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Everything posted by salutekellz1

  1. Whennnnnn can I workout???!!!!!! I’m 11 days VSG post op and I feel AMAZING!!!! I went from 275-252.4. 23 lbs down baby! I’ve pretty much been able to tolerate everything but juice that isn’t diluted. Although it’s no sugar added, I still felt some discomfort but it wasn’t too bad. My incisions look great. The only one that still hurts to the touch in that one where they actually pulled the stomach thru. That ish hurtttsssssss! But for the most part I feel wonderful! I wanna get back in the gym. My boyfriend bought me some resistance bands but I’m a person that loves the gym so this is killing me slowly 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ (not literally). I don’t go for a follow up until the end of the month [emoji30]. I’m not a treadmill girl. I literally go hard in the gym (which of course I know I can’t do) but what can I do that’s safe but will still give me that good old sweat filled fulfillment??? TMI but can I at least be intimate with my boo?? 🤭Help me! Lol help a sista out!
  2. salutekellz1

    Late December Sleevers?

    Have u tried using baby spoons? Maybe ur spoonfuls are too normal size. Try smaller spoonfuls or just dip ur spoon into whatever ur eating instead of spooning it out like regular. Hope that helps.
  3. My surgeon used dermabond on my incisions so they’re protected pretty well but I know what u mean. No sweating 😔😔😔
  4. salutekellz1

    Late December Sleevers?

    They did my barium test the day after surgery. My surgeon doesn’t do outpatient sleeve surgery. So during my 2 1/2 day stay in the hospital, I did the swallow test then. It want bad at all.
  5. salutekellz1

    Late December Sleevers?

    It’s actually a great thing to eat small frequent meals. It keeps ur blood sugar from dropping, keeps ur body from storing fat & u should have plenty of energy. U just gotta make sure ur eating the right things in small portions. Nothing wrong with being hungry an hour after eating.
  6. salutekellz1

    Late December Sleevers?

    Trust me if u have any gastrointestinal leaks you would know. U would be sooooooo sick. Like being poisoned inside sick. U wouldn’t wanna eat a thing
  7. I had my band removed in August & I had the sleeve on 12/27. I had my band removed the day before the Mayweather fight and went to a friends fight party the very next day. Granted I was confined to the couch the entire time but I was fine. It took about 3-4 days for me to feel back to normal. I didn’t need any pain meds following surgery. I don’t recall eating different after my band was removed either 🤷🏽‍♀️
  8. salutekellz1

    Late December Sleevers?

    Yes that’s normal. It was probably too thick
  9. salutekellz1

    Urgent Question - Ahem... (TMI Alert)

    I would suggest Mag07. I had surgery on 12/27. Needless to say while on my pre-op liquid diet, I cooked Xmas dinner and had to taste everything bcuz I’m Just a perfectionist like that lol. Although it was very little food, I still wanted to empty my stomach so I took Mag07 Xmas day and the day before surgery. I love them bcuz they are all natural and if u take them at night, u will wake up and have one good BM versus a laxative that makes u poop & cramp all damn day [emoji30]. Btw I told my Dr. what I did and he said that was perfectly fine. They are pills so u can’t take them following surgery. Ur surgeon should write u a prescription for a liquid stool softener for after surgery. That’s usually the norm bcuz the pain medication will make u constipated.
  10. salutekellz1

    Late December Sleevers?

    The surgery will work for u just fine as long as u think positive, stick to ur goals and don’t over eat. The sleeve isn’t so that certain foods will make u sick so u don’t eat them. That’s more like gastric bypass where u have no stomach acids to break down food that travel straight to ur intestines. The sleeve is a restrictive surgery meaning restriction from the amount of food u can consume in one sitting. I’m 10 days out and I haven’t had one food make me sick and I can gulp water too. But I can feel when I’m full or getting there and I’m not hungry between meals like I used to be. U have to look at it in a positive light. The goal is not to be sick from eating certain kinds of food. It’s to eat what U like just in strict moderation. Granted u may not be able to tolerate certain foods as u used to. For instance beef, it takes a long time to digest period so it could make u feel very heavy, bloated & fuller quicker verses eating ground turkey. It’s softer and lighter and more easily digestible so u may be able to eat a little more turkey than u would beef, if that makes sense. Doesn’t necessarily mean ur gonna go throw it up or experience dumping.
  11. salutekellz1

    Surgery 12/27 getting nervous

    I’m new here & my surgery date is the 27th as well. I’m not nervous just anxious. I had a failed lap band procedure in 2008 so I’m def ready for the sleeve (which is really what I wanted in the first place but it was still considered experimental at the time). I just know that God hasn’t brought me this far for nothing. Everything has fallen into place for a reason & Just have faith that he put u in position to WIN. If u continue to have positive thoughts, ur fears will have no room to grow. Many blessings to u!

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