I don't know whether or not this is the right place for this, nor is this the correct forum for it.
From what I can gather, this Forum is for those that have already had Surgery or want to have Surgery, I'd like to introduce myself first.
My name is Brian Johnson, I am currently 15 years old, and I weigh 320 pounds, and I've been thinking about Surgery for a good minute now, which I know surgery is not recommended to teens, but all of my life I've never seen the scale go down, even when I've walked every day from home, ate 2,000 calories, went on diets, tried everything.
Now, my first question is, is that I have a Fatty Liver and I'm not sure how much a Fatty Liver weighs, I've been told by multiple people that I do not look my weight, even Military official figures/recruiters have told me they would have never guessed that and that I look around 240-260. Now, aside from that, I've tried calculating my BMR and I'm wondering if my fatty liver is affecting my calculations because it says I'm burning 3,500 calories a day doing nothing, so whenever I eat 2,000 calories, I should be losing 1,500 calories/half a pound a day.
But that's not the case, so I'm wondering if my calculations could be wrong because I don't look like I'm 320, and that my calorie burned might be different or changed because of that, and that I'm not an average 320 pounds person. I don't know, I'm not 100% informed with Weight Loss/Fatty Liver affects on calories, I can run, go up stairs easily, and I don't share the struggles that a lot of people have at my weight and sometimes even at a lower weight.
My second question is, with all of this said, with a Fatty Liver, and my BMI being around 40-48 I think, should I consider weight loss surgery, and if it would be even possible for a 15 year old almost turning 16.
Apologies once again, if this is not the correct forum for this.
Thanks, though.