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Everything posted by kakatlady612

  1. kakatlady612

    Submitted to Insurance

    Hi guys, found out today the, person at the surgeons office in charge of submission is out with the flu, don't know if anybody picked up the slack and is doing her,job. So how far to submission is my case? I just don't know. Hi,you 2 Michiganders, it grieves,me as a Buckeye to say this but GO BLUE! Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. kakatlady612

    Insurance timeframe

    Kaynga, I was gonna tease you a little, if your surgery,is being done by a Saint,it surely will be blessed. Where is Saint Francis located? My hospital's name,is Mount Carmel so while you're relying on a Saint I will be venturing to the Mount. Bottom line I wish you well with your future surgery. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. kakatlady612

    Physical Intimacy?

    That's why I don't watch porno, sex is fun to do but ludicrous to watch. The cosmos must have a giggle when humans were created. And sorry men but your genitalia looks like a afterthought Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. Slippers if you don't want to wear their nonskid socks when you walk and a small pillow to "splint" your tummy when you cough, when I had my gall bladder lo these many,years ago I even used it while walking. Some hospitals provide a Bariatric Bear, I think Creekimp got,one. If I don't take Chickie my little buddy from back,then I'll go out and get the Valentine pillow/blanket combo from Wal-Mart for about $9. Pillow is heart shaped, about right size and I can always use a blanket to snuggle into. Remember to bring home the little baby,cups,if they hive you any.Those mini medicine cups are really good for sip sips.You are gonna do fine and I' will be sending you healing thoughts your way,tomorrow. . Now get some rest tonight. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. kakatlady612

    Surgery Scheduled 2/22/18

    You should make,it on the comorbibs and also on BMI. I have gerd, sleep apnea, severe arthritis and a BMI over 45. I'm 72 and although many programs won't touch anybody over 60 my surgeon and program had no qualms in accepting me. I have low cholesterol, low moderate blood pressure, no diabetes and am properly motivated for success. So I'm in it to win it like everyone else. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. kakatlady612

    Surgery Scheduled 2/22/18

    I know it is nearly a year since Fluffy Chix started her Bariatric Journey. Most of the US plans 6-7 months, in that time the average person has dietician appointments, cardiology, pulmonology, psychology, weight appointments and meet with the surgeon. I didn't have to but many programs have you start an exercise program or meet with a lifestyle coach or trainer. Mrs Gamgee who lives in Red Deer Alberta and is going thru her provincial and national health plans will have 2 years on her journey. Here you usually have to meet the BMI criteria and or have comorbities like diabetes, sleep apnea and a few others to speed things up unless you're really,lucky with your plan or are self pay. Its like the joke about welfare- it isn't fair and you never get well. Someday,I feel like the number 2 sled dog, the view never changes. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. I know that answer because I read,one of her other postings. She is British, in the UK there is universal healthcare, its called National,Healt Service. They told her within a few hours of her planned surgery that there were no hospital beds available so postponed her surgery for a month. I hope they don't do it to her again, it has to be so frustrating. She said she had been on 32 days of a liquid diet. We Americans whine about a week or 2, if it were me I'd want to bomb someone or something! Wouldn't you? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. Annette one of my idiot friends and we all have a few asked me something in that vein, I told her the only thing my surgeon guarantees is we'll be on a liquid diet post surgery. Read our previous postings from Sunday, Fluffy Chix and I were both in rare form yesterday. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. kakatlady612

    Surgery Scheduled 2/22/18

    Look for Fluffy Chix's postings, she lives in North Houston, humorous as all get out. I know there are other Texans,on Bariatric Pal,i just don't remember all of their,towns. I'm in Ohio myself. Look for the thread about hometown pals there may be names of other Texans there. Best wishes on your upcoming surgery. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. kakatlady612

    Calling March Sleevers

    Hi Askingforafriend, can't believe nobody has joined in here. I'm a missionary from the RnY side,of things but I'll still offer friendship. I could be a surgery twin, the scheduler at my surgeon's office has been out sick with the flu and I'm not sure anyone is doing the job while she isn't there. My tentative date is early to Mid March. All my prerequirements are done so waiting to do my presurgery blood work etc. My surgeon doesn't require any liquid diet prior to surgery just clean balanced and low carb. That doesn't mean I'm gonna stay away from liquid protein drinks on my own. I'd like to lose a little more weight prior to surgery date. When I get my S.S. the 1st of February I'm going to lay in a small supply, try them to replace lunch which I'm bad about missing then starving before supper. Its funny I'm having trouble with appetite/digestion. I fix a meal for my son and I then eat only a few bites of it. In some ways its like I've had surgery already but I think its my gastritis. When I had my EGD my gastroenterologist put me on Dexilant, I had been on Omeprazole/Prilosec but it didn't control it, accidently forgot it yesterday and was miserable with the symptoms. Advice? Hopefully you've given up coffee and cola, simple carbs and snacks? Funny I don't crave them myself and I used to be a sugarholic. This crabby tummy has thrown me for a loop. I'm sorry, you asked for advice and I'm crabbing. Remember there are a,lot of flavors, some people like the milkshake varieties, some prefer ones like Blue Raspberry clear, I'd like to try the Fuzzy Navel someone mentioned, I like orange myself. Write back if you'd like we all could use another friend you know. I'm sure you'll have a successful outcome to your surgery. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. kakatlady612

