After surgery I spent two days in the hospital. In those two days, I gained 12 pounds of fluids! I came home and started my clear liquids diet. I was losing 2-3 lbs a day. I realize some of that was fluid, but my total weight loss snice my last pre-op appointment is 25 lbs. I know that's a lot, but now I'm so frustrated. The scale hasn't budged in 4 days. I'm literally the exact same weight every day. One day, I even gained a pound! What's going on? I'm still barely eating. Only 2 tablespoons three times a day. I get tworse whole protein shakes in every day, which is 60 grams of protein. I sip water constantly. So what gives? I've heard to be patient, but it's hard when you feel hungry and adhere to all the guidelines & the weight loss just isn't there. Anyone else have this issue?
side note: I lost 11 lbs before sugery, so I've only lost 14 since surgery.