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Everything posted by lindsayAK

  1. lindsayAK

    1.5 years out

    Read through all the comments. First I want to say congratulations on your amazing progress! You are doing amazing. You should definitely be happy with your progress and also work hard to hit your goal! You can get past this stall! My nutritionist recommended the Keto diet for me. Low carb, no sugar, high protein and fat. I don’t go crazy with the fat but I also don’t buy fat free or low fat foods. I am only 5 weeks post op so I know I’m not the best person to give advice but if I were in your position I would probably try the WLS reset diet. I found it on Pinterest. It’s a condensed version of the post op diet and is supposed to help when you hit a stall.
  2. lindsayAK

    Where are these trolls coming from?

    I was going to agree with you but you seem to be just as rude as some others in this forum. Why are you asking someone if they have been to the gym today? Are you trying to make her feel bad for not going to the gym? That’s pretty low. We are all here for a reason. We are or were severely over weight. No need to belittle someone and tell them they need to be more productive.
  3. lindsayAK

    Unsure, need help

    Start an exercise routine now. You may lose motivation during your pre op diet but do as much as you can. That way, after you have recovered it will be easier for you to get back to that routine. Start cutting out bad habits now. If you drink soda start weaning yourself off. If you tend to eat lots of sugar start decreasing now. It will help you a ton post op!! The pre op diet sucks but so does the post op so be prepared. This is not easy!! And don’t expect to lose some crazy amount in your first month. Some people do, some people don’t. I have been on a stall for 3 weeks and I’m almost 5 weeks post op. I’ve learned from others that this is pretty normal but I wish I would have been more prepared for it. Although I haven’t lost as much as I thought I would have by now I am happy I did the surgery. I love being able to eat a tiny bit and feel full. I admit though that emotions after surgery tend to be a roller coast ride. Some great days and some not so great!
  4. lindsayAK

    Anyone interested in finding local pals?

    Had surgery 1/17. Down 16 lbs but lost most of that in the first week! The scale hasn’t moved in about three weeks. I am learning that everyone has very different results!
  5. lindsayAK

    Wondering when I can drink alcohol

    I have yet to figure out why people are so rude sometimes. I have read many posts about alcohol on this forum and they all have rude comments so don’t feel too bad. Use the search bar to find the other posts and you will see others have commented about having alcohol very soon after surgery and being fine. My surgeon said something about 6 weeks but I have been tempted. I’m 4 1/2 weeks post op. I have read that it is easier to become a binge drinker after surgery and some do actually become alcoholics so just take it slow.
  6. lindsayAK

    January 2018 Sleevers HERE

    I was sleeved 1/17 as well. Surgery weight 256. Two weeks post op weighed in at 239. Still 239 to this day! I also haven’t started working out yet. I know I need to but I’m struggling to find the motivation.
  7. lindsayAK

    Help-surgery 2/28 and NYC 4/7

    I had surgery 1/17 so I’m one month post op. I can eat pretty much anything just very small portions. You should not have to just eat soup by that point in your recovery. I haven’t had any greasy food or anything like that but NYC has many options for you to choose from. I think you will do just fine!
  8. lindsayAK

    Anyone interested in finding local pals?

    I’m in SA too! Universal City to be exact. When did you have your surgery?
  9. lindsayAK

    6 Tips to Prevent Hair Loss After Bariatric Surgery

    I started taking biotin a week before surgery. I’m now 4 weeks post op. I have no idea if it will help with hair loss but my nails are so much stronger! My protein and iron levels were great pre op. Not sure about zinc.
  10. Click on the arrow under the comment
  11. I am only just over 3 weeks post so I can’t really help however I did see a reset diet to follow if you need to get back to how you were eating post op. Do you have Pinterest?
  12. I am right there with you. Had the sleeve 1/17. I lost about 15 lbs the first week. Haven’t lost an ounce since. Very frustrating however I have heard many people say the exact same thing happened to them. Our body is adjusting to the new normal and eventually it will catch up. At least I’m hoping it will because I did not do all of this to only lose 15 lbs and I’m sure you feel the same way!
  13. lindsayAK

    January bypass buddies??

    Creeper for sure
  14. lindsayAK

    January bypass buddies??

    Yes! I just wish I could lose more. I didn’t go through all this to lose 15 lbs and stop!
  15. lindsayAK

    January bypass buddies??

    I lost almost 15 lbs in the first week. That was most likely the water weight. Now my body is just being stubborn I guess. My pants fit better so I’m happy about that!
  16. lindsayAK

    January bypass buddies??

    Surgery weight 256 Week one post op 242.5 Week two post op 239 Week three post op (today) 241.5 Basically haven’t lost anything since week one. A little frustrated at this point but I know I’m not the only one so I’m just trying to stay positive
  17. My cash pay was $9500 for the surgery plus this extra $1750 for pre op labs. Plus about $400 for other tests. Better be worth it!
  18. Its horrible. I just want to know how in the world the original bill could have been so damn high. $9400 is ridiculous!
  19. @Kakatlady612 I share your dream! Just to be able to have a bite or two of some of the foods I Love would be awesome!!
  20. Yes!! All macros listed for each item. Sugar free desserts served in 1 ounce containers!!! The buffet can be divided into diet phases.
  21. The hospital billed my insurance for all of that. The total billed was $9400 and I have to pay 20% which came out to almost $1800. I realize now I should have questioned why they sent me to the hospital to do the testing. I usually get billed $100 when I get lab work done at a regular lab. Only additional test would have been the EKG.
  22. Thanks for the info! I will be fighting it! Can’t believe you were stuck with an extra 3k!
  23. Wish you would have commented with this a couple weeks ago! I paid the $9400 for the surgery on 1/17. Just got a bill for almost $1800 for some blood work they had me do at the hospital few days before the surgery. So mad!
  24. lindsayAK

    Full Liquid Stage

    My doctor encourages drinking with a straw! I’ve noticed most people have been told not to use straws but my doc says it can help with drinking slowly.
  25. lindsayAK

    Full Liquid Stage

    I have been on full liquids for a week. I made a cheesy cauliflower soup and it was amazing. The first time I made it I did not blend it enough so it was a little harder to eat. Second time I made sure to blend it a bunch. If the soup has chunks of meat I think that would be off limits. Besides that I think as long as you blend it a bunch or strain it you should be ok. Just remember it’s still a liquid diet not a purée diet. I have had cottage cheese and yogurt already. Technically soft foods but my dietician said it was ok. My dietician said recently someone came in with pain and nausea. Turned out a piece of tomato skin got caught on a staple!! They had to go in and remove it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
