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Everything posted by kakatlady612

  1. kakatlady612

    Did your sex life change?

    Probably shouldn't puzzle on this cause I've been widowed for 5 1/2 years but a lighter weight and slimmer body would help you get into the contortions you had trouble achieving before. My PCP, the impertinent elf, asked me recently "Are you still sexually active?" I looked him right in the eye and said "No -but I live in hope!" Score one for the Senior Team! Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. kakatlady612

    February bypass buddies?

    How soon will you be returning to your Batcave? So glad to hear things are progressing well. Keep on with the walk, don't squawk and get back home so we can text and talk. You'll lose that water soon, they just wanted to keep you moist and puffed up with C02. You'll be smooth,sleek and lower in weight very soon. Not fair but you'll lose faster than us girls, guys always do. Our bodies hold onto weight longer because we could be incubating a new generation. Mind you at my age (72) it's rather a moot point and a silly remnant of our evolution. God Bless and get some good rest. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. kakatlady612

    Did your sex life change?

    Looks funny, sounds funny but is so much fun to do! I may be older but I've swung from a chandelier or 2 in my time. News flash: Your generation didn't invent sex, it's been around since the dawn of time. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. Thank the Lord you made it through cancer and are still here to ask these questions. You have enough bravery for an entire village and I salute you. This surgery I believe will be a stroll in the park for you. My Bariatric Buddy Fluffy Chix is a breast cancer survivor, lives in Houston Texas and will be having weight loss surgery on the 20th. She, like me, can be so funny but has head on straight and few things ruffle her feathers. Look her up, I've learned a few life lessons from her myself. Don't be scared, honey you've been thru the fires, been tested and I believe stronger for it. Cancer does not play fair, you beat that rascal. You'll be fine. Just think,if your surgeon uses your belly skin you could,be ending up,with boob dimples from this surgery. See there's always an upside! Hey if you want to talk I'm almost always here. I'll have a RnY early-mid March at Mount Carmel in Columbus Ohio,so see I'll be going thru surgery also. I'm 72, I'm not scared, I just want to live longer, live healthier and live thinner. Obesity is a bummer on someone my age, you get sick and tired of being sick and tired. Ah but this spring will be beautiful, probably plant a garden and work in it. This year I won't puke when I bend over from the pressure on my belly. I have reflux and my RnY will help cure that. Your sleeve will help your life better too, I'm excited for you. Let us know when you get a surgery date, we'll all pray for you. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. kakatlady612

    Feb. 14, 2018 Sleevers

    Kick back and relax Darlin. Tomorrow is your big big day. Go to the hospital with peace in your [emoji173]. Climb upon that cart, lay back and relax. Anesthesia isn't that bad, it's so good anymore it's like a smooth nap. I've lived long enough I could tell you about the bad old drugs. Ether made you nauseated going to sleep. you usually woke up puking and felt like you'd had bad food poisoning and a headache too. Let your doctor do the magic, Bariatric surgeons do it often, they do it well and it's not their first rodeo. They want a successful outcome just as much as you do. When you wake up you may feel a little sore, but on the other hand you may not. One of my own friends told me it wasn't even as bad as the time her 5 year old head-butted her in the belly. Get up and walk as soon as you're able, you'll hurt less and it will,be rid of the gas in your belly sooner. Try to get fluids in, take small slow sips. Be good to yourself and you'll end up just fine. I'll be praying for you tomorrow. Let us know how things are going, you are important to us. God Bless. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. Not if you don't have the money to private pay. Hey it's not so bad, that 6 months will give you time to develop new and better eating habits. You'll be learning a lot in the next few months, have different doctors to visit and might even have nutrition classes. to go to. Medicaid is my secondary, Medicare is my primary, I'm grateful to have insurance and really don't mind jumping through the few hoops they put in my way. Like everybody else I want my surgery and I do get impatient for it to be over. I will have a RnY early-mid March myself at Mount Carmel in Columbus Ohio. I'm 72, yeah a little old to be planning surgery, but I've got spunk, a desire to live a few more years and to live them thinner and healthier, tired of people trying to order me around, tell me that they're the only ones that know what's best for me. Its my life, it's my decision and I've gotten tired of others putting me down.Big Mamma has spoken. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. kakatlady612

    Eating too fast? Too much?

