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Everything posted by kakatlady612

  1. kakatlady612

    ESG scheduled for February 6

    surgery, unless your house looks like one on TLC and the Hoarder shows it can wait. Preschoolers can pick,up their,own toys, if they can do it older kids and husbands ought to be able too.Be kind to you, you do no one favors by getting worn out. Bossy old broad and resident Grandma has spoken. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. kakatlady612

    ESG scheduled for February 6

    Hey relax would ya, you make me tired just hearing about it. You have just been thru life changing Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. I think both of the upper idea could cause orthostatic hypotension which it sounds like Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. kakatlady612

    Can we talk about boobs and bras?

    Me also, do you think I could get a prescription written for 2 seat belt retractors? That way,I could roll them up and stuff them in my bra. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. kakatlady612

    If it's God's will...

    Well, it was gonna be 15th &not Valentine's Day. Dr Miller my surgeon now has decided he wants an Upper GI series run on top of the usual EGD, the kind with barium or other contrast medium. He's gonna allow me to,get it at the local band-station, Knox Community Hospital, instead of having to go to Columbus & Mount Carmel.Hopefully they can do it without screwing it up to FUBU level. Mind got,this is the same,place that asked,my cousin who had gallbladder pain if she'd like a PAP TEST. If familiarity breeds contempt please believe I have more stories I could share. We have 4 inches of fresh snow outside & I'd just prefer not to drive 50 miles thru it. I may be a chicken but I'm not a dumb turkey! Suspect,he wants to pinpoint the location,of the baby gastric ulcer i,have,prior to surgery. So I'm not canceled just in a state of postponment. Soon and very soon I'll still get my surgery, at the latest St Patrick's Day but maybe yet this month. My life has turned into,a cheap unbelievable soap opera. You've heard of the Young and Restless, now meet the Fat and Frustrated. I joked- give me a bowie knife, some fishing line and a little package of steri strips and I'll do myself. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. kakatlady612

    If it's God's will...

    Hmm@creekimp13, I'm not a Satanist, I was raised Christian although I'm not as vehement about it as I once was. I believe everyone deserves to be loved, who am I to specify man or woman? At any rate couldn't a Gastric,Sleeve be considered a ritualistic,sacrifice? You,enter the,operating theatre with a 1.5 liter stomach and you exit with a 200ml banana shaped sore stapled remnant, sounds sacrificial,to me. And we Rnyers are not too much better off, we get our intestines juggled around and also end up with a pouch the size of a turkey egg. Ah the things we go thru for health and beauty, although at 72 beauty may not be an option for me. Have a peaceful night and text,me on the flip side. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. LaLaDee,one of the service branches, Coast guard I think, has as its motto,Eternal Vigelence, you need to make it yours also. You've come too far to resume the bad old ways that brought you to surgery. You can do it! All your Bari-pals join me in wishing you a safe healthy,journey. Keep us updated. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. kakatlady612

    Getting excited!

    What kind of surgery are you planning? On age alone I would guess sleeve but I have been wrong before. I live in Ohio, in a city 14 miles from Ohio's Geographic Center. I,will have my own surgery, a RnY at Mount Carmel in Columbus. I could be a surgery twin of yours. All my prerequirements are completed,, just waiting on a surgery date from my surgeon's office. Thought,it might be as soon as February 15th but found out today my surgeon Dr Miller asked that I have an upper GI done, the kind where you swallow something like Barium or another contrast medium. That's not always required so don't worry that you haven't had one. When I had,my EGD they found I have a small stomach,ulcer as well as gastritis. Dr Miller wants this test to pinpoint its exact,location in the stomach. I guess I got the ulcer from too many NSAIDS. Where in Kentucky are you located? We have Kentucky chicks having surgery in Ashland, Hopkinsville and Lexington , A little more about me. I have a son about your age , weight. and height. His real,name,is Bryan but on Bariatric Pal I call him my Tomkitten. He is main support person and the joy of my existence. I've been a widow,for 5 1/2 years, late hubby died on the 4th of July 2012. I'm 72, yeah old to be having this surgery, many of my prexisting conditions WLS will cure or lessen the impact on my body. I am 5ft8in, in my prime i was a shade under 6ft but we all settle down as we age. My current weight is 323 down from an all-time high of 355 last October. PCP gave me diet pills and my weight went up instead of down. I have had 2 knee replacements due to wear and tear and the fact of having arthritis since I was 25. I have 2 living children, Tomkitten and his older sister known as RD on here, she is 49, RD stands for Rotten Daughter. She lives 7/8th to a mile from me, largely estranged by her idea. I hadn't heard from her directly for maybe 6 months, her best friend died suddenly last. Christmas day of a heart attack. She started calling and texting me again. Will it last? God only ,knows. She knows I love her but I don't care for some of her past actions. Ah we all have some sorrows in our lives and I'm sure not immune. I hope you'll want to friends, you'll find I will always be here for you. I'm a pretty good source of information, both from living forever and a lot of studying. I should have been a doctor, if I had had my druthers I would have been an immunologist and worked for the CDC. Have a good evening and text,me back if you ever want to talk. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. Welcome Salazar. I flatter myself that I have all the answers since I'm probably the oldest chronologically on Bariatric Pal. I am actually 72, nearly old enough to date Methuselah. Now there has got to be someone in the whole Delmarva that would take your case. Let's take it out a little bit, i know you're in Northern Va, try maybe the Maryland suburbs. I know there's someone in Prince George county on here. If I remember her name I'll let you know. Golly,most,of us worry about insurance. comorbities, here you are money in hand and still having trouble., it does boggle the mind.Hey I noticed on my tablet one of the highlighted surgeons today was Dr Masoud Resvani in W oodbridge Va. Did you try him? Just wondering. I will be having a RnY in early-mid March , date is still labile at this time. All my prerequirements are done just waiting for a date from my surgeon. I will,have,my surgery at Mount Carmel in Columbus Ohio. I'm so grateful,they don't think I'm too old, many programs won't touch anyone over 60. I have low bp, no diabetes,,no cholesterol and a proper motivation. I am in it to win it just like all the younger people. . Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. kakatlady612

