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Everything posted by kakatlady612

  1. kakatlady612

    Little Green getting little(r)

    I'm sorry Little Green but snicker snicker you're more likely gonna be my surgery twin instead of Fluffy Chix. I'm not much closer than yesterday, it's 10:50am, if I haven't heard from the surgeon's office by this afternoon and find out whether I'm any closer to having the verdompt testing done. Joy cometh in the morning but the flippin Sun's been up for hours. Stay easy Stay breezy and don't let life get any more sleazy. Don't start holding your breath and turn purple, I like you better Green. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. kakatlady612

    Just don't care

    Sorry I didn't see I was in the Guys Room and no I didnt see ANYTHING. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. kakatlady612

    wieght loss after pregnancy

    Some of this may be preachin to the choir but here goes. When you have the time, walk. Even if it's only to the fenceline walk. Take your little guy with you, the fresh air will do both of you good. If the weather is good enough take a blanket and toys along and,set him play outside with you.This time of the year we can get the house blahs, it's currently winter in Central Ohio and we have 4+ inches of snow. I have had 2 knee replacements, I'm not going out in the ice and snow, if I fall which knee do I sacrifice? Are you eating a balanced diet? As a mommy it's easy to let yourself go, grab something quick instead something good for you. And fast food is still out there, rearing its ugly head and singing its siren song " hey baby I'm over here EAT me". Are you getting enough fluids? Remember your kidneys are 1 of the body's cleaning systems. I wish I was back in the country, you miss things when you,live in town. You can watch spring and all the other seasons change around you. There's beauty in each of them. You're raising your little guy where the air is clean, there's room to stretch and grow. You'll be teaching him how to fish, ride a bike, ride a horse and before you know it " Mom I want to join 4H or be in the FAA and raise myself a steer" then he'll be exhibiting at the county fair and you'll be so proud. I resided 2 fine boys and1 girl. Time flies while you're living life. You gave him a fine start in life nursing but now your body is back to being your own. Do your best to stat lean and fit, it's easier to chase a toddler if you can keep up with him. I know you're a good mom but he deserves to have you around to watch him grow up. I hope my little pep talk has helped my v friend. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. kakatlady612

    ESG scheduled for February 6

    Patricia it is our honor to,be your friends. We all wish you only good thiIngs now and in the future. Life comes with no guarantee; all any of us can do is to live it to the best of Our own capabilities. You will have sorrows; learn from them and move on. We all on this earth are a work in progress, none of us is born with a instruction booklet. You need to be your own best YOU, if the world didn't have need of you You wouldn't be here. We all learn from each other on this journey through life. Thank you all for being there for me and I pray,I'll always be there for you. Smiles and sunshine in each of your lives today. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. kakatlady612


    You are-you are here because the world had need of you. You make the world more complete just by your very presence. She has no,right to trample your emotions. Yield no power to her. She is a nasty vengeful little toothpick, snap her in half in your mind. Feeling a,little better? Good--- now be your best YOU. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. kakatlady612


    On your way Fishing guy good things ahead for you. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. kakatlady612

    Finished most if my requirements.

    Well spring water,is alive water, purified water bless it's moist little self --'meh Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. Like I told you on one of the it her threads, welcome and please ask any questions you need answered, if I don't have an answer somebody else on . Bariatric Pal will. Always,looking for new friends.. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. No she hadn't been sleeved, probably if shed had been or at least an EGD they would,have found it soon enough to have saved her life, would have caught,it in its early stages. Sadly she just thought she"d ate something that didn't agree with her or that she had swallowed a fish bone and it had scraped going down. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. kakatlady612

    Mini spasms after RNY?

    Ms Tipps- could it be the food leaving your pouch and and sliding into your small intestine? Rather a small swoosh sensation.? I've been puzzling on the symptom and that's what I'm. thinking. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. kakatlady612

    Loop Duodenal Switch

    I haven't had done but there is a DS section in the Bariatric Forum. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. kakatlady612

    Cardiac clearances

    And if you have a familial history , heart and abdominal ultrsounds and,possibly a stress test. Still non invasive and mot that hard to do. Both my parents died of heart related issues and my middle child died suddenly 10 years ago,of an aortic dissection. I passed with flying colors and don't have to see my cardiologist for a year. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. Protein pump inhibitor, cuts down on gastric acid secretions. I was on Prilosec, didn't work well now I'm on Dexilant. I have gastritis and a small gastric ulcer. And yes, I definitely have GERD also known as gastro esophageal reflux disease. The bad thing besides the discomfort? If your esophagus gets irritated long enough you can develop a cute little entity called Barrett's esophagus. This little stinker can turn precancerous. I had a cousin who died of cancer of the esophagus at 68 on the table at the Cleveland Clinic. Not a way anyone would want to go. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. kakatlady612


    Is this a Duhh or a Whaa moment? Maybe one hand not being aware of what the other hand is doing? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. kakatlady612

    CPAP Nightmare?!?!

