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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Atalla

  1. I hope the January sleepers have fared better than I have. Sleeved on 1/17. Tested next day for leak and was told there none. Discharged 1/19. After a few days at home low grade fever kicked in. I went to my scheduled follow up appointment and the doctor sent me over to the hospital to be re-admitted. Tested again and there was a leak. Interventional radiologist inserted a drain near the leak. Picc line also inserted. 8 days of IV antibiotics, no food or Water. I am home now and each night for the next 6-8 weeks, I am administering TPN via IV for 12 hours. It has been a nightmare and I so regret my decision to have the surgery. The risks are real!

  2. 1 hour ago, newlifeat40 said:

    Hi, all- I am one week out today from my sleeve last week and just want to send my support to everyone who is still waiting. I am feeling terrific today- really good. The first few days were hard (I had lots of nausea) but quickly got much much better. I was pretty terrified of this surgery before I had it, but now I am already grateful. Down 24 pounds since preop diet, which I think is pretty great! Also just feeling content with the decision now that it’s done- I keep feeling surprised that I still feel like myself- I don’t know what I thought was going to happen, but I’m so relieved that I feel pretty normal by this point, and the only difference is being a tiny bit sore and having to take a half an hour to eat a Greek yogurt :) Getting all liquids and Protein in, and feeling so much better. Just wanted to send reassurance to any people who like me were absolutely scared out of their minds. All will be well!

    Surgery Date: January 8, 2018
    Sleeve Gastrectomy

    Thanks for sharing! My surgery is on the 17th and the anxiety is kicking in.

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