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little one

LAP-BAND Patients
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About little one

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 10/22/1955
  1. Happy 57th Birthday little one!

  2. Guys back off, that is what this forum is for. It is called an opinion and information. If we all only put on here what we only wanted to hear it would be called lapband good info only.com not lapband talk.com....so let the people talk and consider their opinion and not be so harsh and that as they say is my OPINION.
  3. little one

    Little One

    Hello everyone I am back! Had my surgery on the 10 of April and an doing great have lost 15 pounds. Went to doctor yesterday and he said I was doing great. The only question I had to all of you that has had your band longer than I have is, how long did the swelling in your stomach take to go away? It seems to be down in the morning and back up in the evening, my incisions are looking good, no redness and smaller that I thought they would be. I get my first fill on May 5 . I am very happy to have taken this step in my life. The gas was the worst thing that I had to deal with, but have not been able to sleep on either of my sides it feel like everything falls to that side I am trying to lay on so I am sleeping in the recliner...small price to pay. My husband is the best, always at my side taking care of me. well hope to hear from someone about this swelling. The doc said it would take about three weeks or so but just wanted to see if anyone else experienced this.
  4. little one

    Little One here

    well its 4;45 am can't sleep,headache,nervous I guess its just all the excitement,not sure,but will be gald to see the end of this day come to a close, have been researching for 2 years and finally the dayhas arrived, pray for me and think of me at noon will talk to you soon little one
  5. well it is the last night before the surgery.surgery date 4/10/06..and boy am I ready, there is one thing that I will need all of your help with, my new baby needs a name(lapband baby) it will be deliverde tomorrow at 12 noon by Dr.C could all of you help me with the name????? something sweet and a fighter , can take care of it self kind of a name..I will be home tonite after surgery to pick HER name, please keep the names coming....:clap2: :kiss2: :notagree thanks little one
  6. little one

    Little One

    Hello everyone I am back have been on the liquid diet and did not find it hard at all, have only 6 days till surgery. I thought I would be nervous or questioning my decision but am only looking forward to the day when I will be finally on the road to a healthier life. I am sure I will be a bit nervous on the day of the surgery (April 10th) because of the needles and all but not the surgery or should I say the after effects of the surgery. Well I will let everyone know how all goes, keep me in mind on the 10th and send lots of prayers my way not only for the surgery but for the long road I am traveling (but not alone). thank you
  7. little one

    Newbie wanting to say Hi

    he works out of the Deaconess Hos. in Cincinnati but will be moving to West Chester.
  8. little one

    Little One

    Can any one tell me what I have to stock up on before surgery? Food and especially medicine,bandages what.......help
  9. little one

    April 2006 Bandits

    Hello I am from Indiana and due to have the band on April 10th...so excited..can't wait.. have been researching for the past two year and have finally got all things in place and am ready to go...good luck to all... Oh by the way what kind of things can you have on the liquid diet...need some ideas as I start mine on the 28th of March.
  10. little one

    Newbie wanting to say Hi

    chabutter you will really like Dr. C he is a good doctor and very well liked and a goood bedside manner, very caring. He will email you if you have a question which amazes me in itself...hope you like him to.
  11. little one

    Little One

    Just wanted to check back in again. Heard from my doctor to day and the date has been set APRIL 10 can not wait......soon I will be a bandster a new day a new beginning
  12. little one

    Newbie wanting to say Hi

    Dont know for sure will know today will let everyone know.
  13. little one

    Newbie wanting to say Hi

    yo JOHNz i AM READY TO HAVE THE SURGERY BY Dr. C soon how did all go and how was Erin in Dietary dept?
  14. little one

    questions about fills??

    how do you determine if you have had a slippage. Dont they sew the tissue up around the band? S O M E ON E Has the a n s w e r

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