    It is odd isn't it? Really would prefer to have dimples and naturally curly hair. It would have been cute at 7, at 72 I'm not sure. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. kakatlady612

    Shark week

    One blessing, your Aunt Flo will be waving bye bye for another month by then. One less worry for you my dear. If anyone makes you cry I'll be on them like a spider monkey hopped up on,Mountain Dew., Got that off one of Fluffy Chix postings and I liked it. You've come too far, they aren't gonna yank the lollipop away at the last minute. Next week at this time, you'll be bragging about being home and feeling not that bad. I'll be waiting to hear how everything goes. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. kakatlady612


    Yep, if you have a 40,plus BMI you have met the criteria. Come,on down Daizeoh, you are the next lucky contestant in the Bariatric Bowl a thon. Step,up to the line, lose some weight,and put a pretty smile on your face. And h -e -r -e we go! Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. kakatlady612

    Dr. Matthew Weiner

    Thats Vuong,for a last name. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. I knew you could and would do fine. Take some time to take care of yourself, heal smoothly and lose that weight. Keep on updating us, you do matter to each of your Bari pals. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. kakatlady612

    Dr. Matthew Weiner

    Dr,Duc Vying is also good to watch, especially if you're going to be sleeved. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. kakatlady612

    Ways to Eat Less and Enjoy It More, Naturally

    Lemon juice, olive oil and some nice herbs for me. Makes a loverly dressing, yes it do. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. kakatlady612

    CPAP Nightmare?!?!

    Use it, it's better than having nightmares, waking up with your heart pounding cause you drempt somebody tried to,kill you. Or you wake up more tired than when you went to bed. Or being short of breath, think you're paralyzed and can't move , have a headache? I had all of,these plus my family said I sounded like a cross between a grizzly bear and a clogged drain when I snores. Took,a while to get used to sleeping with something,on my face, the nicest thing I was told by my semi-loving family? You look just like a jet pilot. Besides if your surgeon finds out you have apnea, have a c pap and aren't using it you run the chance he'll refuse to do your surgery. It makes you an anesthesia risk if it isn't resolved. If you do have your surgery you'll still have on oxygen in recovery room and probably out on the floor. Is it worth it just to make your point? Don't think so. You have to have it on 4+hours 23 days out of every month, if you lose your machine for noncompliance you'll play Billy hob ever getting another, insurance people are funny that way. And your machine pings off a cell phone tower just like your smartphone. When I went to my sleep doctor after my 6 week trial period she had the printout right in front of her. So I try to get,6-8 hours usage in case I ever have a short night. My father had apnea, I have apnea and my 37 year old son is at risk and will probably need evaluation. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. kakatlady612

    Body image and sex

    Hi Dub and all the rest. At least all of you are younger, yeah even you Dub, I AM geriatric aged (72) and haven't had my surgery yet. Some of your skin if you've lost slow enough and are young enough will snap back. At my age, after having 3 children and being obese most of my life I will end up looking like a shar pei. I figure better a live shar pei than laying fat and dead in my casket. Honey I have swung from a few chandeliers in my time and although widowed now I was married 44 years and Mr kakat was always smiling in bed. Let me share a story from my recent life. My PCP, the impertinent elf, said to me "Are you still sexually active?" I looked him right in the eye and said "NO but I live in hope!" Betcha he won't ask me that again. News Flash: your generation didn't invent sex, it's been around since time started. I always say::Sounds funny Looks funny But oh so much fun to do! Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. kakatlady612

    I'm new!

    Like your nickname. You're right you know. I should have chose like Yeah I'm still here or Geriatrics You should,love so long or my favorite Younger than springtime-Older than dirt. Hey, have a good night and keep texting. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. kakatlady612

    Finished most if my requirements.

    Good for you, have you ever considered that if your surgeon demands more weight loss you'll be able to defend yourself? Just saying. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
