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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LBdancer

  1. LBdancer


    The snack doesn't cause a problem, the only problem I have with popcorn is the fact that it's hard for me to eat without wanting to chase it wilth a coke.
  2. LBdancer

    What does all this water actually do?

    Thanks for the article Susan, I agree with Angel...this explanation made so much sense. Now we know. DRINK YOUR WATER...
  3. LBdancer

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    :clap2: Congratulations Janet & Mikey on your first fill. :clap2: I'm scheduled for 04/07... can't wait. I'm hungry all the time now especially since I'm back to regular food. I definately can't eat as much as I used to and I'm still losing weight... slowly, but MAN, the munchies have set up housekeeping in my tummy. It seems that I'm still fighting the GS cookie deamons...:bandit I'll never, never, never freeze the cookies again....they make for a too good midnight snack, even frozen they are delicious. Oh well, I'm back on high protein and low carbs to try and kill the sugar monster. I need to keep on track. Happy Tuesday and Good Luck to all. 12 lbs lost so far...yea me.
  4. LBdancer

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    Hi Everyone, Congrats on your fill Stacey (& Happy Birthday) I'm not scheduled for my fill until April 7th... I guess that will be my DH b'day present...little meal =cheap date. lol Can't wait though...seems I"m hungry all the time. Tammy, I had the same problem the week after surgery but a couple of stool softeners later and I'm right as rain - no cramping either. Good luck with that. Janet: pre-op was -3 Post-op is -7 Total = -10 BTW has anyone told you lately that you are doing a marvelous job as the Honorary Ambassador to all us Feb06 Bansters? - You are!! Thank you for everything.
  5. LBdancer

    Very emotional about decision to get banded

    Wow... I find this thread so interesting. Thank you for posting this Mary. Also, it's funny that the first 2 replies were from first time postes...Welcome Mary (free101girl), Paulax and Liamaroo. Good luck to all three of you in making your choices. I too struggled for years with the yo yo dance, but after researching the pros and cons my decision for the band was an easy one. Granted I'm only 2 weeks out...still a newbie, but I'm so so so happy to have been banded. From the short time I've been a LBT member I've found that there are lots of folks here that will offer advice or hugs as needed. Good luck, keep posting and just remember that you are not alone in this...we've all been there.
  6. Way to go Desiree!! You are lovely!!! And yes...you look much happier! Congrats and keep smiling!
  7. LBdancer

    What do husbands think

    Initially I didn't even tell my DH that I was going to a WLS seminar because I was sure he would disapprove and try to talk me out of it. Surprise...!! The night I returned from the seminar and showed him the Inamed booklet and told him all the GOOD things the band had to offer his reply was: "I think it's a wonderful idea. If you want to do this, I'll support you 100%". **Wow! And he's been a sweetheart ever since. Even with all my weight gain over the last 27 years he's never once complained or told me I needed to lose weight. The two of us together are like Jack Sprat and his wife. He's 6'3" and weighs maybe 200 lbs soaking wet...while me on the other hand at 5'2" and ....well over 200 lbs - we're a sight. I'm so looking forward to becoming a much smaller wife for my 'long tall drink of water' husband. As husbands go... I'm blessed - he's wonderful and I know that he is concerned over my health - if he wasnt' he would't have agreed so easily. He's watched me struggle with this practically my whole life. So anyway...that's my story.
  8. LBdancer

    Share an account of your first week?

    My First Week__________________ I was banded high noon on a Wed... all went well. I woke up, walked the hospital corridor, sipped some Water, chewed on some ice and was home before dark. I didn't feel like eating much the next few days but veggie broth was a savior, also sugar free Jello, liquid tylenol and GasX... I slept a lot at first, but felt better than I thought I would. I went back to work on day 6. It will be 2 weeks tomorrow since my surgery and I still have a little gas occasionally and pain at my port incision. All the scars are healing well and I'm getting stronger every day. My hunger has returned so it's a good thing that the mushie phase begins tomorrow (probably today - sush....) Good luck everyone. nanahanna - FYI... before they released me from the hospital I was given a RX for Celebrex which is also an arthritis med. It seems Celebrex is their standard pain med for this surgery - I bet your Darvocet will be all you need.
  9. LBdancer

    What did you tell your co-workers?

    Hi Bostongurl....for me the decision for WLS was a private one. I had gone through the diet/exercise route 4 years ago only to regain all the weight. I didn't wan't to go under the microscope this time around so I didn't tell anyone anything. I took 3 vacation days inconjunction with a Monday Holiday and was back to work on Tuesday with none the wiser. Yes, last week was hard, but not bad enough for anyone but me to notice. If they ask later how I'm losing weight, I'll be able to honestly say 'smaller portions and more exercise'. Yea Me!! It's no one's business. Only my DH is the wiser. If you absolutly need a reason to be out, a Hiatal Hernia repair is a good excuse because from what I've heard, the actual operation is similar to the LB surgery - without the band of course. Good luck!!
  10. LBdancer

    Book 'em Dano! The big 5-0

    Congratulations!!!.... have fun on the slopes, forget everything and enjoy you new bod. WOOHOO!!
  11. LBdancer

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    Gosh Janet... I'm jealous.... sick of mashed potatoes!! I was banded the same day as you and my Dr. still has me on liquids/shakes etc. I won't hit the mashed potatoes or mushies until next week. I guess every Dr. has their own rules and I'll wait my turn, but it's getting harder every day. My appetite is starting to come back with a vengeance. Anyway...good luck to everyone. FEB06 Bansters ROCK. We're doing great. And BTW... I'm now down 7.5 lbs woohoo!! GasX is my new best friend.
  12. LBdancer

    Is chicken noodle soup considered mushy???