    February 6th vsg surgery

    Excited for all you February chicks (and dudes if there's any) I'm a Marcher myself. Nikkno ill why don't you try mixing chocolate protein shake with your coffee, kinda make it mocha then every time put less and less until,you've deleted coffee out of the mixture. That way you might not get a caffeine withdrawal headache or swich to decaff. They want you off coffee because it dehydrated you plus it's rough on your healing gastric system. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. Best wishes going your way Aurora2609 on 15th February. My son said earlier it seems stange there's no one from the UK, now I've made two new friends. I'll be having a RnY early-mid March myself but I don't have a definite date yet. The scheduling person at my surgeon's office has been out with the flu, not sure if anyone's been doing her job while she's away. Please don't hate me ladies but my surgeon doesn't require a liquid diet prior to surgery,just a clean well balanced low carb one. After the hoops NHS has forced JeezLouise to jump through I can almost see steam or is it smoke? coming out her ears over that one. After surgery,I'll probably be on clear liquids, full liquids and softs like most everybody else. I'll find out more when I go for my preoperative blood work etc.I am truly looking forward,to my surgery when I'll,have the tool,to help me toward future weight loss. You both enjoy a fortnight of only good things in your lives and update us all after surgery. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. kakatlady612

    Surgery, “it’s the easy way.”

    Once upon a time I had a doctor ( not my Bariatric Surgeon,not even my current PCP) tell me: I'd like you to weigh 148 lbs. My answer: I would too but I don't see that it Will be happening without Bariatric Surgery. If wishing weight away would work none of us would be overweight. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. JeezLouise so very happy for you, know you were very upset with NHS earlier. Will be sending healing and hopeful thoughts your way 18th February. Your America cousin, hey its not impossible-my mother's ancestors Yorkshire, my father's Lancastershire, we could be 10 or 12 generations removed. Back in antiquity if you robbed somebody or poached the Kings Deer you were sent to the colonies, a fair amount went to America, Canada or Australia, so who knows? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. That's Gastric Sleeve, the spell check,on this Verizon goes goofy sometimes. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. Hi EireRose, hey pretty name by the way, read my response to Astro Cat on the Bastrop Sleeve forum and tell me what you think,its even stronger,than some of the others posting here and then tell me if you have as much fear. Your new friend in Ohio. ME Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. Somebody else on Bariatric Pal put fishing sinkers or similar in his pockets and didn't tinkle before the weigh in so they'd be heavier. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. kakatlady612

    Honest opinions on Syntrax Nectar?

    Fluffs,its not fair if they punish you for becoming a little sleeker fowl. Like lose weight, ooh not That Much. Life is a struggle and for you it seems to keep on coming on. I know they say everything is bigger in Texas but I never thought they meant surgical waits. I want you to be with me not dragging up the rear. Its hard to think of April showers bringing May flowers when they keep spraying your hopes with Roundup weed killer. Ah,i still love ya kid even if the world regards you as a crap target. Stay easy and breezy love. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. @DRoseman its me, your downstate buddy. D I hope he enjoys snuggling his shingles and gets emotional satisfaction from his dearly beloved roof. Gosh I wish I could win the Ohio Lottery, it would help if I could buy my house so Tomkitten wouldn't have to worry about shelter if anything happens to me but i, could help fund your surgery too. Now you'll have to start your dedicated fund all over, it is not fair. You're selfish? Yeah like a heart attack is selfishness. Oooh if I were there I'd like to b***** slap him, wouldn't solve anything, but it would be so justified and I'm not really a violent person. D honey please keep me updated, okay? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. kakatlady612

    Being too sensitive or not?

    At 300+ I still dream of looking like your before picture so to,look like your after picture I'd bend down and kiss the very ground I was standing on. No you don't look gaunt or scrawny, you look in pefect proportion and what's more happy and healthy. Thank you for sharing them with all,of us. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. Well back in the bad old days when I had an open gallbladder surgery I had a drain for awhile. My surgeon said some people's innards produce more fluid as they heal, I was in the hospital for 5 days and they took it out the morning I went home and steri-stripped the opening. Would guess its something like that. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. kakatlady612

    Can we have Splenda?

    Splenda is sucralose, a sugar alcohol, I would make sure my doctor is okay with it, but I usually err on the side of safety. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. kakatlady612

    Can we have Splenda?

    Other sweeteners, stevia, monkfruit and agave. Maybe you'll like one of them as well. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. kakatlady612

    Thinking About Gastric Sleeve

    Good girl, glad you're gonna make the commitment. I'm 72, I can tell you,what happens to,the body if you wait years to have surgery. Your joints wear out, you end up with them bone on bone and you have 2 knee replacements. Yeah that pain gets better but they are 85 to 90% as good as your natural ones. You get sick and tired of being sick and tired. You start moving slower, if you start out to do something you have to stop once or twice halfway thru. You sit or lay in bed a lot because it hurts to move. You wonder if you're gonna die at this size, if you do will there be a casket big enough and if there is can your family afford it, super size usually is super price. And will there be pallbearer strong enough or like someone I know get put on the back of a truck? He was nearly 400lbs. Will you see your children and grandchildren grow up,or will all they have,is a picture in a frame? These are some of the reasons I'm having a RnY myself in early-mid March. I know I can make success of it, there is still spunk and a strong will to live in this body. I know the post is long but,its very heartfelt. Go for it,my young friend I believe you'll be happy you did. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. kakatlady612

    Side Effects of Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

    And a parrot or another bird in a pear tree, seems to be the only thing the last poster missed. Seriously the good health, thinner body and increased lifespan make up for any detriment. Go for it my friend. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