    I have been a bolter myself so the things I say are for myself as well as you. I've been a mom for years, we do that for several reasons. We eat fast and sometimes standing up. I would eat quickly because I was self conscious of being fat and didn't want everybody to see how loaded my plate was. That said take smaller bites, slow down your eating and chew well. Lay your fork or spoon down between each bite, be a turtle not a greyhound. Nobody is going to take it from you, there aren't 12 of you fighting over 1 drumstick. Since you're not going to be drinking with your meal let your saliva moisten each bite. Did you realize each bite should be no bigger than a nickel? Yeah I didn't either, just found that out. Your meal should last about a half hour. If you eat slow you'll know when you're full, now don't stuff just 1 more in, enough is enough, if you've taken that long you don't want it barreling back up. And it doesn't even feel as good coming back,up as it did going down. Hope this helps. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. kakatlady612

    I'm new!

    Luella Jean, welcome and thrilled to me you. A few nibby questions: have you decided on a procedure? I would guess you might be from the South, double barreled names are more common there. Of course I'm in Ohio and family members still call me mine. If you are from south of the Mason-Dixon line that makes you a GRIT, girl raised. In the South, a cool thing to be. My late father called me by my intials but then some people called him by his. I was an only child, I am 5ft8in, 323 down from a high of 355, strawberry blonde hair, hazel eyes and 72 years old. That kinda makes me the grandma of Bariatric Pal. I will have a RnY early-mid March myself at Mount Carmel in Columbus. I'm in it to win it like everybody else. Ask me if you have any questions, although I'm not a veteran yet I do know quite a bit about a lot of things. And at Bariatric Pal you're among friends that will help in any way we can. So just ask okay? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. kakatlady612

    February Surgery Buddies!

    And fat to fit you'll soon be flat to fine. Way to go girlfriend. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. kakatlady612

    February Surgery Buddies!

    Exciting that means you are really on your way, Final destination:weight loss, good health and a longer life. Best wishes from one Puddycat to another! Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. kakatlady612

    2/7/18 RNY

    Congratulations on your surgery Jaz. Remember what all the veterans say, walk walk walk and sip sip,sip. Every day is going to be better as they go by. You can do it girl. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. kakatlady612

    February bypass buddies?

    So proud of your weight loss. I liked your ideas and plan to remember them as i get closer to my own surgery. At this point it looks like early-mid March for my own RnY, doubtful it will be any sooner. I have 1 more test, not normally required by my surgeon's office. All my other prerequirements were done the 16th of last month. I want an official date so I can plan what i need, lay in protein shakes etc. I'll remember to pray for you on the 12th. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. kakatlady612

    Any February Sleevers?

    Jrk I'm sorry but you still have me in your corner. They postponed me back to early-mid March again.I have to have a upper GI with contrast done. The EGD showed I have a small gastric ulcer and this will pinpoint its exact location. Probably in the part he won't make my pouch out of but this way he's certain. Originally he was going to fax my gastroenterologist to arrange it at my local hospital but now they are going fax the Diagnostic Imagining dept. here directly. I didn't want to have to go to Columbus to,have it done, we have 4+ inches of snow on the ground with a strong chance of more tonight and Colombus is 50 miles (80 km) from where I live. After that things should resume going forward. I want this surgery and most people I'm not overly patient. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. kakatlady612

    February Surgery Buddies!

    Are you also going to be a bypss or a sleeved. I am about the same size as you starting out. maybe we'll be drag racing thru Weight loss? I'm 323 down from 355 on a tired & arthritic 5ft8in frame. Some days I feel as old as dirt but I'm,only 72. I'm kinda special ,well I guess we all are. I'm in a select group. There are War Babies born during WWII. Baby Boomers born 1946 until 1960s. Gen X Gen Y. Millenials.I am an Occupation Baby, we were born August 6th until December 31st 1945. We usually hang with the Baby Boomers because they're closest,in age to us.we've shared a lot of the same things. lastly because we're very nice people. I will have a RnY early-mid March myself at Mount Carmel in Columbus. I live 14 miles from the geographic center of Ohio and love all the new friends I've made on Bariatric Pal. Lets be friends okay? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. kakatlady612

    Little Green getting little(r)

    Similar thing with my family My son needed his tonsils out, found out we were losing insurance coverage April,30th, moved his surgery up to April 28th,plus our local hospital if you're 12 or more they do the surgery sedated and sitting up, went thru that with his older sister , was not happy with the proceedings, called the surgeon a stupid €$@&€£*## when she got her voice back. We wanted him to have General anesthesia and he was 2 weeks from turning 12. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. kakatlady612

    The struggle is real!

    I mean enough exercise, also magnesium citrate comes in cherry flavor, be sure you're getting plenty fluids especially water, Prunes or prune juice, Those are some of the easier solutions, Also relax and don't worry, stress can tighten and slow things down, This is just a little blip on your road of life. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. kakatlady612

    The struggle is real!

