Hey Guys,
Just wanted to send a quick hello and see how everyone is doing? I have been so busy now that I am finally feeling a little better that I have been doing alot of stuff around the house and working out kind of on my own.
I got a Wii the last week and the Fit Board and can't seem to stop myself from playing it. It is such a good workout out that 2 - 3 hours go by and you are sweating to death but having a blast! I could hardly move yesterday because I over did it this weekend. I felt like a little kid at Christimas just waiting to get up and use it...LOL Whatever gets you motivated I guess.
Sounds like everyone is doing good. Keep up the good work and I hope to see you all soon. Do you guys know when the clothes swap is? I am so ready to unload this stuff...my house is way to small for this stuff.
Keep it up,