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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by DLovelySleeve

  1. Hello Sleevers, As a new BP member, I would like to start this forum topic because it is the reason why I have decided to rejoin the WLS Online Community. I was sleeved 09/18/2015 and was very successful. I lost 129 lbs and was feeling great!!! Then 2017 rolled in with it's funky self and brought stress, anxiety and emotional distress prompting a significant weight gain. I am no longer in my size 8 clothing and back up to a size 12. I am determined to get back on track and lose the weight I've regained, plus an additional 4 pounds which would finally bring me to my original weight loss goal of 160 lbs. So, has anyone else experienced a significant weight gain after being sleeved and managed to lose the weight back off? Any tips? It would be great to share this journey with others as we all know that we do better when we support one another. :-)
  2. DLovelySleeve

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    I will most definitely let you know how things are going with the weight loss. Snacking and drinking are my 2 biggest challenges as well, but I keep reminding myself of everything I sacrificed to lose the weight and I just can't let it fall by the wayside.
  3. DLovelySleeve

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    You're so right!!!! We know exactly what it takes. It's just a matter of doing it. I will say that it is not easy though. I reciognize that I have definitely started some really bad habits and have triggered some of my food addictions. Last night I found it so hard for me to resist grabbing fast food on the way home. Smh... I won that battle thought. Yay!!!
  4. DLovelySleeve

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    Wow, I knew that I wasn't the only one struggling with regain, but it sure feels good to actually see and hear from others in the same situation. I am even more excited to lose the weight back off now that we can all do it together! :-)
  5. DLovelySleeve

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    Hey ya'll, So I was terrified to get on the scale because I was afraid that I would no longer be in Onderland, but I am happy to say that I caught it just in the nick of time. I weight in yesterday at 199.7!!!! Talk about mixed emotions! I was so happy that I was not over 200lbs, but also disappointed about the 35.7 lbs weight gain. It's just what I needed though to lite a fire under my butt to lose the weight back off. I refuse to get ay bigger. Anywhoo, just thought I would share. :-)
  6. DLovelySleeve

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    OMG, I cannot tolerate Fraps. I tried, but no bueno. It triggers dumping for me. Chicken definitely fills me up as well. I just had a very small salad with chicken and it's been taking quite some time for me to get through it.
  7. DLovelySleeve

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    Hey Dimples58, Soooooooo.....drinking after wls is truly different for every person. I was also advised by my medical crew that I would not be able to tolerate much alcohol, BUT this was not true for me. I can drink a sailor under the table. Lol! This is not good though because it's a lot of calories and causes weight gain. My first attempt was a shot of whiskey about 6 months post op and I felt nothing. The only time I feel it quickly is if I don't eat first.
  8. DLovelySleeve

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    We're two peas in a pod. Starting fresh today. Yesterday was a transition day. Healthy meals, but wine and dessert. Today, I am tracking my food and water via MyFitnessPal (DLovelyL) and will also be rejoining my gym.
  9. DLovelySleeve

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    So true!!!
  10. DLovelySleeve

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    Wow, 4 years out and still cannot tolerate bread? That's rough.
  11. DLovelySleeve

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    You're so welcome!!!! It kind of sucks in the beginning, but trust me, it gets better.
  12. DLovelySleeve

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    Yeah, I did experience that as well. I also noticed that my taste buds changed. Everything tasted really salty. Which was weird because I was a salt lover. Now, I can't stand food that tastes salty.
  13. DLovelySleeve

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    OMG!!!! I would be in trouble if bread were a slider food for me. I would have never lost weight! Smh..LBVS! #RecoveringCarbaholic
  14. DLovelySleeve

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    Sure! 1. Because we need time for our food to actually make it's way down our swollen and sore esophagus and belly. If we don't wait, it hurts. 2. So, usually it is not recommended to do other things during meal time because that's how you find yourself not paying attention to how much you're eating, BUT until you can eat comfortably at a normal pace, fill the time between bites with other things like reading, conversations or any other hobby you may have. 3. Over time you will notice that you don't have to wait as long. Your body is healing and that's why you have to take it slow. Once healed you'll have to remember to slow down. Lol! :-)
  15. DLovelySleeve

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    Oh yeah!!!! Been there, done that!!! Lol!!!!
  16. DLovelySleeve

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    Lol!!! No need to apologize. This forum is the place for all of the nitty gritty. Lol! So, the spit up tends to be saliva, some food and oil. It's really disgusting. I don't eat a lot of greasy food, but i guess just the natural oils come up. It's definitely a clear indicator that I should have stopped a bite or two ago. I will be getting back to carrying my collapsable measuring cups to ensure Ia m only eating 1 cup of food.
  17. DLovelySleeve

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    BrittneyH, In the beginning bread will not be an option as it is too thick and will hurt really bad. There will be other foods that you won't be able to eat either. Everyone is different, but shrimp was hard for me to eat as well.
  18. DLovelySleeve

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    Hey Timarland, I just feel full. If I overdo it, I spit up a lot. Actually, that is for all foods. If I eat too much, I spit up. Not sexy at all! Lol! Pasta on the other hand, will go down, but if I eat too much of that I get hot and start sweating like crazy. I've left pasta alone for the most part because of this. If I have it, it's usually a bite that I am stealing from someone's plate.
  19. DLovelySleeve

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    Oh no, you will definitely be able to eat bread, pasta, pizza, etc. You probably shouldn't, BUT your belly will eventually tolerate it. You're welcome! :-)

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