a great son who is very supportive to help me. So come along and be my surgery friend, goog health and a longer life awaits us. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. kakatlady612


    No but Christel from Germany went to Switzerland and I think somebody else from I think the UK went to Belgium. The cost and the wait seem to be so long people go,out of the country. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. Aw we all have those, I'm getting over mild pneumonia, I was on an antibiotic so long my liver stopped clearing it. Now I have allergic conjunctivitis, can hardly see, itching as all get out, want to take my fists and dig my eyeballs out. I'm on eye drops every 6 hours, Tomkitten(my son) has to drop them in but if I'm late the itch comes back. I'm not very sweet tempered today, the kitchen is a mess, he was asking for brownies to be made, safe from me cause I'm allergic to chocolate. Told him "no cleanie no cookie" we are currently at a standoff. I guess I'll have to,drag myself out there and start washing dishes. One of 2 things I hate, I always said if I was sent to Hades I'd either have a cash drawer that wouldn't balance or I'd be washing greasy dishes thru eternity. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. Hey Fluffy l and Kathy, as much as I've been texting recently I should be corresponding Secretary in your Admiration Society. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. I'm sitting here thinking Who do I wish knew-Who would be proud of Me? I think my paternal grandmother, she was a very emotionally strong woman and I feel was an inspiration to be all I could be. She had nicknames for all her grandbabies, I was Monkey, I can feel her putting her arms around around me and saying " Monkey I know you can do this, you're my grandbaby and I'm very proud of you doing this change" then she would kiss my cheek and although I was number 12 of 18 I'd feel I was her favorite. She's been gone for close to 50 years but sometime I still miss her. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. Soswesue61 you look so so good. I dream of a size 16 but a 14- wow we wow wow Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. As long as it don't provoke diarrhea, be awful to be squirming and squirting at the same time. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. Fluffy Chix I know you share my sophmoric humor, Old couple listening to Radio Evangelist Radio Evangelist: put one hand on the radio and the other on what you want healed Old Man: hand to her forehead Old Lady: hand to his nether region. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. kakatlady612

    Anyone interested in finding local pals?

    Central Ohio-pre Rny- Buckeye born and bred- I bleed scarlet and gray. Won't that surprise my Bariatric Surgeon!!! Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. I would think it would be more important to be consistently losing even at a slow rate. At least you havent hit the dreaded stalls. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. If pro is for something and con is against it; how much progress can we expect,from Congress? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. kakatlady612

    No Xs

    Talk about an answer to prayer. Hallelujah sister. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. How about how soon will I become over-sexed post surgery? Because if I'm gonna become hot to trot after years at a slow limp I want to be ready! Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. And the Mexico surgerees are always good for "My surgeon is better than Your surgeon"on their threads and Bill Yanez pops up more often then a demented toaster. "Look at my people in Tiajuana!" Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

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