I just had my surgery a week ago, candidly the forums have both scared me and made me enthusiastic about the future. So, 1 week in I don't know that my advice is great, but, you've done it before and you can do it again! I've read a lot about people having revisions, maybe that's something to think about? Also, not my surgeon but a buddy of mine had a bypass about six months ago and his surgeon wrote a book called "A Pound of Cure" by Matthew Weiner. At his urging I've bought the book and I'm in the process of re-reading it right now. It is the stuff we already (mostly) know but don't practice; spoiler alert, the title of the book is referring to one pound of vegetables a day. Maybe try that for a few months as a kick start? A $10 book is a small investment of it gives you some new tools to work with. Best of luck to you!