    Miralax, Benefiber, cooked oatmeal. Are you getting another exercise Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. Hi and welcome relle2190. I'm the grandma of Bariatric Pal., although in your case I'm old enough to be your great grandmother. A little about my favorite subject:ME. I live in Mount Vernon Ohio a city of a little under 20000 people,don't know how many dogs and cats. My city is 14 miles from Ohio's Geographic Center. I am 5ft8in tall. weight 323 down from a high of 355 and am 72 years old last December 26th. Yeah an untraditional age for bariatric surgery but I'm in it to win it just like everyone else.I will have a RnY at Mount Carmel in Columbus early-mid March. I had 3 children 2 living my son who I call my Tomkitten on here and his older sister R.D. short for Rotten Daughter. She lives 7/8 mile from me. She hadn't spoken directly for 6 months, her choice not mine. Christmas her best friend suddenly died of a heart attack. She started calling and,texting me again. Will it last? Can't really say.,i never stopped loving her but many of her actions I dont like or approve of,. Still she was my baby and an only child and grandchild for her first 7 years, Ah we all have our trials in life. If you have any questions or concerns just ask,i f I don't have an answer somebody on Bariatric Pal will, We are each other's biggest boosters, I have learned so much from the veterans, We all have our own viewpoints and all, but keeps things interesting, We are worldwide, some of my BBFs short for Best Bariatric Friend are in New Zealand, Australia, Scotland and north Houston Texas. My goal is to be 175 and a size 15-16, don't know if I'll ever make it but I'm going to give it my best shot. Care to join me on this journey? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. 10 reasons I hesitated to seek WLS 1. I'm not good enough, I've done something bad in the past and I'm being punished 2. I'm too old, if I do it now people will think I'm silly and foolish. 3. I can't make a success of it. People have told me I am inept and incapable of anything worthwhile for years. 4.My body is too broke down to,make it worthwhile. 5. I will die during the surgery. Sure but I could walk out the door and be run over by a speeding car. 6. You're too close to death anyway, not worth the surgeon's efforts 7. I'll disappoint my family, shouldn't I think of them instead of myself? 8. There isn't a hospital that would consider,doing surgery.Another in the same line of the too old. 9 You're too ugly and surgery won't make you look better. Anything has got to be better than looking like Bip the Michelin Man. 10. God made you this way and you were created in his image. Do you have the right to be mutilated internally for what some people would call variety? FYI I made list out before I made a surgical commitment. Ive always been a list maker weighing pros and cons. More than a tad resistant about life in general, if I don't venture out no one can hurt me. I am good enough and need to love. I am old but why not regard it as extra time to gain wisdom.Not make a success? You've come a long way on your life journey and with the help of surgery you can keep on with the journey. Sure your body won't return to the state it was in your 20s but if you remember the 20s were not perfect for me. Things will work out for us all in the end if you don't lose sight of our final target. Have a good day and a good life everyone. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. Is it miserable to ride horseback? Thought I'd start up again when I'd lost my weight. Right now if I'd. walk in a stable the horses would either glare at me or hide in the other end of the barn where I couldn't find them so easy Bale of hay, don't fail me Now. Oh,my sweet bridle, here SHE comes. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. kakatlady612

    Just don't care

    Orionburn you may read it, I don't mind,.for some reason I don't have private message capability so I usually put it out here for her consumption. As to this topic,. I have been perceived by others as,a non caring or depressed attitude. Oh I do care I'm fearful of exposing my feelings and having them trompelled as they have been before. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. kakatlady612

    February bypass buddies?

    Honey you ain't right. I've too many cough syrups and other meds with that taste, Now I do like black cherry, its my favorite. KoolAid flavor, Never checked whether Crystal lite has that. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. kakatlady612


    Don't be anxious. Remember you've come so far, done so well, tomorrow just starts your journey to better health. Now climb on that cart,lay back, and let the surgeon perform the magic. Bariatric surgeons do it often, they do it good, it's not their first rodeo, you are in good hands. As I read the stories on Bariatric Pal most posters say they wake up only minimally uncomfortable. Makes me hunger for my own surgery, should be within the next 6 weeks . Just think, as of tomorrow you'll be a "veteran" to me. Now get some rest tonight, I'll be praying for you. [emoji307] and hugs. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. kakatlady612

    Can we talk about boobs and bras?

    Simple my friend, your band size has gone down so much they seem more prominent. You've gone from sausagehood to Ms Dolly Parton. Always wanted to be her until I realized I'd float upright. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. kakatlady612

    One Year Update

    Wowee wow wow, wouldn't have believed it was the same guy. Would had liked you before but now-Lookin' Good!!! Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

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