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Everything posted by CoolAnnie

  1. CoolAnnie

    You are fierce!

    I’m 17 days in to this new life. So take what I have to say with that knowledge ... I am new to this! This may be “honeymooning”. Or it’s just my “glass half full DNA”. In these months leading up to surgery and these last 17 days I’ve learned a lot about me. I’ve learned that my personality preceded my weight. When people describe me they rarely mention my extra 130 pounds. When I tell them of my surgery ... they are astonished! “Why? They ask.” Truth is, I miss my self. I miss being active. I miss playing tennis, skiing, hiking. I miss fancy clothes and being comfortable in my own skin. I miss the ease of moving about the country! But I’m 60. I’m no spring chicken. I did the surgery not to be thinner as much as a preemptive strike against diabetes. You see, all 4 older siblings have diabetes! Surgery was a no brainer. 10 years ago I broke my neck in yoga. 10 years ago with the installation of my metal neck my thyroid was removed. Over 10 years I’ve put on 12 pounds a year on average. No matter what diet or exercise program I tried. This “tool” is a game changer for me. You see, I believe I’ve tasted and enjoyed everything I’ve needed to. I believe I’ve offered myself a huge gift of extra years to my life as a result of this surgery. I see the process as a huge blessing not a curse. I spend my days protecting my inner stitches. Trying to avoid foods that may cause a “leak”. I have been out to restaurants and have wanted the big meal but have been satisfied with the soup ...I am learning. I’m dealing with the thinning hair, the dry skin, the constant reminder of vitamins, the logging of food, the attention to protein and the need to nap! I’m forcing the water...the occasional constipation. I have no regret ... yet! But I am older than most who go thru this process. I’ve got more time on planet... I read some of your struggles and I say a prayer for swift relief of your challenges! I’m here for you! I’m a pretty good cheerleader! Reach out! Thanks for all your support! This “newbie” appreciates your courage in taking this huge step toward your personal health! You are fierce! You are mighty! You are warriors! Love every pound you release! Be blessed in 2018!
  2. I totally get fat brain ! I don't see or feel a difference and I'm down 31 pounds. I'm stunned when I got into something I KNOW IS TOO SMALL! Every day I say goodbye to the weight! When I'm dressing or showering, putting on socks or brushing my hair... I say a little goodbye ... Goodbye double/triple chin Goodbye dimpled thigh So long overhanging belly arrivederci bra fat Aurevoir cankles Move on down the road slappy arms... You've served me and I am done with you.... Good bye! I also find it funny how many people comment on my hair... "New color? Looks good!" "New cut? Love it!" "Wow, what have you done with your hair?" Nope, Nope, Nope! Nothing Nothing Nothing! People are shy about noticing the weight... Just in case their wrong and you haven't lost the weight! So apparently I've got great hair and ought to consider an xL shirt size too... Say goodbye to each glorious pound for our "new problems" are fewer than the ones attached to those califlower thighs! Blessings to u!
  3. CoolAnnie

    You are fierce!

    Excited for you! It's a journey! I'm a month into it and down 31 pounds! Feels good!
  4. CoolAnnie

    You are fierce!

    Ok... Sorry for your struggles! I had hummus, cottage cheese, yogurt right after surgery. All good sources of protein. I also had peanut butter... Just a spoon. My surgeon said the first month is all about water... Drinking water is going to help the inside stitches heal. Pooping takes a while to get right. You have nothing to poop right now so don't sorry about it.... Try some of these soft foods... Also broth is great! Good luck!
  5. CoolAnnie

    You are fierce!

    I think forcing water helps with the hunger. My surgeon said to drink more than eat the first month to protect the stitches. I ate a lot of sugar free popsicles and j-ello my first month! Also enjoyed a spoonful of peanut butter (I don't really like peanut butter) but I do now! Hang in there! I'm a month out and down 31 pounds. Feel great!
  6. Hey hey hey! Chin up buttercup! This is a process! Not a quick fix! Your body is a machine in adjustment mode! A science project. If your stalled it’s just your body protecting itself ! Count your victories! Calm down, take a breath. It’s going to get better! You did this because you love yourself enough ... keep it up! [emoji173]️
  7. What We know what living obese is like. We know the lost opportunities of obesity. We know the rush of gluttony ... of sugar racing thru the veins of finally feeling full. We know fat prejudice. We know the health challenges. What we forget: The courage it takes to make a change. The power of self love to commit to body altering surgery The commitment. To this new life... We’ve been fat longer. We’ve eaten badly longer. We’ve eaten our emotions longer. We are naturally better at obesity then at being post surgery. It’s easy, comfortable even to fall back into familiar stinking thinking and food. What are you doing for your new way of life that supports staying on track? How are you retraining your mind? Be mindful of the favorite foods that helped to keep you fat. They will sing their siren song and woo you back if you do not change your thinking. Is there a revision surgery in your future? Is food going to win....again? I’m wishing everyone a safe and wonderful Christmas where the food gremlins don’t pull you back into their seductive arms. Be vigilant. Be courageous. Be full of self love and stay the course! (Can you hear me struggling[emoji8])
  8. CoolAnnie

    What do we know about us?

    Be successful! Annie

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