    Hubby has had a change of heart

    Hallelujah this is an answer to,prayer. Now little one where will you be going? Are you going to try for those Michigan doctors you mentioned before? If I had a tail I would be wagging it. I am so excited for you and your future,thinner better health. Keep me posted please? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. kakatlady612

    im approved !!!!!!!!!!!!

    So happy for you lucylu, it's the start of your road to wellness and health. God Bless. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. kakatlady612

    Can we talk about boobs and bras?

    Sisters now I have something new to worry about. Although I am as fluffy as the rest of you,i' m only a C/D before the Great Weight Loss Expedition. Afterwards am I gonna have moobs instead of a good bust line. Truth is i m probably an oversized Junior, maybe my goal should be a 15 instead of a 16. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. kakatlady612

    Goal celebration

    Have Made In,on one foob America on the other. I really prefer Motorcycle Mamma on the foobs Your Call Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. kakatlady612

    Craving pickle juice

    I might worry,about the sodium level in pickle juice. Salt is a preservative and,it sneaks into a lot of foods. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. kakatlady612

    Centers of Excellence

    Makes sense. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. How many,Centers of Excellence are there in the USA and Csnada? Is your Bariatric plan affiliated with one? Are there many worldwide? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. kakatlady612

    Out With the Old--In With the New!

    Wonder how blue raspberry(does it come in SF?) jello powder and coconut or almond milk, then the rest of your recipe? As Jack Benny when the robber said Your money or your life? Mr Benny: I'm thinking ,I'm thinking. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. kakatlady612

    Why did you do it?

    Felt myself getting slower daily.Tired of bragging this old body and its weight sround, many of my high school classmates died in the last year, I'm not ready to join them. I have a young spirt, with weight loss a hope for the future. I do not want to die At this weight. I am pretty inside, it's time for the outside to reflect it. Join me on this journey everyone. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. kakatlady612

    Hey! I’m new here.

    Wow, welcome to our happy groups Theres a lot of talk on these threads about fatty liver but you're the 1st I've heard of with a busted one. Did it rupture spontaneously or was it a result of your surgery? At any rate are you feeling better now? Don't be a stranger, we want to,show you better. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. kakatlady612

    Hey! I’m new here.

    Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. kakatlady612

    Goal celebration

    A joke for Proud Grammy and the rest. Husband : Is that a,new dress? Wife: yeah,just got it today. Husband: why didn't you say Get thee behind me Satan? Wife: I did, he said whoeee sweet stuff, it looks even better back here. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. kakatlady612

    Out With the Old--In With the New!

    That's her Dr Fluffy Chix-fowl extraordinaire! Don't be squawking cause we're still talking. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. kakatlady612

    5 months post sleeve

    Watch Dr Weiner on you tube, he makes a,lot,of sense and I plan to,implement, a lot,of his ideas post surgery. Don't grab the cookies etc, sure your biamin and mineral levels look good but honey you are crusin' for a bruisin', I'm an older foodaholic and sugar junkie, I'm repenting for,it now but I didn't play fair with,my health for years.My weight prevoked a,lot of pain dragging this old body around. Fast food can be as addictive as crack and it's so easy to find. Please listen to a older and older food junkie,,please? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. kakatlady612

    Any February Sleevers?

    Well sit back, have a cuppa of tea and put your feet up. All my prerequirements are done, insurance submitted and back-God I wish we had universal healthcare, they make you jump thru so many firey hoops here. Lady named Trisha called from the surgeon's office, said you're set up for February 15th. Called back,later to set,up presurgery blood work. Lady#2 Well I don't see YOU on the surgery schedule so don't count on it. Sat and cried for 5-10 minutes, got,up and mentally dusted,myself,off and went,to,pay bills. Got back home 2-3 hours later and there's a call on ,my answering machine to please call them back. It is now 5pm and it turns out they left at 4pm. I played scenarios in my mind all weekend. Called them back yesterday,morning, first they couldn't find me on the records, then all they found was a record of all,the doctor consultations I completed,in January. So why did they call me? Duhh they don't know, of course they hadn't left a name or extension number and there about 60 people,in the room, I know this because they got peeved and told me so. Called the surgeon's office once again, had I received,my presurgical packet yet? Nope and the,mail for yesterday had been delivered. Then I spoke to Amber,my Bariatric Facilitator, kind of an ombudsmen between the patients and the Bariatric people. She is going to call or email Kathy, the head scheduler in the surgeon's office and request a face!to-face to discuss my case. Darlin' I'm not getting any younger and this is my last be d t hope at weight loss..I WANT THIS SURGERY! I live 50 miles, approx. 80km from my hospital in Columbus, not always easy to find transport but I've never missed an appointment. Amber is supposed to call me back today (tuesday) a n d I'm anxiously awaiting her call. Its can she or can't she, will she or won't she, cut me or don't cut me. My last.nerve is fraying fast and may just snap soon. I am getting frustrated, growled at my son who had done nothing to deserve it. Now you know the bulk to,my story. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. Goody maybe good things are ahead for you. Couldn't happen to a nicer,person. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

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