    Hi Kathy, I hate to get off topic, but I've heard you tout the wonders of Egg Drop Soup before and I have to ask....where do you buy it? I've checked my local Kroger without luck. Is it homemade? I'm still healing and am looking for good liquids. Thanks!! :welldone2:
  13. LBdancer

    24 Hours Post Op: a cake walk

    Wow Scott..that's great!! I can't say that my surgery was a cake walk....but it wasn't as bad at I thought it would be. I'm still having minor bouts of nausea however, but I've found that gas-x or tums helps a little. I went back to work after 5 days, but at a desk job so it's not too bad.
  14. LBdancer

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    Hi Janet and everyone...I feel like I'm pretty much back among the living. After reading about all the easy recovery's I assumed that it would also be easy for me. I was banded on Wed. the 15th and have been in lots of pain since. Today is a little better however. My scales show that I'm down about 4 lbs - not much, but good for me I think. I'm going to just concentrate on my recovery for now and worry about losing weight after I get my first fill. Good Luck to everyone.
  15. LBdancer

    hair loss...what's up with that!

    Hi Chez, Are you getting enough fat in your diet? From prior dieting experience I found that whenever I totally excluded fat I started losing my hair. Take a look at your intake - your body needs some fat each day as part of a balanced and healthy diet. It's only when we go overboard that fat becomes a problem. Good luck and let us know how you're doing. Lou
  16. LBdancer

    For struggling new bandsters

    .....You have all made the first step to a happier healthier life. I can not stress enough the importance of patience. The band is not a miracle or magic wand, the pounds are not going to fall off. If you have the right mindset, one day at a time, the good with the bad, you will succeed. Patience Patience Patience!!! Thanks La madam for sending us this post. As a soon-to-be new-bandster I appreciate all the words of wisdom. I'll definately keep this in mind. I was told by my Dr. not to expect a rapid weight loss, but of course my daydreams have me slim and trim by Labor Day......silly me. So..sigh...I'll try to be patient and let the band do it's thing. I really appreciate everyone's help. This site is fantastic. :cool: Lou
  17. LBdancer

    I'm A BANDSTER!!!! 4 days Post op!

    Keep up the good work Dancer...CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm right behind you....scheduled for this Wed. Yea you, Yea me. Send along any words of wisdom. Lou
  18. LBdancer

    More pictures of my girls :)

    You make pretty babies Melissa. Thanks for sharing.
  19. LBdancer

    How long in the hospital?

    Ouch :omg: I didn't realize that this could be a long recovery. Unless something goes terrably wrong, I'll have surgery at noon this coming Wed. and be home in time for my DH to prepare my liquid dinner. It's all outpatient. I plan to return to work on Tues the 21st (yes, I have a desk job). My Doc said that was pretty normal. I hope I'm not biting off more than I can chew. (so to speak...)
  20. I just bought a BIG bottle of the Centrum Berry chewables and Lianna is right, they taste similar to sweet tarts...unfortunately I hate sweet tarts!! Yeck! I think I'll try the Viactiv.
  21. LBdancer

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    Hi Everyone ~ CONGRATULATIONS ~ This is a good Idea Janet, thanks for keeping track of the Feb06 Bansters. I'm scheduled for surgery on 02/15/05 with Dr. Schuster (a great V'day gift to ourselves - don't you think) Today's the first day of my pre-op liquid diet so no weight loss yet, but I'll let you know as I progress. I'm sooooo looking forward to this journey. Lou
  22. LBdancer

    Holly Cow! Surgery Is Thursday!!!!

    Congratulations!!!... I totally understand what you are feeling because I'm scheduled for next week - right behind you. Good luck and let us know how everything goes. Keep on grinnin'
  23. :dance: Wed. Feb15/06 is my BAND day. :dance: If I could hold a tune, I'd be singing right now ~~~ ....I'm so excited; and I just can't hide it... I had my pre-op tests yesterday and found out that I have Reflux and a Hiatal Hernia. Not good news, but it explains the heartburt I've been having lately. WL will definitely improve my life. Thanks for listening, I just had to share my good news. :high5: WOOHOO !!
  24. Hi Magic, My surgeon and dietitian also recommended a 7 day liquid diet. It's a high Protein, low carb diet designed to shrink the liver. They have to move the liver in order to reach the stomach. Without the diet, high glycogen stores in the liver make it stiff and more likely to tear during the lap band placement. I was told that above all else, everything must be sugar-free. Ask him if his office can email you the procedures and a sample diet/menu. You will also have a post-surgery diet to follow for about 4 to 5 weeks. Good luck in France. Keep posting and let us know how things go with you.
  25. LBdancer

    Got my surgery date with Dr. Spivak!!

    :cheer2:CONGRATULATIONS :high5: and :gluck: on your journey I'm dancing with you.:banana :banana :banana :banana :banana We'll have to start calling you the Smilie queen... I loved your post.

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