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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Toolman82 got a reaction from FluffyChix in 3X to 2X last week no today YES!!   
    I switched from 3x to 2x and some XL. Had to switch from 48 to 42 pants pretty quickly. And now they’re a little loose.

    Time for “slim” jeans next time too

  2. Like
    Toolman82 got a reaction from FluffyChix in 3X to 2X last week no today YES!!   
    I switched from 3x to 2x and some XL. Had to switch from 48 to 42 pants pretty quickly. And now they’re a little loose.

    Time for “slim” jeans next time too

  3. Like
    Toolman82 reacted to frust8 in Fertility after VSG   
    And so do you and I hope you find it. Maybe you and your guy will also be blessed, 2019 or 2020 we all could be god-aunts and uncles. We will be praying your fondest dreams come true.

    Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Like
    Toolman82 reacted to Creekimp13 in Favorite Snack Hacks for the sweet and salty   
    The only reference to staple line issues i've ever seen....are tiny hard seeds like strawberry seeds very early on in healing. We don't eat strawberrries before six weeks for this reason in my group. (A lot of people are tempted to put them in a smoothy in the pureed stage...and people react poorly to this because the seed grit is irritating...nausea,vomiting, etc)
    Nuts don't work for some people, but work well for others. My group advises to wait until six weeks to try reintroducing them...and to do so carefully. Chew them well, and try a small amount at first to see if you get any unpleasant symptoms.
    I have no problem with nuts:) Really glad about this, cause I eat a lot of them:)
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    Toolman82 reacted to etc. etc. etc. in Favorite Snack Hacks for the sweet and salty   
    I got some of these from Whole Foods the other day and they asre pretty good, even if they do sound weird:

  6. Like
    Toolman82 reacted to JavaKnut in November sleevers here   
    I can't believe it - last week, I graduated, a full month early!! I went in for my 2 month checkup with the surgeon and they took me off all my dietary restrictions!! They were shocked with how well I was doing on Water and Protein intake and could not believe how much weight and size I have lost. Given my current intake numbers, they said there was no need to restrict my diet due to textures or content. That being said, I still need to be smart and keep all my foods in the guidelines if I can - but I have the freedom to eat what is available and not worry so much if there is a carb content, or sugar content. I was very careful to avoid starchy vegetables, almost all carbs, starches, and sugars.I was very strict on myself these past 2 months, but it paid off!
    I have not gone hog wild by any means - I still try to keep in the guidelines per serving of being: at least 15g of protein, 20g or less of total carbs (10 or less being sugar), 10g or less of total fat. You want to meet or beat at least 2 of the 3 numbers (meaning more protein, or less carb/sugar, or less fat). That being said - being able to take a bite of a sandwich is amazing, but then I end up stripping the good stuff out and skipping the bread. It is just too filling with no benefit.
    I have noticed a drastic difference that if I eat carbs, how fast I get hungry before my next meal. I still keep to my 5-6 meal times a day only (wake up food or drink depending on time, then 9a, 12p, 3p, 6p, 9p). No snacking or grazing at any other time. I always make sure to eat the Proteins first if I have a mixed meal as well. Proteins first, then Fiber, then last is carbs. I do not drink 30 mins before or 30 mins after I eat.
    In total, I have lost over 35 inches and over 60 lbs. I still weigh myself daily. I do measurements and photos weekly and log them. It really is amazing going back and seeing the difference over each of the weeks. The past couple weeks the visible difference has not been as great week to week, but crazy noticeable going back a month or more.
    I can't wait to see what the next year brings!
  7. Like
    Toolman82 reacted to xoxococojay in What are you treating yourself to once you hit your goal weight???   
    That's an awesome goal!!

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    Toolman82 reacted to StephersSweet in What are you treating yourself to once you hit your goal weight???   
    I want to learn how to scuba dive and go swimming with sharks!
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    Toolman82 reacted to DropWt4Life in What are you treating yourself to once you hit your goal weight???   
    I actually rode the Scream, which is a ride that goes up maybe 80-100 feet in the air and then drops you to the ground. The shoulder restraint came down and I had to hunch down for the seat belt to be applied. As the ride started lifting us into the air, my seatbelt popped open, and the shoulder restraint lifted up. At 12 feet in the air, I tried to jump so that I didn't fall out at the height of the ride. Everyone was screaming.
    Needless to say, they stopped the ride and brought us back down. I dodged a bullet that time, and have refused to even try to ride if the seatbelt didn't EASILY fit in the future. I had taken the walk of shame a few times before, but this was my last straw.
    That was 4 years ago.
    I hope you and your daughter enjoy many memories of tackling the biggest and best coasters ever!
  10. Like
    Toolman82 reacted to RussT in -200 lbs lost!   
    This photo is from when I was down -190 pounds from my starting weight of 470 a couple of months ago.

  11. Like
    Toolman82 got a reaction from Michelle_Lynn in November 30th   
    I’ll hold off for another few weeks and give it another go I think. I doubt I’ll stay away from it forever lol

  12. Like
    Toolman82 reacted to YummyMummy303 in What happens if you overeat?   
    I start sneezing when I’m full - it’s the strangest thing ever!

    Sleeved: 2/12/2017

    SW: 209lbs/95kgs

  13. Like
    Toolman82 reacted to Creekimp13 in Good Carbs???   
    Pretty small amounts, too. They don't interfere with the total Protein, and calories stay between 1000-1200.
    Had sourdough bread today in an open faced mozerella sandwich with basil and tomato...and sweet balsamic drizzle. OMG, so good!
    A small one ounce slice of Sourdough bread has 80 calories and a whopping 4g of protein!
    Here's my lunch today: 225 Calories 12 g protein
    My afternoon snack will be protein heavy...I try to get at least 10-15g protein (often more) into each snack and meal.

  14. Like
    Toolman82 reacted to dreamingsmall in Need typical day menu   
    2 eggs at 6 weeks?? May I ask male or female? So interesting how everyone's capacity's are different.
  15. Like
    Toolman82 reacted to MsRo50 in It’s been a while   
    Hello everyone
    Hoping everyone is well
    I was sleeved Jan 24 2017. Yes my sleevaversary is around the corner
    So much has happened. Since my surgery I have lost 100 lbs. I am 40 lbs away from my goal.
    After four years being divorced my ex husband and I got remarried September 22 2017 I am truly blessed. Still have to get used to being called slim. I have gone from a 4x to a XL
  16. Like
    Toolman82 reacted to James Marusek in Cold symptoms after surgery   
    I can sympathize. Your incision points are very painful when you cough. I did a quick search on the internet for natural cough suppressants. Here is a link. https://www.healthline.com/health/allergies/best-natural-cough-remedies
    In reading down the list I came across Probiotics as one of the recommendations. While in the hospital, many patients are given antibiotics to kill any potential infections. The antibiotics will not only kill the bad bacteria but also the good bacteria in your gut. When you get home, it is important after surgery to take probiotics to restore these colonies of good gut bacteria.
    I have tried several other of these natural remedies over the years, and many have merit.
  17. Like
    Toolman82 reacted to fruitandveggies in Soup noodles and the like   
    There's no hard and fast rule for most things on this journey! But of course, you can follow your program's lead. I have pho all the time, along with other white things. I've lost 130 pounds in 11 months, so it really hasn't made any difference in my weight loss. At 6 weeks, I started having pho, but the biggest thing I had trouble with was broccoli! I couldn't eat that without throwing up for months. So everyone is different, I would just slowly experiment with what works for you.
  18. Like
    Toolman82 reacted to AmyP619 in Week 5 Update - November Sleeves.   
    Fantastic!! So happy for you!! You're doing awesome. I'm still on "soft" foods for 1 more week, but honestly I've been eating pretty much everything. No hard or raw vegetables, but most meats are soft enough, and I do steam veggies with them. I've tolerated foods fine, so I haven't been too strict about soft foods. Most things get soft after chewing them like 100 times anyway, right?!? Lol good luck with your transition!
  19. Like
    Toolman82 reacted to BusyMom945 in What can I eat during solid stage   
    I stick with chicken and tuna a lot. I use a crock pot a lot to cook my chicken and make it really tender. For my veggies I have been sticking to califlower, edamane, brocolli, green Beans (usually canned since they are softer), squash (spaghetti squash is amazing - I made this is mini turkey meatballs!). I also eat a lot of eggs. I actually got a couple bariatric cook books to learn some new recipes. It was nice because they lable the meals with nutrional fact and food stages.
  20. Like
    Toolman82 reacted to nurse123 in What can I eat during solid stage   
    Hi guys, I’m having some difficulty.
    im now week 5 which means I can start eating solids. Can you guys tell me
    what u started eating first, what I should maybe avoid and what you really liked?

  21. Like
    Toolman82 reacted to Miss Topaz in unflavored protein powder recommendations?   
    Hey all - less than a month out from surgery and looking to prep. Reviewing the NUT info, they recommend mixing unflavored Protein Powder in things like applesauce or yogurt during the pureed stage. Tells me to look for powders with at least 15g Protein and less than 3 g sugar. Had been looking at Syntrax, but that's only 10g protein. Any recommendations? I've heard of GENEPRO and Isopure. Haven't found a local GNC yet (moved a year ago and haven't needed one til now) but have been browsing Amazon.
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    Toolman82 reacted to settingqt31 in What to pack for your hospital stay   
    All I used was my phone and charger, pillow, and toothbrush. I changed into a pair of workout pants and tshirt before going home but literally nothing else (laptop, slippers, PJs, toiletries, makeup, etc) I packed got out of suitcare as I was so tired post op I didn't even want to watch TV
  23. Like
    Toolman82 got a reaction from TakingABreak in What to pack for your hospital stay   
    Keep on eye on expiration dates. They’re no longer listed on Gas-X’s site so I assume production might have stopped a while back.

  24. Like
    Toolman82 reacted to JLT281 in 11/28/17 Sleevers-Where you at?!   
    I was sleeved 11/29 and have lost 28 lbs since surgery date and 50 lbs since 2 week pre op liquid diet. No complications, no issues with getting my recommended fluids in. My doctor has never stressed getting Protein in. They want veggies first then protein. Seems counter intuitive to most recommendations I've read on here. I'm just starting my soft food stage today.

  25. Like
    Toolman82 reacted to Polly jackson in November sleevers here   
    I get mine Nov 28th!

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using BariatricPal mobile app

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